Shortcut: WD:PTC

Wikidata:Pencipta sifat

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Property creators and the translation is 32% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

WD:PTC redirects here. For property creation policy page, please see Wikidata:Property creation or use the shortcut WD:PPC.

Di Wikidata, pencipta sifat ialah pengguna yang mempunyai keupayaan teknikal untuk mencipta sifat-sifat melalui antara muka Khas:Sifat baru. Hak pengguna ini dicipta selepas pihak komuniti memutuskan bahawa hanya beberapa orang pengguna terpilih seharusnya mempunyai keupayaan teknikal untuk mencipta sifat, selain daripada penyelia, yang mempunyai hak ini secara lalai. Walau bagaimanapun, bendera pencipta sifat dan penyelia tidak diperlukan untuk menyunting sifat-sifat yang sudah tersedia.

Property creators are expected to strictly follow the procedures and guidance outlined at Wikidata:Property creation.

Para pengguna yang mencipta sifat-sifat diharapkan supaya dapat menjawab dengan baik dan sopan mengenai tindakan-tindakan mereka. Kegagalan berbuat demikian boleh menyebabkan hak tersebut dilucutkan, menurut tatacara biasa.

Langkah-langkah dalam mencipta sifat

Senarai pengguna terkini

Senarai pengguna dengan bendera ini dapat dijumpai di Khas:Senarai pengguna/pencipta sifat. Kini, terdapat 51 orang pencipta sifat.

Para penyelia juga boleh mencipta sifat. Lihat Khas:Senarai pengguna/sysop. Pada masa ini terdapat 73 orang penyelia.

Memohon hak

Property creator rights may be requested at Wikidata:Requests for permissions. Users may self-nominate, or nominate one another; however, users should not be given this right if they do not want it, and non-self-nomination requests should be put on hold until the nominee comments accepting the nomination. The request must be open for at least 48 hours, except in the case of regranting of the right to former property creators and administrators where the reason for removal was uncontroversial or due to inactivity.

Administrators may add the property creator flag to the accounts of users who:

  • are generally trusted members of the community, preferably with at least some history in working with properties, and
  • have shown a satisfactory understanding of how Wikidata works, especially regarding the property namespace, datatypes, and related concepts.

Users should generally not be made property creators solely or primarily based on their work on other projects; property creator is currently the only right unique to Wikidata, and this should be taken into consideration when requesting or granting it.

Responsibility to participate

Property creators are allowed to create any property when considering that there is a reasonable consensus. This right comes together with the responsibility to participate, understood as creating, commenting on property proposals, or responding to property requests. The participation or lack thereof is self-assessed on request of any community member. If the property creator considers that they neglected their responsibilities in the last year or that they have lost interest in the role, that implies losing their right.

Respond to property requests

Property creators and admins (who can also create properties) who are willing to be responsive to property-related requests to contribute to Property Proposal discussions, close discussions which have reached consensus, and create properties can join the WikiProject Properties. The participants of this WikiProject can be contacted by any member of the community who notes that any of these activities are being neglected on a property proposal. This WikiProject is fully voluntary, and if one is no longer actively responsive to requests, they may be removed from said WikiProject. Removal from the WikiProject would not otherwise affect one's holding of property creator rights.

List of property creators

Admins also can create properties:

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