Wikidata:Wikiproject Lieder

Models | Ontology | Tasks | Tab 4 | Participants |
This project aims to collect all Lieder, Lieder cycles and Poems as well as Composers and Poets related to them. We use the world Lied as synonymous for a vocal work, either solo or choral, accompanied or not, by a piano or an orchestra, based on a text in the tradition of the classical music, either in the German tradition or in any other country.

This project is twinned with the Wikidata:WikiProject Music.
Both projects work closely to have coherent models and rules.
[edit]We will work on three different types of items: Poem, Lied and Song cycle. We also have some properties to add to the human (Q5) item related to the works, either composer or lyricist.
[edit]Poem should be instances of literary work (Q7725634).
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
instance of | P31 | Item | instance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <instance of> literary work | - |
form of creative work | P7937 | Item | form of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative work | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <form of creative work> poem | - |
form of creative work | P7937 | Item | form of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative work | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <form of creative work> Lied | - |
author | P50 | Item | author, writer and creator: main creator(s) of a written work (use on works, not humans); use P2093 (author name string) when Wikidata item is unknown or does not exist | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <author> Hermann Rollett | - |
language of work or name | P407 | Item | language: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412)) | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <language of work or name> German | - |
first line | P1922 | Monolingual text | incipit: first line (incipit) of a poem, first sentence of a novel, speech, etc. | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <first line> Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus | - |
copyright status | P6216 | Item | status: copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc. | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <copyright status> public domain | - |
LiederNet text ID | P8237 | External identifier | song text identifier used by the LiederNet Archive | Und schreit' ich in den Wald hinaus <LiederNet text ID> 13779 | - |
Shared properties for Lied and Cycle
[edit]These are the properties shared for both Lied and Cycle items.
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
instance of | P31 | Item | instance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <instance of> musical work/composition | - |
has characteristic | P1552 | Item | quality: inherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possible | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <has characteristic> musical setting | characteristic of |
genre | P136 | Item | genre, by genre and award for best album (genre): creative work's genre or an artist's field of work (P101). Use main subject (P921) to relate creative works to their topic | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <genre> Romantic music | - |
image | P18 | Commons media file | illustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image) | Die Forelle <image> Die Forelle.JPG | - |
language of work or name | P407 | Item | language: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412)) | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <language of work or name> German | - |
publication date | P577 | Point in time | publication date: date or point in time when a work was first published or released | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <publication date> 1856 | - |
publication date with qualifier publisher | P123 | Item | publishing company and publisher: organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <publication date> 1856 <publisher> Breitkopf & Härtel | - |
title | P1476 | Monolingual text | original title and title: published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work | Die Forelle <title> Die Forelle | - |
composer | P86 | Item | composer: person(s) who wrote the music [for lyricist, use "lyrics by" (P676)] | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <composer> Clara Schumann | - |
has lyrics | P6439 | Item | lyrics: work whose text is used as the lyrics of this work | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <has lyrics> Hermann Rollett | - |
copyright status | P6216 | Item | status: copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc. | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <copyright status> public domain | - |
[edit]To add a catalogue and code for each piece, there are two ways of doing it, either if it is an Opus or a different catalogue. For the Opus, we use its own property:
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
opus number | P10855 | String | opus number: number that is assigned to a musical composition, or to a set of compositions, to indicate the chronological order of the composer's production | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <opus number> 23 | - |
For other catalogues, we need to use property catalog code (P528) with qualifier catalog (P972):
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
catalog code | P528 | String | catalog code: catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972 | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <catalog code> 23, n. 3 | - |
catalog code with qualifier catalog | P972 | Item | catalogue: catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of P528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is valid | Die Forelle <catalog code> 550 <catalog> Deutsch catalogue | - |
Shared identifiers for Lied and Cycle
[edit]These are the identifiers shared for both Lied and Cycle items.
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
MusicBrainz work ID | P435 | External identifier | identifier for a work per the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <MusicBrainz work ID> 05e86d18-cf58-4f8f-91b9-760bbbdb6dc8 | - |
IMSLP ID | P839 | External identifier | identifier on the International Music Score Library Project | Der Tod und das Mädchen <IMSLP ID> Der_Tod_und_das_Mädchen,_D.531_(Schubert,_Franz) | - |
Particular properties for Lied
[edit]Lied should be instances of lyrico-musical work (Q114586269).
Here at the wikidata there are two items for the same concept: art song (Q4797274) and Lied (Q216860). We use Lied (Q216860) as a value for form of creative work (P7937).
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
form of creative work | P7937 | Item | form of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative work | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <form of creative work> Lied | - |
form of creative work | P7937 | Item | form of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative work | Ständchen, D 920 <form of creative work> choral music | - |
instrumentation | P870 | Item | instrumentation: combination of musical instruments employed in a composition or accompanying a (folk) dance | Herbst <instrumentation> | - |
instrumentation with qualifier replaces | P1365 | Item | replaced entity: person, state or item replaced. Use "structure replaces" (P1398) for structures. Use "follows" (P155) if the previous item was not replaced or predecessor and successor are identical | Zueignung <instrumentation> orchestra <replaces> piano | replaced by |
part of | P361 | Item | part: object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670)) | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <part of> 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 | has part(s) |
language of work or name | P407 | Item | language: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412)) | Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort <language of work or name> German | - |
publication date | P577 | Point in time | publication date: date or point in time when a work was first published or released | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <publication date> 1856 | - |
publication date with qualifier publisher | P123 | Item | publishing company and publisher: organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <publication date> 1856 <publisher> Breitkopf & Härtel | - |
tonality | P826 | Item | key and tonality: key of a musical composition | Der Tod und das Mädchen <tonality> D minor | - |
Particular identifiers for Lied
[edit]Particular properties for Cycle
[edit]Cycle should be instances of lyrico-musical work (Q114586269).
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
form of creative work | P7937 | Item | form of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative work | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <form of creative work> song cycle | - |
has part(s) | P527 | Item | has part, consist of and meronymy: part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670). | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <has part(s)> Was weinst du, Blümlein | part of |
has part(s) with qualifier series ordinal | P1545 | String | ordinal number: position of an item in its parent series (most frequently a 1-based index), generally to be used as a qualifier (different from "rank" defined as a class, and from "ranking" defined as a property for evaluating a quality) | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <has part(s)> Was weinst du, Blümlein <series ordinal> 1 | - |
Particular identifiers for Cycle
[edit]Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
LiederNet song cycle ID | P8236 | External identifier | song cycle identifier used by the LiederNet Archive | 6 Lieder aus Jucunde, Op. 23 <LiederNet song cycle ID> 28 | - |
[edit]Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
LiederNet composer ID | P8235 | External identifier | composer identifier used by the LiederNet Archive | Diana Arismendi <LiederNet composer ID> 27948 | - |
[edit]Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
LiederNet author ID | P8234 | External identifier | author identifier used by the LiederNet Archive | Rainer Maria Rilke <LiederNet author ID> 2337 | - |
[edit]TODO: make some queries to find already existing items on WD
Main queries
[edit]- All Lieder in WD:
- All Song cycles in WD:
- All poems of a Lied in WD:
Other queries
[edit]- ...
[edit]change all instance of (P31) as musical work/composition (Q105543609) to lyrico-musical work (Q114586269)Done: It hasn't been changed the value but added a new one.
- some Lieder have form of creative work (P7937) as song (Q7366) but not Lied (Q216860). Example, all the songs in this cycle: Pieśni, Op. posth. 74 (Q7210085)
- research on entity schemas (video presentation)
- Check unmatched entries for composer on
- Check unmatched entries for author on
[edit]The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:{{Ping project|Wikiproject Lieder}}
- Robertgarrigos (talk • contribs • logs)