Help:Property constraints portal/Item/fi

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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Property constraints portal/Item and the translation is 35% complete.

item-requires-statement constraint (Q21503247) määrittää sitä käyttäville kohteille tietyn toisen esityksen joka kohteessa tulisi olla. Vastaava rajoitus esityksen arvolle on arvo vaatii väiterajoitteen.

Esimerkiksi kohteiden joissa on esitys ominaisuudelle killed by (P157) tulisi sisältää myös esitykset ominaisuuksille place of death (P20), date of death (P570) sekä manner of death (P1196)homicide (Q149086).

Jos ominaisuutta constraint scope (P4680) ei ole määritelty, this constraint is only checked on the main value of a statement. This is also the only currently supported scope.

There are several possible ways to address a violation of this constraint:

  • The most likely case is that the missing statements should be added to the item.
  • It’s possible that the current item should not have the statement at all, and that the statement should be removed.
  • It’s possible that the item is a rare, but legitimate exception to the constraint, and nothing should be done.


Tällä rajoitteella on yksi pakollinen ja yksi valinnainen parametri.

property (P2306)
Contains the property of the missing statement. Must contain exactly one property (no value Help or unknown value Help is not permitted). To add multiple required statements, add multiple constraints of this type.
item of property constraint (P2305)
Optional; contains the allowed values. no value Help and unknown value Help are interpreted literally, like any normal value (statements with no value Help or unknown value Help are only allowed if these special values are also given in the allowed values).
If this parameter is missing, the constraint only requires that a statement with the given property exists, but places no restriction on the value of that statement.


Esimerkki 1

Example setting for killed by (P157).

property constraint
Normal rank item-requires-statement constraint
property place of death
0 references
add reference
Normal rank item-requires-statement constraint
property date of death
0 references
add reference
Normal rank item-requires-statement constraint
property manner of death
item of property constraint homicide
0 references
add reference

add value

Esimerkki 2

Example setting for Quebec cultural heritage directory ID (P633) which is identifier for the cultural heritage of Quebec. So if certain item has this identifier, the item should be in Canada.

Automatic violations fix

KrBot automatically fixes this constraint violations in the following case:


When the constraint is set to the property, the following template is automatically displayed in the property talk page. The template is created by Module:Constraints using Template:Constraint, invoked from Template:Property documentation. Translations are defined at Module:i18n/constraints.

constraint “item-requires-statement constraint (Q21503247)” declaration error: “Module:Constraints/search:24: attempt to index a nil value”.


Lists of properties which are set item requires statement constraint.