Help:Property constraints portal/Allowed entity types/zh

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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Property constraints portal/Allowed entity types and the translation is 54% complete.

allowed-entity-types constraint (Q52004125) 声明一个属性只能用于特定实体类型。

For example, Wikidata property example (P1855) should only be used on properties—not on items—so P1855 has the following statement:

property constraint (P2302)
Preferred rank allowed-entity-types constraint (Q52004125)
item of property constraint (P2305) Wikibase property (Q29934218)
0 references
add reference

add value

The qualifier constraint scope (P4680) can be used to restrict the constraint to only apply when a property is used as a main value, as a qualifier, or as a references.

如果未指定constraint scope (P4680),則會在任何位置檢查此約束。



  • It’s possible that the property is not the correct one to use for the statement, and a similar but different property should be used instead.
  • It’s possible that the statement should not exist at all, and should be removed.
  • 有可能此声明是一个罕见,但正确的約束例外,无需采取任何行动。



item of property constraint (P2305)
Contains the allowed entity type(s), a subset of Wikibase item (Q29934200)、​Wikibase property (Q29934218)、​Wikibase lexeme (Q51885771)、​Wikibase form (Q54285143)、​Wikibase sense (Q54285715)、​Wikibase MediaInfo (Q59712033).