Wikidata talk:Cradle

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Form for given names


Good idea. I was trying to create two new forms, but somehow I can't get them to work. Ideally one would just input the label, e.g. "Lavell" and the rest would be filled as on Q55559953 (including default description, label repeated in string for statement). Maybe it's the monolingual datatype that doesn't work as I ended up creating it with the public art form.
--- Jura 14:20, 15 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Possible improvements


@Magnus Manske:

  1. Allow setting default descriptions (e.g. for chemical compounds)
  2. Allow a label to be duplicated to several specific languages (e.g. for taxon)
  3. Allow adding sitelinks (and set labels from sitelinks, if possible)
  4. Allow improve an existing item (e.g. with only sitelinks)

--GZWDer (talk) 21:52, 15 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

  • Agree:
    • description also predefined in form
    • or description based on P31 value labels
  • default language for initial label/description
  • maybe string values/alias values based on label value (sample P1705 above)
    --- Jura 05:33, 16 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Prefilled fields from url-parameters would be nice so form could be opened from web page. Example: --Zache (talk) 10:50, 11 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Can't create items containing special characters


@Magnus Manske: It is not possible to create items with values containing some characters, like ₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀ or [].

Example Widar request: JSON: "{\"action\":\"wbeditentity\",\"new\":\"item\",\"data\":\"{\\\"labels\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Test item 1\\\"}],\\\"claims\\\":[{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P31\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"11173\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q11173\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P274\\\",\\\"datatype\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":\\\"[\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"}]}\"}"

Result: Object { error: "Data value corrupt: ", data: [], error2: "Data value corrupt: " }

--GZWDer (talk) 22:43, 15 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

This also does not work: json: "{\"action\":\"wbeditentity\",\"new\":\"item\",\"data\":\"{\\\"labels\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"sandbox\\\"}],\\\"claims\\\":[{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P31\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"16521\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q16521\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P225\\\",\\\"datatype\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":\\\"test\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P105\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"7432\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q7432\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P171\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"4115189\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q4115189\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"}]}\"}"
--GZWDer (talk) 23:23, 15 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Same here. I was trying to create an item for the given name "Cesário" and got this error:
Object { action: "generic", json: "{\"action\":\"wbeditentity\",\"new\":\"item\",\"data\":\"{\\\"labels\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\"},{\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\"}],\\\"descriptions\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"male given name\\\"}],\\\"claims\\\":[{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P31\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"202444\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q202444\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P1705\\\",\\\"datatype\\\":\\\"monolingualtext\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\",\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P282\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"8229\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q8229\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"}]}\"}", tool_hashtag: "cradle", botmode: 1 }
ERROR (aborting) 
Object { action: "generic", json: "{\"action\":\"wbeditentity\",\"new\":\"item\",\"data\":\"{\\\"labels\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\"},{\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\"}],\\\"descriptions\\\":[{\\\"language\\\":\\\"en\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"male given name\\\"}],\\\"claims\\\":[{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P31\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"202444\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q202444\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P1705\\\",\\\"datatype\\\":\\\"monolingualtext\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Cesário\\\",\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"},{\\\"mainsnak\\\":{\\\"snaktype\\\":\\\"value\\\",\\\"property\\\":\\\"P282\\\",\\\"datavalue\\\":{\\\"value\\\":{\\\"entity-type\\\":\\\"item\\\",\\\"numeric-id\\\":\\\"8229\\\",\\\"id\\\":\\\"Q8229\\\"},\\\"type\\\":\\\"wikibase-entityid\\\"}},\\\"type\\\":\\\"statement\\\",\\\"rank\\\":\\\"normal\\\"}]}\"}", tool_hashtag: "cradle", botmode: 1 }
Object { error: "Data value corrupt: ", data: [], jle: 0, error2: "Data value corrupt: " }
--Waldir (talk) 16:51, 25 July 2018‎ (UTC)[reply]

User feedback


There is also some at voy:Wikivoyage_talk:Cooperating_with_Wikidata#h-Creating_a_new_Wikidata_item-2018-08-03T09:55:00.000Z
--- Jura 18:50, 12 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Craddle for Public Artwork, but not for Artwork in general


I would apreciate a craddle for Artwork in general along the line of the Artwork-Template, so that GLAM_Photography Projects can more easily be documented. --Wuselig (talk) 12:20, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Wuselig: - I made a basic form for "artwork". Does this work for you? - PKM (talk) 20:53, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Login error

@Magnus Manske: Hi Magus, the "Log into WiDaR to save!" on Cradble is just plain text, but not a link that directs to allow authentication and login. It would be great if you fix it. Thanks in advance for the help, KCVelaga (talk) 14:04, 16 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Fixed.--Magnus Manske (talk) 08:38, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Another bug


If you try to add more than one aliases in one language, only the last will be saved.--GZWDer (talk) 18:40, 22 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Better organisation of form types?


It's kind of random at present; there's some thematic grouping (article, journal, and webpage together) and it also appears to be partially alphabetical... since it's not currently alphabetical I'd like to group the bibliographic ones sort of together, but alphabetical might be better instead. Mvolz (talk) 12:07, 8 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Magazine article form


Proposed: create a form for adding magazine articles. I have, as yet, only thought of what would be useful for the particular magazine I am working on at Wikisource, so my remarks ought to be expanded on.

Re the 19th-century magazine Once a Week, the basic unit of publication which is being placed on Wikisource is the volumes, each of which contains six months of weekly numbers. Pagination is continuous within each volume. The magazine contents fall into the following general categories: Fiction - Poems - Factual articles - Commentary and essays - Autobiographical narratives (I sometimes don't know whether these last are fact or fiction). Both fiction and articles can be serial/multipart.

Basic data which would be useful:

  • Title and Subtitle
  • Volume and number
  • Pages on which it appears, with a way of handling not only multiple-part works but ones which continue through more than one volume.
  • The author credit as given in the magazine; a large percentage of the articles are unsigned, signed with initials, or pseudonymous
  • The actual author, if known; with appropriate indications of uncertainty if attribution scholars are tentative or disagree with each other.
  • The length in words (I think "to the nearest hundred" would be an appropriate degree of exactness)
  • Some way of indicating that this work is part of a series if applicable
  • Indication that this work is a translation of [X] (unfortunately, I have not been able to identify the original of many of the works which are stated to be translations in Once a Week)
  • The illustrator.
  • A commons category (I have created categories for the multiple illustrations of the longer stories)
  • The form could also be useful in untangling matters of genre, literary form, topic, etc.

Levana Taylor (talk) 23:55, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Levana Taylor: See: Wikidata:Cradle#article. Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 18:08, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
That's a good start, thanks. How would one specify "pages 707–712 of volume 4 and pages 7-12 of volume 5"?
I don't think "length" is particularly useful for articles, people mostly only use it when talking about fiction.
Also, I think the way to handle the situation I described with the authors would be to have the option to use either author (P50) with the qualifier "named as" or author name string (P2093). possible creator (P1779) is also available. I think this would be an occasion for selecting one of those three options. Levana Taylor (talk) 19:33, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Afterthought: I am somewhat confused, because this form combines work-properties like main subject and edition-properties like volume/issue/page. Is this form supposed to create both a work item and an edition item? Levana Taylor (talk) 20:21, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I have tested some of this by entering a piece of serial fiction, both a work item Divorce a Vinculo; or, The Terrors of Sir Cresswell Cresswell (Q63150703) and an edition item Divorce a Vinculo; or, The Terrors of Sir Cresswell Cresswell [1860 serialization] (Q63150832). One ungraceful thing is, I have entered the publication date of each serial chapter as a separate value of "publication date" but I could not find a way to indicate that these are parts rather than repeated instances of the whole. Ditto for the issue numbers and page ranges as qualifiers of "published in." Yes, a human being can easily deduce the truth from the fact that this is a serial, but isn't structured data supposed to be understood by stupid computers as much as possible? Levana Taylor (talk) 02:27, 15 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Book (work)


The (old) Book form still combines work and edition properties. I have created a new form Book (work), but I wouldn;t want to remove the older form without discussion since I don't who is using it.

I am also having a lot of trouble with Cradle timing out - it works intermittently. Is anyone else seeing this, or is it a problem with the book forms? - PKM (talk) 20:43, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@PKM: I agree, we should remove the "old" book form. Cheers, VIGNERON (talk) 14:14, 19 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I have replaced the old "Book" item with new "Book edition 2" (flexible) - this version does not require "author" and "edition or translation of" work, and allows use of "author name string". Also added "Google books ID" to both book edition items. (Personally, if a work-item already exists, I think it's faster to duplicate that item and edit it to make the edition item than to re-enter all the fields in Cradle, but different editing processes probably work for different folks.) - PKM (talk) 21:28, 19 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Cradle for Lexemes



@Magnus Manske: could Cradle be used for Lexemes? (I'm thinking about a "noun" form)

Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk) 14:15, 19 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

  • That could be helpful. A simple page that allows to add a string and a short glos and creates a lexeme with the corresponding lemma, form #1 and sense #1 (lexical category, language, and possibly grammatical features of form #1 prefilled. If this could directly be created from an url, all the better. --- Jura 14:51, 20 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hanging (April 2019)


Cradle is currently hanging for me; I just see the rotating icon, indefinitely. Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 14:38, 20 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Could you please talk to Andy in a respectfull manner? Your'e arrogant grumbling helps nobody. Marcus Cyron (talk) 07:15, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Other than that, what do you think of Andy's acts? --- Jura 08:48, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe Andy made a mistake - who of us never does? But you're acting here from the beginning in a way, that's completely inacceptable. You are not alone, this is a collaborative work. You don't have any right to talk this way to your co-workers here. Got it now? Marcus Cyron (talk) 11:25, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Just wondering, what do you consider the "beginning"? --- Jura 11:29, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]


I'm happy to "explain my acts": "Cradle [was] currently hanging for me; I just [saw] the rotating icon, indefinitely." It seems there was a wider issue yesterday as, I found later, someone raised on Project Chat a few hours before my post here:

Seems that many things are timing-out today. What's happening? --- Jura 10:47, 20 April 2019 (UTC)

How odd that you didn't mention that in your first reply, above. Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 11:50, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Indeed. Marcus Cyron (talk) 18:56, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── @Pigsonthewing: I was just able to create two items (a book/work and an author) in Cradle, although I have had a lot of trouble with Cradle intermittently hanging over the last couple of weeks. My instinct is that items with more fields are more likely to hang, but I don't have enough items to add to really test this hypothesis. - PKM (talk) 21:58, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Adding $0.02 that I was not able to get Cradle to function either, this was on Friday. Levana Taylor (talk) 02:55, 22 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Franziska Heine (WMDE):, @Lydia Pintscher (WMDE):, @Jens Ohlig (WMDE): - obviously, there is a great demand for such a tool here. You need to start to work on it, that must finally be installed firmly in the software. In addition to the possibility of specifying substitutions, also sources. And there must be a possibility, to read existing datasets into the mask for additional data adding. It's not fair, to let such things always on the shoulders of Magnus. -- Marcus Cyron (talk) 13:21, 22 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Still hanging for me as well.--DarwIn (talk) 04:09, 28 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── I've pretty much concluded that Cradle always hangs when I populate title (P1476) and works fine when I don't. I left a message for Magnus. - PKM (talk) 21:45, 27 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]

It appears that it was a bug with monolingual text in general. This should be fixed now, please let me know (on my talk page) if not! --Magnus Manske (talk) 11:24, 28 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! When using several times in a row Cradle with the same form, the first time Cradle says "Item created!" with a link to the new item, but the following times the link stay on that first item, even though Cradle does create the new ones. Could that be fixed? Thank you! --Harmonia Amanda (talk) 07:53, 28 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Possible to integrate with auto text expand browser gadgets ?


I'm not sure if this is a bug or something that can be integrated. I use an auto text expander gadget on my Chrome browser to allow quick entry of shortcuts for repetitive text. Specifically I use this one the one called Auto Text Expander.

What I am finding is when using it to enter labels, even though the screen is reflecting the expanded text when the new item is saved, it is writing the code, not the replaced text.

For example, I have a shortcut of frafp which then is automatically converted to French association football player. When I enter the code in the label section, it switches the display as I would expect, and I see 'French association football player' in the label, however when I actually save the item and then go look at it, it has written frafp into the label. CanadianCodhead (talk) 17:28, 28 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Integration with Wikidata:WikiProject Schemas?


I just found out about Cradle today at WikiCon NA and am wondering whether anyone here has looked in to how this fits with Wikidata:WikiProject Schemas and especially Shape Expressions (Q29377880). --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 23:45, 11 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Daniel Mietchen: in the long run, I think we’ll have an array of schemas defined in ShEx and agreed by the community, and forms in Cradle (or a similar tool-of-the-future) that support item creation in harmony with the approved schemas. It’s early days yet, but I think you’re right, that should be where we’re headed. - PKM (talk) 03:07, 15 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Daniel Mietchen, PKM, Andrawaag: Don't know when it happened, but now it supports SHEX, eg --Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 13:00, 18 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Translating the properties


Is it possible to see the properties of the form in German. The properties of the form I created are only visible in English. It were great if it is possible to get it in the Language of the interface. -- Hogü-456 (talk) 20:45, 27 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I came here to ask for the same feature. It would be very helpful. Thank you @Magnus Manske:! --Scann (talk) 21:36, 8 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

FYI. You might have already been aware. As of 2020-06-15, has returned blank, showing "Loading." Thank you. jshieh (talk)

As of July 28, I get a "loading" hang with Firefox, but the tools seems to work fine in Chrome, so could just be worth exploring other browsers if you hit this problem.DrThneed (talk) 01:27, 28 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hanging (September 2020)


After adding several items successfully, suddenly the "Create item" button hangs indefinitly. Only after I created the item manually, cradle then notices the name/description collision and reactivates the button. There needs to be an indication on what cradle is doing (for example "connection problem, retrying"), and a way to interrupt and restart. Ahoerstemeier (talk) 10:25, 16 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]