User talk:Harmonia Amanda

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Harmonia Amanda/Archive 1 on 2015-08-10.

Xezbeth (talkcontribs)
Xezbeth (talkcontribs)

Similarly illustrator (P110) does not need to be used if they are also the author (P50) as that is redundant. And please update the aliases if you change the en label.

Xezbeth (talkcontribs)
Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Oh thank you, that's very interesting, because I followed the fields on, so everyone using inventaire would gets the same fields. I'll bring it up there so we can change the ontology there!

Reply to "Penciller" (talkcontribs)

You removed sourced statements and added new, unsourced ones (like here, which could be considered as violation of "no original research" rule. The original statements clearly state "genre: novella" (gatunek: nowela). Even if it is wrong, it should not be removed, but the appropriate rank should be set with reason.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Yes, there was a problem with my SPARQL query, this batch should have run only on unsourced statements. I've corrected some already, but if you know the original source we can add them back, with deprecated value since the statement is wrong (and was moved to the correct property).

Reply to "novella"
Wladek92 (talkcontribs)
Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

@Wladek92 : les ateliers se sont arrêtés en 2020, vu l'absence d'intérêt pour les faire sur IRC, et ensuite l'absence de locaux susceptibles de nous accueillir dans des conditions satisfaisantes.

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

oui :( - le covid a tué les ateliers... et c'est bien triste...

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

ok jai mis a jour les infos

Reply to "mise à jour de la page Wikidata:Events/Paris"

Invitation to participate in the WQT UI requirements elicitation online workshop

Kholoudsaa (talkcontribs)

Dear Harmonia Amanda,

I hope you are doing well,

We are a group of researchers from King’s College London working on developing WQT (Wikidata Quality Toolkit), which will support a diverse set of editors in curating and validating Wikidata content.

We are inviting you to participate in an online workshop aimed at understanding the requirements for designing effective and easy-to-use user interfaces (UI) for three tools within WQT that can support the daily activities of Wikidata editors: recommending items to edit based on their personal preferences, finding items that need better references, and generating entity schemas automatically for better item quality.

The main activity during this workshop will be UI mockup sketching. To facilitate this, we encourage you to attend the workshop using a tablet or laptop with PowerPoint installed or any other drawing tools you prefer. This will allow for a more interactive and productive session as we delve into the UI mockup sketching activities.

Participation is completely voluntary. You should only take part if you want to and choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. However, your cooperation will be valuable for the WQT design. Please note that all data and responses collected during the workshop will be used solely for the purpose of improving the WQT and understanding editor requirements. We will analyze the results in an anonymized form, ensuring your privacy is protected. Personal information will be kept confidential and will be deleted once it has served its purpose in this research.

The online workshop, which will be held on April 5th, should take no more than 3 hours.

If you agree to participate in this workshop, please either contact me at or use this form to register your interest Then, I will contact you with all the instructions for the workshop.

For more information about my project, please read this page:

If you have further questions or require more information, don't hesitate to contact me at the email address mentioned above.

Thank you for considering taking part in this project.


Reply to "Invitation to participate in the WQT UI requirements elicitation online workshop"
HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hi Harmonia Amanda!

In female given name for zh-cn there are two spaces between the description and the bracket, see my correction e.g. here. Best regards, Harry

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Sorry it took so long, but it's done!

Reply to "Error in zh-cn"
Ottawahitech (talkcontribs)


You are the second (Think?) French wikimedian I have met in my wiki-travels who does good things for the [[wikimedia movement]] . Keep it up and thanks, Ottawahitech (talk) 17:12, 2 December 2022 (UTC)

Reply to "You French wikimedians rock!"
HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hello Harmonia Amanda!

Would you please add/change more things, I forgot to mention.

  • tg-latn: nasab
  • tg: (brackets missing)
  • ms-arab: (brackets missing)

Best regards, Harry

Reply to "tg, tg-latn, ms-arab"
Madamebiblio (talkcontribs)

Bonjour, je vous demande de bien vouloir modifier les descriptions de "bailarino de hielo" par "bailarín sobre hielo" (+nationalité) afin que les descriptions en espagnol soient correctes. Merci d'avance.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Bonjour @Madamebiblio: ! Je vais corriger "bailarino de hielo" => "bailarín sobre hielo" si c'est la meilleure traduction (comme Wikipedia utilise "modalidad de danza sobre hielo" au lieu du nom, je me suis appuyée sur un article journalistique, visiblement j'ai eu tort). Par contre je ne vais pas pouvoir ajouter la nationalité automatiquement, vu que j'utilise le gadget AutoEdit, qui permet d'ajouter d'un bloc une liste de descriptions. Dans mon expérience, les gens complètent plus facilement une description existante qu'ils n'en ajoutent de nouvelles, et on parle d'un millier d'éléments sans description depuis des années. Mais je peux aussi supprimer l'espagnol de la liste des langues gérées.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Toutes les descriptions sont corrigées, ainsi que le gadget pour le futur. Parmi les traductions présentes sur Wikidata, il y a également "patinador dancístico", et "bailarín de hielo", dois-je corriger ceux-ci aussi au passage ?

Madamebiblio (talkcontribs)

Merci pour ces changements. Sur la question: ehhh oui. La phrase correcte en espagnol: bailarín sobre hielo. La forme la plus couramment utilisée est celle du "patinador artístico sobre hielo" (patineur artistique sur glace). Cependant, il y a l'élément Q17361147 (bailarín sobre hielo). Cordialment.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Pour être sûre de bien comprendre, "patinador artístico sobre hielo" c'est bien "patineur artistique (sur glace)" en général ? Quelqu'un qui pratique la discipline de la danse sur glace spécifiquement (et pas le patinage en simple ou en couple) est un "bailarín sobre hielo" ?

Madamebiblio (talkcontribs)

La différence serait: un danseur (bailarín sobre hielo) exécute des figures mais pas des sauts comme un patineur artistique sur glace. Sur WData Q17361147 est une sous-classe de Q13219587.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Oui je connais bien le patinage artistique et ses disciplines, mais pas les termes en espagnol. Merci !

Madamebiblio (talkcontribs)

D'accord. À votre disposition pour toute question en espagnol. Cordialment.

Reply to "Descripciones en español"

A few suggestions for improving your namescript

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hello Harmonia Amanda, I have a few suggestions for improving your namescript.

Family names in Latin script


  1. az: is in Latin, alias unnecessary
  2. lv: is in Latin, alias unnecessary
  3. min: is in Latin, alias unnecessary
  4. sh: is in Latin, bracket and alias unnecessary
  5. tl: is in Latin, alias unnecessary
  6. ik: is in Latin, alias unnecessary
  7. uz: is in Latin, alias unnecessary

Add to:

  1. ms-arab: add alias
  2. mn: bracket missing
  3. ta: bracket missing


  1. dag: Daŋ yuli
  2. hsb: swójbne mjeno
  3. ml: കുടുംബ നാമം
  4. ms-arab: نام کلوارݢ
  5. tg: насаб
  6. tg-cyrl: насаб
  7. vec: cognome
  8. vro: Väärnimi

You can see the summary of all changes here:

Best regards, HarryNº2

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Hello! Thank you for this! For the aliases, they were specifically requested by users from these languages. For example, Latvian usually transliterate other Latin-script languages, will write a French 'Denis' 'Deniss' and needed the alias to separate it from the actual given name Deniss. Since I don't speak these languages, I trust those users and won't delete the aliases.

Everything else is done! Thank you very much, please continue telling me if you spot problems.

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hello Harmonia Amanda!

Would you please add/change more things, I forgot to mention.

  1. tg-latn: nasab
  2. tg: (brackets missing)
  3. ms-arab: (brackets missing)

Best regards, HarryNº2

Reply to "A few suggestions for improving your namescript"

Hungarian-language description for male given name

Summary by Harmonia Amanda

updated namescript

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hello Harmonia Amanda, I hope you are well!

Could you please change male given name for "hu" from "férfi keresztnév" to "férfiutónév", see User_talk:Palotabarát → Q12308941. Best regards.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Done. It won't correct the existing uses but all new uses with the script will use it.

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

I know because I work intensively with your script every day. Thanks for that, you did very well. I will get back to you in the next few days with some additions and suggestions for corrections. I hope it won't be too much for you. Best wishes!

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

By the way "female given name" is currently 'női keresztnév', I guess a similar change should be done? How is it written? nőiutónév? @User:HarryNº2, Palotabarát:

Ideally, I would need translations for:

  • "Name script"
  • "Add labels and descriptions"
  • "No P1705 property set! Set one and refresh the page."
  • "No P282 property set! Set one and refresh the page."
  • "The script is not supported yet!"
  • "No P1814 property set! Set one and refresh the page."
  • "All labels and descriptions have already been set."
  • "Unknown P31 value! (Keep in mind only the first statement is used.)"
  • "Missing P31 statement!"
  • Japanese surname
  • Korean surname
  • Korean male given name
  • unisex given name
HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately, I can't help you with the Hungarian translation. I think Palotabarát is the right contact person.

Pallor (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the question, it's a "női utónév" in Hungarian, (we write it separately).

Based on a previous discussion (in Hungarian), we prefer these variants for the names:

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

The other two were already in the script, I'll do the correction for the female given name now! (and if at one point you can tell me the other translations to make the script usable in Hungarian, that would be great)

Pallor (talkcontribs)

OK, I ask your patience, I'll install the script to see where the subtitles are displayed. I'll answer tomorrow, OK?

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Yes it's not urgent at all! This script has functioned for years without Hungarian translation, it's just that when I find potentially interested people, I ask them all I can ^^

Pallor (talkcontribs)

Hello Amanda!

I don't know when "unknown-P282" appears, so I can't interpret it.

What I recommend/ask is that you correct these two lines of characters on this page:

  • női keresztnév = női utónév
  • unisex név = uniszex név

add-button "Add labels and descriptions" "Címke és leírás hozzáadása"
no-P1705"No P1705 property set! Set one and refresh the page." "Nem adtál meg P1705 tulajdonságot! Kérlek írd be saját nyelvén, és frissítsd az oldalt!"
no-P282"No P282 property set! Set one and refresh the page." "Nem adtál meg P282 tulajdonságot! Kérlek add meg az írásrendszert, és frissítsd az oldalt!"
unknown-P282"The script is not supported yet!" "Ez az írásrendszer még nem támogatott"
no-P1814"No P1814 property set! Set one and refresh the page." "Nem adtál meg P1814 tulajdonságot! Kérlek írd be a kana nevet és frissítsd az oldalt!"
all-set"All labels and descriptions have already been set." "Az összes címkét és leírást beállítottad"
unknown-P31"Unknown P31 value! (Keep in mind only the first statement is used.)" "Ismeretlen P31 érték! (Ne feledd, hogy csak az első állítást veszi figyelembe.)"
missing-P31"Missing P31 statement!" Nem adtál meg osztályt (P31-et)!
Japanese surnamejapán családnév
Korean surnamekoreai családnév
Korean male given namekoreai férfiutónév
unisex given nameuniszex utónév
hyphenated surnamekötőjeles vezetéknév
HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

The script does not yet support all languages. writing system (P282) means that the language is not yet supported (e.g. Chinese).

Pallor (talkcontribs)

Thanks, I added it!

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Thank you both!