User:Zygimantus/Wikidata lists/Example2

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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?sl ?st {?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q5460604 . OPTIONAL {?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl } . OPTIONAL {?item wikibase:statements ?st } } ORDER BY ?item
# item Article sitelinks statements description image instance of subclass of part of
1 Q7768 ASEAN 154 190 international organisation of Southeast Asian countries
intergovernmental organization
geopolitical group
regional organization
2 Q12536 Abbasid Caliphate 116 85 third Islamic caliphate (750–1258) historical country
3 Q9181 Abraham 181 225 Hebrew patriarch according to the Hebrew Bible
human biblical figure Patriarchs
4 Q91 Abraham Lincoln 282 378 president of the United States from 1861 to 1865 (American, 1809–1865)
5 Q5670 Abu Nuwas 150 116 Iraqi poet
6 Q9381 Adam Smith 206 249 Scottish moral philosopher and political economist (1723-1790)
7 Q352 Adolf Hitler 313 561 dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945
8 Q889 Afghanistan 348 729 country in Central and South Asia
sovereign state
landlocked country
9 Q15 Africa 381 296 continent
geographic location
geographic region
10 Q7159 African Union 165 159 supranational union in Africa
regional organization
continental union
international organization
11 Q12539 Age of Enlightenment 150 72 European cultural movement of the 17th and 18th centuries cultural movement
12 Q8597 Akbar 159 136 3rd Mughal emperor from 1556 to 1605
13 Q8006 Akira Kurosawa 164 351 Japanese filmmaker (1910–1998)
14 Q9546 Al-Ghazali 134 216 Persian Sunni Muslim scholar and mystic (c.1058–1111)
15 Q9038 Al-Khwarizmi 153 150 9th-century mathematician and astronomer
16 Q7251 Alan Turing 181 247 English computer scientist (1912–1954)
17 Q937 Albert Einstein 311 575 German-born theoretical physicist (1879–1955)
18 Q5580 Albrecht Dürer 179 581 German painter, printmaker, mathematician, and theorist (1471–1528)
19 Q7200 Alexander Pushkin 225 446 Russian poet, playwright, and novelist (1799–1837)
20 Q8409 Alexander the Great 245 322 king of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia (356–323 BC)
21 Q7374 Alfred Hitchcock 176 359 English filmmaker (1899–1980)
22 Q262 Algeria 337 707 country in North Africa sovereign state
Mediterranean country
people's republic
North Africa
Muslim world
Arab world
23 Q1286 Alps 201 137 major mountain range system in central Europe
mountain range Alpide belt
24 Q11081 Alzheimer's disease 131 230 progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory loss
rare disease
class of disease
aging-associated disease
25 Q3783 Amazon 201 131 river in South America
26 Q8676 American Civil War 160 139 1861–1865 civil war in the United States between the North and the South
civil war
27 Q10908 Amphibia 167 190 class of tetrapods, whose living forms include frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians
taxon Tetrapoda
28 Q727 Amsterdam 266 320 capital and most populous city of the Netherlands
place with town rights and privileges
big city
port settlement
cadastral populated place in the Netherlands
cycling city
largest city
national capital
29 Q11768 Ancient Egypt 176 86 Egyptian civilization from the 31st century BC to the 1st century BC
ancient civilization
cultural region
historical country
historical region
30 Q11772 Ancient Greece 166 80 Greek civilization from c. 1200 BC to c. 600 AD
art style
ancient civilization
historical region
cultural region
historical period
history of Greece
31 Q5456 Andes 177 95 mountain range running along the western side of South America
mountain range
32 Q5603 Andy Warhol 167 454 American artist, film director, and producer (1928–1987)
33 Q43473 Angkor Wat 131 62 Hindu/Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia
Buddhist temple
archaeological site
Hindu temple
tourist attraction
34 Q51 Antarctica 302 200 polar continent
geographic region
terra nullius
part of the world
35 Q5685 Anton Chekhov 231 369 Russian dramatist and author (1860–1904)
36 Q1340 Antonio Vivaldi 156 313 Italian composer and violinist (1678-1741)
37 Q7298 Antonín Dvořák 140 365 Czech composer
38 Q7172 Arab League 144 164 organization of Arab states
regional organization
political union
international organization
39 Q13955 Arabic 295 209 Semitic language and lingua franca of the Arab world
language Semitic
40 Q8196 Arabic alphabet 145 69 alphabet for Arabic and other languages
Semitic alphabet
unicase alphabet
41 Q8669 Arab–Israeli conflict 109 61 geopolitical conflict in the Middle East and North Africa between Israel and its Arab neighbours
ethnic conflict
international conflict
42 Q1357 Araneae 192 137 order of arachnids
43 Q10872 Archaea 123 352 domain of prokaryotic microorganisms
taxon microorganism
44 Q8739 Archimedes 234 269 Greek mathematician and physicist ( c.287–c.212 BC)
45 Q788 Arctic Ocean 213 128 smallest, shallowest, coldest, and northernmost of the world's major oceans
ocean Atlantic Ocean
World Ocean
46 Q414 Argentina 357 717 sovereign state in South America
sovereign state
federal republic
confessional state
Latin America
ABC nations
South America
Southern Cone
Hispanic America
47 Q868 Aristotle 303 443 Classical Greek philosopher and polymath (384-322 BC)
48 Q1360 Arthropoda 135 175 phylum of invertebrates with jointed exoskeletons
taxon invertebrate
49 Q8589 Ashoka 166 122 3rd-century BC Mauryan Emperor and patron of Buddhism
50 Q48 Asia 377 279 continent
part of the world
geographic region
51 Q1524 Athens 273 339 capital and largest city of Greece
big city
largest city
Free city
52 Q97 Atlantic Ocean 252 232 ocean between Europe, Africa and the Americas
ocean World Ocean
53 Q8018 Augustine of Hippo 215 403 Christian theologian, philosopher, and saint (354–430)
54 Q1405 Augustus 233 298 first emperor of the Roman Empire and founder of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
55 Q408 Australia 378 1455 country in Oceania
sovereign state
Australia and New Zealand
Commonwealth of Nations
56 Q40 Austria 358 711 country in Central Europe sovereign state
landlocked country
successor state
Central Europe
European Union
European Economic Area
57 Q12104 Avena sativa 143 252 type of cereal
taxon cereal grain
useful plant
58 Q8011 Avicenna 183 291 Persian polymath, physician and philosopher (c.980–1037)
59 Q12542 Aztec 135 66 ethnic groups of central Mexico and their civilization civilization
historical ethnic group
60 Q1530 Baghdad 243 189 capital city of Iraq
big city
largest city
federal capital
61 Q545 Baltic Sea 189 191 sea in Northern Europe
mediterranean sea
marginal sea
inland sea
North Atlantic Ocean
World Ocean
62 Q1861 Bangkok 248 228 capital of Thailand
special administrative area of Thailand
first-level administrative division
big city
largest city
national capital
63 Q9610 Bangla 186 115 Indo-Aryan language mostly spoken in Bangladesh and India
natural language
modern language
64 Q902 Bangladesh 328 687 country in South Asia sovereign state
people's republic
South Asia
65 Q956 Beijing 291 352 capital city of China
national capital
66 Q64 Berlin 320 556 federated state, capital and largest city of Germany
seat of government
integrated municipality
Einheitsgemeinde of Germany
Hanseatic city
urban municipality in Germany
town divided by border
independent city in Berlin
largest city
big city
federated state of Germany
federal capital
Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region
agglomeration of Berlin
67 Q323 Big Bang 172 95 hypothetical begin of the Universe through expansion out of an infinitely small and infinitely dense state
cosmological model
big bang
unmoved mover
argument for God's existence
scientific evidence for the existence of God
Big Bounce
68 Q166 Black Sea 225 300 sea between Europe and Asia
adjacent sea
drainage basin
North Atlantic Ocean
Mediterranean Sea Area
69 Q2841 Bogotá 267 219 capital city of Colombia
municipality of Colombia
first-level administrative division
capital district or territory
big city
direct-controlled municipality
human settlement
largest city
70 Q202943 Brahmagupta 117 86 Indian mathematician and astronomer, 598-668 human
71 Q155 Brazil 372 1027 country in South America
sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
Latin America
Southern Cone
South America
72 Q8680 British Empire 150 89 overseas possessions of England and later the United Kingdom (1607–1997) historical country
73 Q11761 Bronze Age 147 82 prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch
archaeological age prehistory Holocene
74 Q748 Buddhism 269 161 Indian religion
major religion
philosophical movement
world view
Indian religions
subject of depiction
75 Q1486 Buenos Aires 266 327 capital and largest city of Argentina
city of Argentina
electoral unit
federal district
first-level administrative division
autonomous city
big city
administrative territorial entity
national capital
federal capital
76 Q12544 Byzantine Empire 174 226 Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages historical country
historical period
Roman Empire
Medieval Rome
77 Q85 Cairo 250 256 capital city of Egypt
big city
largest city
ancient city
tourist destination
national capital
78 Q7375 Camelus 201 101 genus of mammals
taxon ungulate
79 Q16 Canada 378 1211 country in North America
sovereign state
80 Q5465 Cape Town 209 194 city in the Western Cape, South Africa
port settlement
statistical territorial entity
big city
legislative capital
national capital
Western Cape
81 Q1247 Caribbean Sea 174 208 tropical sea of the Atlantic Ocean, located east of Central America, south of the Greater Antilles and north of South America
sea American Mediterranean Sea
North Atlantic Ocean
82 Q6722 Carl Friedrich Gauss 189 302 German mathematician and physicist (1777–1855)
83 Q1043 Carl Linnaeus 205 381 Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist (1707–1778)
84 Q5484 Caspian Sea 194 175 largest of the salt lake between Europe and Asia
endorheic lake
salt lake
body of water
Mediterranean Sea Area
85 Q9592 Catholic Church 195 211 largest Christian Church, made up of 24 autonomous Churches in communion with the Pope
Christian denomination
historic church
Christian Church
86 Q160 Cetacea 141 144 infraorder of mammals
taxon mammal
87 Q9045 Chanakya 132 99 Ancient Indian statesman and philosopher
88 Q3044 Charlemagne 177 334 king of Franks, regarded as the first Holy Roman Emperor (747–814)
89 Q1035 Charles Darwin 265 489 English naturalist and biologist (1809–1882)
90 Q5686 Charles Dickens 231 460 English novelist and social critic (1812–1870)
91 Q2042 Charles de Gaulle 208 339 President of France from 1959 to 1969
92 Q882 Charlie Chaplin 248 397 English comic actor and filmmaker (1889–1977)
93 Q5809 Che Guevara 217 299 Argentine Marxist revolutionary (1928–1967)
94 Q7850 Chinese 250 126 language group of the Sinitic languages
modern language
language group
language family
95 Q5043 Christianity 317 162 Abrahamic monotheistic religion
major religion Abrahamic religion
96 Q7322 Christopher Columbus 233 318 Italian navigator, explorer, and colonist (1451–1506)
97 Q81513 Citrus 104 91 genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)
taxon fruit
98 Q500 Citrus × limon 174 115 nothospecies of plant
taxon useful plant
99 Q239 City of Brussels 229 233 municipality and capital city of Belgium
big city
European City
municipality of Belgium
federal capital
Brussels-Capital Region
100 Q8683 Cold War 193 122 1947–1991 tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies
cold war
perpetual war
proxy war
historical period
low-intensity conflict
101 Q739 Colombia 356 684 sovereign state in South America sovereign state
secular state
Latin America
South America
Hispanic America
102 Q10285 Colosseum 140 175 ancient Roman amphitheatre, a landmark of Rome, Italy
Roman amphitheatre
archaeological site
tourist attraction
archaeological artifact museum
Italian national museum
historical civil building museum
Museum of the Italian Ministry of Culture
archaeological park of Colosseum
103 Q10856 Columbidae 172 139 family of birds
104 Q7785 Commonwealth of Nations 147 99 political association of mostly former British Empire territories
intergovernmental organization
105 Q9581 Confucianism 151 96 Chinese ethical and philosophical system
philosophical movement
Eastern philosophy
106 Q4604 Confucius 300 337 Chinese philosopher and politician (551–479 BCE)
107 Q3503 Congo 153 116 river in central Africa
108 Q8413 Constantine the Great 147 292 Roman emperor from 306 to 337 and first to convert to Christianity
109 Q12546 Crusades 157 94 mass military expeditions and wars initiated by the Roman Catholic Church in the High Middle Ages
military campaign
110 Q241 Cuba 322 571 sovereign state situated on an island in the Caribbean Sea
island country
sovereign state
unitary state
communist state
Latin America
Hispanic America
111 Q7367 Culicidae 182 98 family of nematoceran flies
taxon animal
112 Q8690 Cultural Revolution 117 70 1966–1976 Maoist sociopolitical movement in China
historical event
cultural revolution
culture change
113 Q8209 Cyrillic script 176 87 writing system developed in Bulgaria and used for various oriental Eurasian languages
writing system natural writing system
114 Q8423 Cyrus the Great 137 175 founder of the Achaemenid Empire (559–529 BC)
115 Q7430 DNA 178 144 molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses
structural class of chemical entities nucleic acids
biological macromolecule
DNA binding
DNA metabolic process
DNA catabolic process
DNA biosynthetic process
DNA transport
DNA transmembrane transporter activity
protein-DNA-RNA complex
protein-DNA complex
DNA import into cell involved in transformation
catalytic activity, acting on DNA
116 Q3766 Damascus 225 209 capital and largest city of Syria
big city
populated place in Syria
national capital
largest city
117 Q1067 Dante Alighieri 258 489 Florentine poet, writer, and philosopher (c. 1265–1321)
118 Q1653 Danube 188 478 second-longest river in Europe
transboundary river
119 Q41585 David Hilbert 156 301 German mathematician (1862–1943)
120 Q1353 Delhi 198 225 metropolis of India
largest city
Indo-Gangetic Plain
Yamuna-Ganga Doab
121 Q974 Democratic Republic of the Congo 314 770 country in Central Africa
sovereign state
Central Africa
122 Q1354 Dhaka 209 142 capital and largest city of Bangladesh
financial centre
largest city
123 Q297 Diego Velázquez 155 379 Spanish painter (1599-1660)
124 Q9106 Dmitri Mendeleiev 169 247 Russian chemist
125 Q8265 Dream of the Red Chamber 107 139 one of China's Four Great Classical Novels
literary work Four Great Classical Novels
126 Q612 Dubai 206 179 most populous city in the United Arab Emirates and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai
administrative territorial entity
big city
global city
largest city
127 Q2 Earth 345 468 third planet from the Sun in the Solar System
terrestrial planet
inner planet of the Solar System
Earth-Moon system
128 Q79 Egypt 367 666 country in Northeast Africa and Southwest Asia sovereign state
transcontinental country
Mediterranean country
North Africa
Middle East
West Asia
129 Q243 Eiffel Tower 176 197 tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France
lattice tower
observation tower
tourist attraction
banks of the Seine
130 Q7939 El Niño 107 47 climatic phenomenon occurring in the Pacific Ocean
type of meteorological phenomenon meteorological phenomenon El Niño Southern Oscillation
131 Q7207 Elizabeth I of England 171 287 Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603
132 Q303 Elvis Presley 206 393 American singer and actor (1935–1977)
133 Q613 Emirate of Dubai 97 93 one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates
emirate of the United Arab Emirates
134 Q9188 Empire State Building 115 122 skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City
office building
tourist attraction
Seven Wonders of the Modern World
135 Q1860 English 380 387 West Germanic language
natural language
modern language
136 Q8753 Enrico Fermi 163 275 Italian-American physicist (1901-1954)
137 Q8272 Epic of Gilgamesh 121 71 epic poem from Mesopotamia, is amongst the earliest surviving works of literature
literary work
138 Q9123 Ernest Rutherford 166 310 New Zealand physicist (1871–1937)
139 Q9130 Erwin Schrödinger 154 251 Austrian physicist (1887–1961)
140 Q143 Esperanto 281 219 international auxiliary language designed by L. L. Zamenhof
planned language
international auxiliary language
a posteriori language
constructed language
modern language
141 Q115 Ethiopia 325 656 country in the Horn of Africa
sovereign state
landlocked country
142 Q8747 Euclid 188 254 ancient Greek mathematician, inventor of axiomatic geometry
143 Q4916 Euro 227 218 currency of most countries in the European Union
decimal currency
obsolete currency
special drawing rights
144 Q46 Europe 389 305 continent in the Northern Hemisphere
part of the world
145 Q458 European Union 300 661 political and economic union of 27 European states
regional organization
political economic union
supranational union
European Economic Area
146 Q7371 Federico Fellini 151 320 Italian filmmaker (1920–1993)
147 Q1496 Ferdinand Magellan 184 170 Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain
148 Q7386 Formicidae 221 124 family of insects
taxon Hymenoptera
149 Q142 France 389 1035 country in Western Europe
sovereign state
Western Europe
Pyrenees–Mediterranean Euroregion
European Union
European Economic Area
150 Q5432 Francisco Goya 171 474 Spanish painter and printmaker (1746–1828)
151 Q5604 Frank Lloyd Wright 168 277 American architect (1867-1959)
human POPiS
152 Q8007 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 227 334 president of the United States from 1933 to 1945
153 Q905 Franz Kafka 224 393 Bohemian writer from Prague (1883–1924)
154 Q7312 Franz Schubert 158 317 Austrian composer (1797–1828)
155 Q150 French 337 279 Romance language
modern language
natural language
Southern European language
156 Q6534 French Revolution 178 104 revolution in France from 1789 to 1799
historical event
157 Q5588 Frida Kahlo 184 272 Mexican painter (1907–1954)
158 Q9358 Friedrich Nietzsche 244 486 German philosopher (1844–1900)
159 Q1268 Frédéric Chopin 187 409 Polish composer and pianist (1810–1849)
160 Q991 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 238 428 Russian novelist (1821–1881)
161 Q125851781 Fâtih Sultan Mehemmed Han 0 17 The book about Mehmed the Conqueror written by Halil İnalcık publication
162 Q5878 Gabriel García Márquez 197 277 Colombian writer and Nobel laureate (1927–2014)
163 Q8778 Galen 127 245 Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher (129-c.216)
164 Q307 Galileo Galilei 261 386 Italian polymath
165 Q5089 Ganges 166 98 major river in India
166 Q720 Genghis Khan 199 236 founder and first khan of the Mongol Empire
167 Q5683 Geoffrey Chaucer 169 300 14th century English poet and author
168 Q9235 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 183 342 German philosopher and theologian (1770–1831)
169 Q7302 George Frideric Handel 147 386 German-British Baroque composer (1685–1759)
170 Q23 George Washington 254 391 president of the United States from 1789 to 1797
human Founding Fathers of the United States
171 Q188 German 347 224 West Germanic language spoken mainly in Central Europe
modern language
South Germanic
West Germanic
172 Q183 Germany 385 1182 country in Central Europe
sovereign state
173 Q7311 Giacomo Puccini 138 297 Italian opera composer (1858–1924)
174 Q179277 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 105 221 Italian Renaissance composer (c. 1525–1594)
175 Q7317 Giuseppe Verdi 167 352 Italian opera composer (1813–1901)
176 Q13217298 Giza Pyramids 79 29 part of the archaeological site on the Giza plateau, near Cairo, Egypt, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure, along with their associated pyramid complexes and the Great Sphinx of Giza
Ancient Egyptian necropolis Memphis
Giza pyramid complex
177 Q11413 Go 135 83 board game for two players that originated in China more than 2,500 years ago
mind sport board game
game on cell board
two-player game
four arts of the Chinese scholar
178 Q190 God 251 150 principal object of faith in monotheistic religions, a divine entity that created and typically supervises all existence
religious concept creator deity
religious character
179 Q9047 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 199 429 German mathematician and philosopher (1646–1716)
180 Q7343 Great Barrier Reef 150 74 over 2300 km long coral reef off Australia's northeast coast, UNESCO World Heritage Site
coral reef
181 Q8698 Great Depression 119 98 worldwide economic depression (1929–1939)
economic crisis
historical period
182 Q7347 Great Lakes 145 66 group of lakes in North America
group of interconnected lakes
183 Q12501 Great Wall of China 181 115 series of fortifications built along the historical border of China
tourist attraction
fortified line
184 Q9129 Greek 251 152 Indo-European language
modern language
Southern European language
185 Q8216 Greek alphabet 160 93 script used to write the Greek language
natural writing system
bicameral script
186 Q12138 Gregorian calendar 200 67 internationally accepted civil calendar
arithmetic calendar
solar calendar
interval scale
187 Q11774 Gupta Empire 110 50 ancient Indian empire (c. 3rd century CE–575 CE)
historical country
188 Q7304 Gustav Mahler 138 301 Austrian late-Romantic composer (1860–1911)
189 Q12199 HIV/AIDS 204 216 spectrum of conditions caused by HIV infection
endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
190 Q6240 Hafez 152 166 Persian poet and mystic (1325–1390)
191 Q12506 Hagia Sophia 135 127 Ottoman-era grand mosque and former Byzantine Orthodox patriarchal cathedral
tourist attraction
Historic Areas of Istanbul
192 Q7209 Han dynasty 124 73 imperial dynasty in China from 202 BC to 220 AD
Chinese dynasty
historical Chinese state
historical period
historical country
Qin Han
Early Imperial China
193 Q8222 Hangul 131 75 native alphabet of the Korean language
phonemic transcription
phonetic writing system
featural writing system
alphabetic writing system
constructed writing system
unicase alphabet
194 Q5673 Hans Christian Andersen 236 445 Danish writer and poet (1805–1875)
195 Q9288 Hebrew 245 138 Northwest Semitic language
natural language
modern language
Jewish languages
196 Q5589 Henri Matisse 168 490 French artist
197 Q8768 Henry Ford 190 216 American business magnate (1863–1947)
198 Q7326 Hernán Cortés 159 209 Spanish conquistador
199 Q5451 Himalayas 197 105 mountain range in Asia
mountain range Alpide belt
Larger Himalaya
200 Q9089 Hinduism 257 154 religion widely practiced in the Indian subcontinent
major religion
Indian religions
folk religion
state religion
201 Q11051 Hindustani 110 72 Indo-Aryan language spoken in South Asia, comprising the two normative forms of Hindi and Urdu
natural language
modern language
common language
Western Hindi
202 Q12548 Holy Roman Empire 169 190 multi-ethnic complex of territories in Western and Central Europe (800/962–1806) historical country
203 Q6691 Homer 262 367 reputed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
human whose existence is disputed Greek mythology
204 Q8646 Hong Kong 287 539 city and special administrative region of China
special administrative region
big city
global city
dependent territory
human settlement
customs territory of China
People's Republic of China
East Asia
205 Q11577 Hordeum vulgare 169 185 species of plant
grain crop
206 Q12551 Hundred Years' War 122 94 series of conflicts and wars between England and France between 1337 and 1453
war Anglo-French Wars
207 Q7331 Ibn Battuta 152 143 14th century Muslim Maghrebi scholar and explorer
208 Q9294 Ibn Khaldun 156 178 Arab historiographer and historian (1332–1406)
209 Q7314 Igor Stravinsky 153 356 Russian composer (1882–1971)
210 Q8275 Iliad 167 230 epic poem attributed to Homer
literary work
epic poem
oral poetry
Homeric epics
211 Q9312 Immanuel Kant 239 355 German philosopher (1724–1804) of the Enlightenment
212 Q28573 Inca Empire 124 60 1438–1533 empire in South America
historical country
213 Q668 India 382 1596 country in South Asia country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
Democratic Republic
federal republic
South Asia
Commonwealth of Nations
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
Non-Aligned Movement
214 Q1239 Indian Ocean 237 330 ocean bounded by Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica
geographic region
World Ocean
215 Q252 Indonesia 348 1580 country in Southeast Asia and Oceania
sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
Southeast Asia
United Nations
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
216 Q7348 Indus River 149 76 river in Asia
217 Q2269 Industrial Revolution 149 74 transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the 18th-19th centuries
historical period economic development
218 Q205 Infinity 129 61 Mathematical concept
mathematical concept cardinality
219 Q7546 Ingmar Bergman 155 321 Swedish director and screenwriter (1918–2007)
220 Q7801 International Court of Justice 128 127 primary judicial organ of the United Nations
international court
principal organ of the United Nations
United Nations System
United Nations
221 Q7804 International Monetary Fund 153 244 international organisation
international financial institution
specialized agency of the United Nations
222 Q7178 International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 136 125 international humanitarian movement
international non-governmental organization
aid agency
223 Q12457 International System of Units 153 59 system of units, based on the International System of Quantities, their names and symbols, including a series of prefixes and their names and symbols, together with rules for their use (International Vocabulary of Metrology) international standard
technical standard
coherent system of units
metric system
224 Q75 Internet 281 164 global system of connected computer networks based on IP addressing and routing protocols
IP network
computer network
telecommunications network
225 Q794 Iran 359 732 country in Western Asia sovereign state
Islamic Republic
successor state
Middle East
West Asia
226 Q796 Iraq 332 577 sovereign state in western Asia sovereign state
Middle East
West Asia
227 Q11764 Iron Age 149 79 archaeological and historical period
archaeological period
historical period
228 Q935 Isaac Newton 292 395 English mathematician and physicist (1642–1727)
229 Q432 Islam 323 277 Abrahamic religion founded by Muhammad
major religion Abrahamic religion
230 Q801 Israel 362 815 country in Middle East
sovereign state
Mediterranean country
geographic region
state with limited recognition
Middle East
West Asia
231 Q406 Istanbul 277 326 city in Turkey located at the Bosporus Strait
metropolitan municipality in Turkey
former capital
largest city
port settlement
big city
ancient city
232 Q38 Italy 394 923 country in Southern Europe
sovereign state
European Union
European Economic Area
Southern Europe
233 Q7321 Jacques Cartier 152 136 Breton maritime explorer of North America (1491–1557)
234 Q9232 Jainism 150 88 Indian religion
religion religion
235 Q3630 Jakarta 237 237 former capital city and smallest province of Indonesia
province of Indonesia
global city
largest city
former national capital
national capital
236 Q9095 James Clerk Maxwell 151 242 Scottish physicist (1831–1879)
237 Q7324 James Cook 174 264 British explorer, cartographer and naval officer (1728–1779)
238 Q6882 James Joyce 193 359 Irish novelist and poet (1882–1941)
239 Q8962 James Prescott Joule 130 143 English physicist and brewer (1818-1889)
240 Q9041 James Watt 153 193 British engineer (1736–1819)
241 Q36322 Jane Austen 190 378 English novelist (1775–1817)
242 Q17 Japan 403 877 island country in East Asia
sovereign state
island country
East Asia
243 Q5287 Japanese 280 169 language spoken in East Asia
natural language
modern language
244 Q1047 Jawaharlal Nehru 182 227 Prime Minister of India from 1947 to 1964
245 Q6527 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 220 384 Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer (1712–1778)
246 Q9364 Jean-Paul Sartre 192 365 French existentialist philosopher (1905–1980)
247 Q1218 Jerusalem 284 371 city in the Middle East, holy to the three Abrahamic religions
city Greater Jerusalem
248 Q302 Jesus 327 506 central figure of Christianity (6 or 4 BC – AD 30 or 33)
human biblical figure
249 Q7226 Joan of Arc 180 264 French folk heroine and Roman Catholic saint (1412–1431)
250 Q1339 Johann Sebastian Bach 250 483 German composer (1685–1750)
251 Q5879 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 267 566 German writer, artist, natural scientist and politician (1749–1832)
252 Q7294 Johannes Brahms 149 338 German composer (1833–1897)
253 Q8958 Johannes Gutenberg 168 191 German inventor and craftsman (1400-1468)
254 Q8963 Johannes Kepler 177 305 German mathematician and astronomer (1571–1630)
255 Q9353 John Locke 197 291 English philosopher and physician (1632–1704)
256 Q9317 John Maynard Keynes 173 258 British economist (1883–1946)
257 Q909 Jorge Luis Borges 183 397 Argentine writer, essayist, poet and translator (1899–1986)
258 Q7349 Joseph Haydn 150 326 Austrian composer (1732–1809)
259 Q855 Joseph Stalin 264 462 leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953
260 Q9268 Judaism 252 153 Abrahamic monotheistic ethnic religion of the Jews
ethnic religion
monotheistic religion
Abrahamic religion
261 Q1048 Julius Caesar 277 428 Roman general and dictator (100–44 BC)
262 Q319 Jupiter 258 254 fifth planet from the Sun and largest planet in the Solar System
outer planet
gas giant
superior planet
outer Solar System
263 Q7011 Kalidasa 159 149 Classical Sanskrit poet and playwright
264 Q8660 Karachi 195 149 provincial capital of Sindh, Pakistan
administrative territorial entity
city or town
big city
largest city
state capital
265 Q9061 Karl Marx 296 427 German-born philosopher (1818–1883)
human Marx siblings
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
266 Q5586 Katsushika Hokusai 162 317 Japanese artist (1760-1849)
267 Q3838 Kinshasa 199 191 capital and the largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
first-level administrative division
border city
268 Q1348 Kolkata 188 208 capital city of West Bengal, India
municipal corporation of West Bengal
state capital
269 Q9176 Korean 206 139 language spoken in Korean Peninsula and some parts of North-eastern China
natural language
modern language
270 Q8620 Kwame Nkrumah 146 180 Ghanaian pan-Africanist and the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana (1909-1972)
271 Q8673 Lagos 178 134 largest city and former capital of Nigeria
port settlement
big city
metropolitan area
federal capital
former national capital
272 Q5513 Lake Baikal 169 122 freshwater rift lake in southern Siberia, Russia
273 Q5511 Lake Tanganyika 140 81 lake in Africa
lake African Great Lakes
Rift Valley lakes
274 Q5505 Lake Victoria 149 84 lake in east-central Africa
lake African Great Lakes
275 Q9333 Laozi 203 205 6th-century BC semi-legendary Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism
human whose existence is disputed
276 Q397 Latin 294 168 Indo-European language of the Italic branch
dead language
ancient language
sacred language
Southern European language
277 Q8229 Latin script 176 78 writing system used to write most Western, Northern and Central European languages
writing system alphabetic writing system
278 Q4724 Le Corbusier 186 374 Swiss-French architect, designer, urbanist, and writer (1886–1965)
279 Q7243 Leo Tolstoy 268 547 Russian author (1828–1910)
280 Q762 Leonardo da Vinci 297 575 Italian Renaissance polymath (1452−1519)
281 Q7604 Leonhard Euler 183 338 Swiss mathematician, physicist, and engineer (1707–1783)
282 Q7071 Li Bai 183 188 Classical Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty (701–762)
human Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup
283 Q84 London 343 438 capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom
financial centre
global city
largest city
national capital
284 Q5679 Lord Byron 208 414 English Romantic poet and lyricist (1788–1824)
285 Q65 Los Angeles 265 385 largest city in California, United States of America
charter city
city in the United States
global city
business cluster
big city
286 Q1779 Louis Armstrong 165 322 American jazz trumpeter and singer (1901–1971)
human Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
287 Q529 Louis Pasteur 195 328 French chemist and microbiologist (1822-1895)
288 Q7742 Louis XIV of France 173 335 King of France and Navarra, from 1643 to 1715
289 Q9391 Ludwig Wittgenstein 163 302 Austrian philosopher and logician (1889-1951)
290 Q255 Ludwig van Beethoven 259 473 German composer (1770–1827)
291 Q2807 Madrid 293 390 municipality and capital of Spain
municipality of Spain
tourist destination
national capital
Villa y corte
292 Q8276 Mahabharata 160 99 ancient Sanskrit epic by Vyasa
written work
religious text
293 Q1001 Mahatma Gandhi 274 390 Indian independence activist (1869–1948)
294 Q184536 Mali Empire 92 65 empire in West Africa from c.1230 to 1670
historical country
295 Q5816 Mao Zedong 218 319 1st Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party and founder of the People's Republic of China (1893–1976)
296 Q7199 Marcel Proust 180 306 French novelist, critic and essayist (1871–1922)
297 Q6101 Marco Polo 203 258 Venetian explorer and merchant who travelled through Asia
298 Q7186 Marie Curie 224 366 Polish and French physicist and chemist (1867–1934)
human Pierre and Marie Curie
299 Q4616 Marilyn Monroe 229 490 American actress and model (1926–1962)
300 Q7245 Mark Twain 239 403 American author and humorist (1835–1910)
301 Q4612 Marlene Dietrich 191 440 German and American actress and singer
302 Q111 Mars 289 232 fourth planet in the Solar System from the Sun
inner planet of the Solar System
superior planet
inner Solar System
303 Q48301 Martin Heidegger 140 308 German philosopher (1889–1976)
304 Q9554 Martin Luther 240 457 German priest, theologian and author (1483–1546)
305 Q8027 Martin Luther King Jr. 231 344 American Baptist minister and civil rights leader (1929–1968)
306 Q7264 Marxism 159 87 economic and sociopolitical worldview
economic theory
political ideology
school of economic thought
307 Q5676 Matsuo Bashō 192 209 Japanese poet
308 Q9021 Max Planck 178 325 German theoretical physicist (1858-1947)
309 Q9387 Max Weber 163 316 German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist (1864–1920)
310 Q28567 Maya civilization 130 50 Mesoamerican former civilization
historical country
ancient civilization
pre-Columbian era
311 Q5806 Mecca 220 157 Saudi Arabian city and capital of the Makkah province
tourist attraction
holy city of Islam
holy city
312 Q4918 Mediterranean Sea 257 420 sea between Europe, Africa and Asia
adjacent sea
mediterranean sea
drainage basin
North Atlantic Ocean
Mediterranean Sea Area
313 Q8707 Meiji restoration 105 42 reform restoring the imperial rule in Japan in the last third of the 19th century
314 Q308 Mercury 258 155 smallest and closest planet to the sun in the Solar System
inferior planet
inner planet of the Solar System
inner Solar System
315 Q11767 Mesopotamia 161 95 historical region within the Tigris–Euphrates river system
cultural landscape
ancient civilization
historical region
316 Q96 Mexico 389 1169 country in North America
sovereign state
federal republic
Democratic Republic
constitutional republic
Next Eleven
Latin America
North America
Hispanic America
317 Q1489 Mexico City 243 318 capital and largest city of Mexico
federative entity of Mexico
big city
largest city
federal capital
Greater Mexico City
318 Q8750 Michael Faraday 172 244 Scientist
319 Q2831 Michael Jackson 311 591 American singer, songwriter, and dancer (1958–2009)
320 Q5592 Michelangelo 251 492 Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet (1475–1564)
321 Q12554 Middle Ages 193 111 period of European history from the 5th to the late 15th-century
historical period
322 Q7204 Middle East 233 145 geopolitical region encompassing Egypt and most of Western Asia, including Iran
geographic region
cultural region
Middle East and North Africa
The Near and Middle East
323 Q5682 Miguel de Cervantes 234 379 Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright (1547-1616)
324 Q321 Milky Way 197 191 spiral galaxy in the Local Group containing the Solar System; its appearance across the night sky in areas with little to no light pollution
barred spiral galaxy Milky Way subgroup
Local Group
325 Q5600 Mimar Sinan 125 101 16th-century Ottoman chief architect and civil engineer
326 Q9903 Ming dynasty 125 123 imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644
historical Chinese state
historical period
Ming Qing
Late Imperial China
327 Q1497 Mississippi River 169 157 largest river system in North America
main stream
328 Q687 Molière 213 356 French playwright and actor (1622–1673)
329 Q25326 Mollusca 135 130 large phylum of invertebrate animals
taxon animal
330 Q12557 Mongol Empire 128 88 13th- and 14th-century empire originating in Mongolia historical country
331 Q405 Moon 334 194 Earth's only natural satellite
planetary moon
planetary-mass moon
regular moon
Earth-Moon system
332 Q649 Moscow 330 696 capital and most populous city of Russia
capital of Russia
federal city of Russia
big city
largest city
city or town
Central Federal District
333 Q9077 Moses 186 243 Abrahamic prophet said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt
human biblical figure
334 Q513 Mount Everest 221 191 Earth's highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas
tourist attraction
Seven Summits
ultra-prominent peak
335 Q7296 Mount Kilimanjaro 175 88 mountain massif in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania
tourist attraction
dormant volcano
Great Rift Valley
Seven Summits
Volcanic Seven Summits
Highest mountain peaks of Africa
ultra-prominent peak
Seven Third Summits
336 Q9458 Muhammad 266 311 founder and main prophet of Islam (c. 570–632)
human Ulu'l-azm
prophet of Islam
prophet of Islam that mentioned on the Qur'an
أنبياء العرب
337 Q1156 Mumbai 216 218 capital city in Maharashtra, India
state capital
business cluster
338 Q5152 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 240 269 founding father of the Republic of Turkey (c. 1881-1938)
339 Q7184 NATO 225 339 intergovernmental military alliance between 32 member states
military alliance
intergovernmental organization
international organization
multinational military coalition
340 Q171195 Nagarjuna 113 105 3rd-century Indian Buddhist philosopher
human Six Ornaments and Two Supreme Ones
341 Q7176 Naguib Mahfouz 160 235 Egyptian writer (1911–2006)
342 Q3870 Nairobi 216 133 capital city of Kenya
administrative territorial entity of Kenya
big city
Southern Rift Valley
343 Q517 Napoleon 272 510 French military leader, French Emperor 1804–1814 and again in 1815
human Napoleon I of France and Josephine
344 Q7318 Nazi Germany 166 132 Germany from 1933 to 1945 while under control of the Nazi Party historical country
345 Q1615 Neil Armstrong 210 258 American astronaut and lunar explorer (1930–2012)
human NASA Astronaut Group 2
346 Q8023 Nelson Mandela 280 374 First President of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist (1918–2013)
347 Q5185 Nematoda 108 97 phylum of worms with tubular digestive systems with openings at both ends
taxon worm
348 Q332 Neptune 240 175 eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System
ice giant
outer planet
superior planet
outer Solar System
349 Q55 Netherlands 355 700 country in Northwestern Europe with territories in the Caribbean
country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kingdom of the Netherlands
European Union
350 Q60 New York City 309 546 most populous city in the United States
city in the United States
351 Q1399 Niccolò Machiavelli 213 337 Italian diplomat and political and military theorist (1469–1527)
352 Q619 Nicolaus Copernicus 203 334 Polish mathematician and astronomer (1473–1543)
353 Q3542 Niger River 146 88 river in West Africa
354 Q1033 Nigeria 323 1100 sovereign state in West Africa
sovereign state
federal republic
West Africa
355 Q9036 Nikola Tesla 205 253 Serbian-American inventor (1856–1943)
356 Q3392 Nile 226 140 major river in northeastern Africa
357 Q9049 Noam Chomsky 176 448 American linguist and activist (born 1928)
358 Q7191 Nobel Prize 220 126 set of annual international awards, primarily 5 established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel
science award
359 Q83201 Non-Aligned Movement 89 78 group of states which are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc
intergovernmental organization
international organization
360 Q49 North America 312 251 continent
361 Q934 North Pole 165 55 one of the two points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
geographical pole Earth's poles
362 Q1693 North Sea 183 226 marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean
northern sea North Atlantic Ocean
363 Q55643 Oceania 157 133 geographical region
geographic region
part of the world
Earth's surface
364 Q5389 Olympic Games 219 142 major international multi-sport event organised by International Olympic Committee
recurring sporting event international competition
multi-sport event
recurring sporting event
365 Q1110560 Omm Kalthum 102 115 Egyptian singer and actress (1898–1975)
366 Q8258 One Thousand and One Nights 153 111 collection of Middle Eastern folk stories
literary work
367 Q7795 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 138 206 international organization of petroleum-exporting countries
international organization
advocacy group
intergovernmental organization
368 Q8442 Otto von Bismarck 206 360 German statesman and Chancellor (1815-1898)
369 Q12560 Ottoman Empire 192 199 multiethnic empire with the monarchs from the Ottoman dynasty (1299–1922) historical country Central Powers
370 Q7198 Ovid 189 309 Roman poet (43 BC – 17/18 AD)
371 Q5593 Pablo Picasso 253 665 Spanish painter and sculptor (1881–1973)
372 Q98 Pacific Ocean 261 585 ocean between Asia, Australia and the Americas
ocean World Ocean
373 Q843 Pakistan 340 709 sovereign state in South Asia
sovereign state
374 Q7350 Panama Canal 153 89 large canal in Panama
ship canal Seven Wonders of the Modern World
375 Q90 Paris 347 557 capital city of France
territorial collectivity of France with special status
global city
largest city
department of France
376 Q10288 Parthenon 128 118 former temple of Athena on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece
ancient Greek temple
Ancient Greek archaeological site
tourist attraction
religious building ruin
Acropolis of Athens
377 Q148 People's Republic of China 379 1175 country in East Asia
sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
East Asia
378 Q9168 Persian 258 139 Western Iranian language
natural language
modern language
field of study
dialect continuum
language family
dialect group
New Persian languages of Iran
379 Q5599 Peter Paul Rubens 158 717 Flemish painter (1577–1640)
380 Q8479 Peter the Great 169 250 The last Tsar and the first Emperor of Russia (1682–1725)
381 Q928 Philippines 319 899 archipelagic country in Southeast Asia sovereign state
archipelagic state
Southeast Asia
382 Q859 Plato 292 468 Greek philosopher (c. 427 – 348 BC)
383 Q36 Poland 377 909 country in Central Europe
sovereign state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
successor state
Central Europe
Eastern Europe
European Union
European Economic Area
384 Q45 Portugal 349 634 country in Southwestern Europe sovereign state
colonial power
South-West Europe
European Union
European Economic Area
385 Q5146 Portuguese 280 165 Western Romance language of the Indo-European language family
modern language
386 Q12562 Protestant Reformation 146 76 16th-century movement in Western Christianity
subject heading
schism from the Catholic Church
387 Q7315 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 179 376 Russian composer (1840–1893)
388 Q11518 Pythagorean theorem 134 69 relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle
theorem list of theorems
389 Q7192 Qin Shi Huangdi 191 115 first emperor of Qin Dynasty
390 Q8733 Qing dynasty 136 150 Manchu-led dynasty of China (1644–1912) historical Chinese state
historical period
Ming Qing
Late Imperial China
391 Q7241 Rabindranath Tagore 236 393 Bengali poet, philosopher and polymath (1861–1941)
392 Q5597 Raphael 181 464 Italian painter and architect (1483–1520)
393 Q5598 Rembrandt 192 639 Dutch painter and printmaker (1606–1669)
394 Q4692 Renaissance 179 102 cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century
art movement
cultural movement
395 Q9191 René Descartes 241 407 French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist
396 Q10811 Reptilia 171 193 group (class or clade) of tetrapod animals
taxon Tetrapoda
397 Q584 Rhine 179 297 river in Western Europe
main stream
national waterways in Germany
Rhine basin
France–Germany border
Liechtenstein–Switzerland border
European Union–Switzerland border
Germany–Switzerland border
Austria–Switzerland border
398 Q1511 Richard Wagner 195 429 German composer (1813–1883)
399 Q8678 Rio de Janeiro 297 336 capital and largest city of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
municipality of Brazil
big city
federal capital
former national capital
400 Q926 Roald Amundsen 177 239 Norwegian explorer; first person to reach the South Pole
401 Q5463 Rocky Mountains 155 99 major mountain range in western North America
non-geologically related mountain range
402 Q10850 Rodentia 140 159 order of mammals
taxon fur-bearing animal
403 Q2277 Roman Empire 197 219 period of ancient Rome following the Republic
historical period
historical country
Ancient Rome
404 Q220 Rome 328 465 capital and largest city of Italy
border city
abolished municipality in Italy
tourist destination
largest city
college town
big city
commune of Italy
national capital
405 Q7231 Rosa Luxemburg 176 279 German-Polish Marxist theorist, socialist philosopher, and revolutionary, editor (1871–1919)
406 Q159 Russia 402 1174 sovereign state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia
sovereign state
secular state
transcontinental country
successor state
Post-Soviet states
European Union tax haven blacklist
407 Q7737 Russian 305 292 East Slavic language
modern language
natural language
East Slavic
408 Q8729 Russian Revolution 118 52 1917–23 transition from monarchy to USSR
revolution Revolutions of 1917–1923
409 Q6583 Sahara 209 100 desert on the African continent
410 Q656 Saint Petersburg 261 704 federal city in and former capital of Russia
federal city of Russia
big city
former capital
city or town
federal subject of Russia
million city
Northwestern Federal District
411 Q8581 Saladin 148 177 Sultan of Egypt and founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1137–1193)
412 Q5577 Salvador Dalí 231 462 Spanish artist (1904–1989)
human Salvador Dalí & Louise Bourgeois
413 Q11059 Sanskrit 207 153 ancient Indo-Aryan language of South Asia
ancient language
Old Indo-Aryan
414 Q4605 Sarah Bernhardt 186 309 French stage actress (1844–1923)
415 Q193 Saturn 252 267 sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter
gas giant
outer planet
outer Solar System
416 Q8873 Satyajit Ray 132 284 Indian filmmaker and writer (1921–1992)
417 Q851 Saudi Arabia 331 656 country in West Asia sovereign state
Middle East
West Asia
Gulf States
418 Q12099 Secale cereale 137 211 species of plant
grain crop
419 Q8684 Seoul 236 337 capital and largest city of South Korea
national capital
420 Q8003 Sergei Eisenstein 138 282 Soviet filmmaker (1898–1948)
421 Q8279 Shahnameh 120 138 epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi
literary work
creative work
422 Q8686 Shanghai 237 350 provincial-level municipality in China
direct-administered municipality
national central city
big city
port settlement
global city
largest city
Economic and Technological Development Zones
East China
direct-administered municipality
423 Q9585 Shia Islam 148 67 second-most populous Islamic denomination Islamic denomination Islam Islam
424 Q812767 Shinto 146 90 religion from Japan
ethnic religion
folk religion
polytheistic religion
425 Q9215 Sigmund Freud 240 399 Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis (1856–1939)
426 Q9316 Sikhism 160 88 monotheistic Indian religion
major religion
Indian religions
monotheistic religion
Bhakti movement
427 Q9372 Sima Qian 135 146 Chinese historian and writer
428 Q7197 Simone de Beauvoir 170 314 French philosopher, social theorist and activist (1908–1986)
429 Q8605 Simón Bolívar 169 233 South American military and political leader, protagonist of the Spanish-American emancipation against the Spanish Empire (1783-1830)
430 Q334 Singapore 317 665 sovereign island country and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia
sovereign state
island country
port settlement
big city
border city
global city
national capital
Southeast Asia
431 Q913 Socrates 266 294 classical Greek Athenian philosopher (c. 470 – 399 BC)
432 Q544 Solar System 261 122 the Sun, its planets and their moons
planetary system Local Interstellar Cloud
Milky Way
433 Q7235 Sophocles 201 307 ancient Greek playwright
434 Q12111 Sorghum 122 100 genus of plants
435 Q332062 Sorghum bicolor 82 170 species of plant
taxon useful plant
perennial plant
436 Q258 South Africa 345 676 country in southern Africa
sovereign state
Southern Africa
437 Q18 South America 320 250 continent
statistical territorial entity
geographic region
Latin America
438 Q884 South Korea 337 680 country in East Asia
sovereign state
constitutional republic
East Asia
European Union tax haven blacklist
439 Q933 South Pole 159 71 one of the two points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
geographical pole Earth's poles
440 Q7354 Southern Ocean 187 115 ocean around Antarctica
ocean World Ocean
441 Q15180 Soviet Union 257 510 former country in Eurasia (1922–1991) historical country
442 Q29 Spain 378 837 country in southwestern Europe with territories in Africa sovereign state
Mediterranean country
European Union
Pyrenees–Mediterranean Euroregion
European Economic Area
443 Q1321 Spanish 343 211 Romance language originating in the Iberian Peninsula
natural language
modern language
human language
West Iberian
444 Q12512 St. Peter's Basilica 119 141 church in Vatican City
major basilica
papal basilica
tourist attraction
architectural landmark
parish church
patriarchal basilica
Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome
Vatican City
445 Q2001 Stanley Kubrick 149 282 American filmmaker (1928–1999)
446 Q219060 State of Palestine 197 415 sovereign state in West Asia sovereign state
state with limited recognition
Mediterranean country
geographic region
Middle East
West Asia
447 Q9202 Statue of Liberty 144 171 sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, New York, United States
part of UNESCO World Heritage Site
tourist attraction
observation tower
Statue of Liberty National Monument
448 Q8877 Steven Spielberg 167 385 American filmmaker (born 1946)
449 Q11759 Stone Age 162 61 broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements
archaeological age
human history
temporal entity
450 Q1049 Sudan 314 536 country in Northeast Africa republic
sovereign state
rump state
North Africa
451 Q899 Suez Canal 165 115 artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt
ship canal
452 Q9603 Sufism 136 167 body of mystical practice within Islam
religious movement
way of life
obedience in Islam
Islamic activity
worship in Islam
453 Q8474 Suleiman the Magnificent 141 172 tenth sultan of Ottoman Empire (1520–1566)
454 Q35355 Sumer 130 58 ancient civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia
archaeological culture
ancient civilization
historical region
cultural region
455 Q525 Sun 336 679 star at the centre of the Solar System
G-type main-sequence star
Population I star
Solar System
456 Q8573 Sun Yat-sen 143 219 Chinese politician, physician, and revolutionary (1866–1925)
457 Q483654 Sunni Islam 135 69 most populous Islamic denomination
Islamic denomination Islam
458 Q7838 Swahili 193 105 Bantu language spoken mainly in East Africa
natural language
modern language
459 Q39 Switzerland 367 713 country in Central Europe state
landlocked country
Federal Treaty
Helvetic Republic
sovereign state
460 Q3130 Sydney 253 242 capital city of New South Wales, Australia
big city
largest city
state capital
global city
financial centre
461 Q174 São Paulo 248 315 most populous city in Brazil
municipality of Brazil
largest city
big city
Greater São Paulo
São Paulo
São Paulo metropolitan area
462 Q9141 Taj Mahal 170 109 marble mausoleum in Agra, India
tourist attraction
463 Q9683 Tang dynasty 116 91 imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907
historical Chinese state
historical period
Chinese dynasty
Sui Tang
Mid-Imperial China
464 Q924 Tanzania 301 643 country in East Africa republic
sovereign state
East Africa
465 Q9598 Taoism 165 91 religious or philosophical tradition of Chinese origin
philosophical movement
466 Q3616 Tehran 229 191 capital city of Iran
city of Iran
global city
national capital
Greater Tehran
467 Q869 Thailand 333 696 country in Southeast Asia constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Southeast Asia
468 Q8251 The Art of War 118 57 5th century BC Chinese military treatise
written work
469 Q1299 The Beatles 237 332 English rock band (1960–1970)
musical group
470 Q9441 The Buddha 260 217 Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism (623 or 563 BCE – 543 or 483 BCE)
human Buddhism
471 Q2763 The Holocaust 188 149 genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany carried out during the second world war
ethnic violence
crime against humanity
hate crime
state crime
key event
persecution of Jews
persecution of Jews
472 Q8269 The Tale of Genji 105 164 classic work of Japanese literature
literary work Japanese literature Heian literature
473 Q2487 Thirty Years' War 131 101 war principally fought in Central Europe from 1618 to 1648
religious war European Wars of Religion
474 Q9438 Thomas Aquinas 194 388 Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church
475 Q8743 Thomas Edison 242 305 American inventor and businessman (1847-1931)
476 Q12514 Three Gorges Dam 100 64 hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, China
gravity dam
boat lift
hydroelectric power station
cascade hydroélectrique du Yangzi Jiang
477 Q80 Tim Berners-Lee 152 260 English computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web (born 1955)
478 Q8462 Timur 152 167 The founder of the Timurid Empire (1370–1405)
479 Q1490 Tokyo 285 436 capital and largest city of Japan
metropolitan prefecture
capital of Japan
tourist destination
global city
largest city
big city
prefecture of Japan
financial centre
Greater Tokyo Area
480 Q8736 Treaty of Versailles 127 133 most important of the peace treaties of the First World War which ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers
peace treaty
multilateral treaty
League of Nations Treaty Series
Paris Peace Conference
481 Q9595 Trimurti 108 27 trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities triple deity
482 Q43 Turkey 404 839 country straddling Southeast Europe and West Asia sovereign state
transcontinental country
Mediterranean country
social state
regional power
secular state
successor state
West Asia
Middle East
Mediterranean Basin
Black Sea Basin
483 Q256 Turkish 237 153 Oghuz Turkic language of the Turkish people
natural language
modern language
Western Oghuz
484 Q7809 UNESCO 202 249 specialised agency of the United Nations for education, sciences, and culture
specialized agency of the United Nations
international organization
intergovernmental organization
publishing company
485 Q212 Ukraine 368 789 country in Eastern Europe
sovereign state Eastern Europe
Post-Soviet states
486 Q8467 Umar ibn Al-Khattāb 143 107 2nd Rashidun Caliph from 634 to 644
human companions of the Prophet
487 Q145 United Kingdom 369 957 country in north-west Europe
sovereign state
colonial power
island country
Common Travel Area
488 Q1065 United Nations 343 422 global international and intergovernmental organization
intergovernmental organization
international organization
United Nations System
489 Q4917 United States dollar 180 104 official currency of the United States
reserve currency
490 Q30 United States of America 407 1518 country primarily located in North America
sovereign state
constitutional republic
Democratic Republic
federal republic
North America
491 Q7813 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 229 176 declaration adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly
customary international law
written work
non-binding resolution
International Bill of Human Rights
492 Q1 Universe 218 155 totality consisting of space, time, matter and energy
universe Multiverse
No/unknown value
493 Q324 Uranus 249 203 seventh planet in the Solar System from the Sun
ice giant
outer planet
superior planet
outer Solar System
494 Q7328 Vasco da Gama 171 166 Portuguese explorer
495 Q237 Vatican City 327 346 Holy See's independent state, an enclave within Rome, Italy
sovereign state
landlocked country
tourist attraction
Mediterranean country
religious complex
institutional complex
urban area
tourist destination
confessional state
sacerdotal state
496 Q717 Venezuela 332 672 sovereign state in northern South America
sovereign state
South America
Hispanic America
Latin America
G3 Free Trade Agreement
497 Q313 Venus 266 175 planet second-closest to the Sun in the Solar System
inner planet of the Solar System
inferior planet
inner Solar System
498 Q535 Victor Hugo 252 591 French novelist, poet, dramatist and politician (1802–1885)
499 Q1741 Vienna 276 450 capital of and state in Austria
federal capital
statutory city of Austria
federal state of Austria
municipality of Austria
largest city
district of Austria
500 Q881 Vietnam 350 673 country in Southeast Asia
sovereign state
communist state
Southeast Asia
Mainland Southeast Asia
501 Q8740 Vietnam War 156 99 armed conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between North Vietnam and South Vietnam
proxy war Cold War
502 Q12567 Vikings 153 53 Norse people, farmers, merchants, explorers, raiders and pirates
historical period
503 Q5582 Vincent van Gogh 252 574 Dutch painter (1853–1890)
504 Q1398 Virgil 236 311 Roman poet (1st century BC)
505 Q1394 Vladimir Lenin 284 458 Russian politician, communist theorist and the founder of the Soviet Union
506 Q626 Volga 179 246 river in Russia; the longest river in Europe
river Unified Deep Water System of European Russia
507 Q9068 Voltaire 245 456 French writer, historian, and philosopher (1694–1778)
508 Q8704 Walt Disney 201 482 American animator and producer (1901–1966)
509 Q61 Washington, D.C. 292 369 capital city of the United States of America
federal capital contiguous United States
Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division
510 Q692 William Shakespeare 318 602 English playwright and poet (1564–1616)
511 Q8016 Winston Churchill 250 558 British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965)
512 Q254 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 259 493 Austrian composer of the Classical period (1756-1791)
513 Q7164 World Bank 143 146 international financial institution
international financial institution World Bank Group
514 Q7817 World Health Organization 192 260 specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health
specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
scientific publisher
515 Q7825 World Trade Organization 145 140 intergovernmental organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade
international organization
516 Q361 World War I 255 221 global war originating in Europe, 1914–1918
world war
historical period
517 Q362 World War II 275 246 1939–1945 global conflict
world war
historical period
518 Q466 World Wide Web 152 96 global system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet
information system
hypertext system
field of study
service on Internet
digital media
519 Q5413 Yangtze 158 125 longest river in Asia, and the third-longest in the world
520 Q7355 Yellow River 145 106 major river in China
521 Q7327 Yuri Gagarin 193 223 Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, first human in space (1934–1968)
522 Q7953 Zen 115 65 school of Mahāyāna Buddhist Tradition
school of Buddhism Mahāyāna
523 Q7333 Zheng He 144 112 Chinese mariner, explorer, and diplomat
524 Q9397 Zhu Xi 118 159 Chinese historian, Neoconfucian philosopher, poet, and politician during the Song dynasty (1130–1200)
525 Q9601 Zoroastrianism 155 88 Iranian religion founded by Zoroaster
religion dualistic cosmology Iranian religions
526 Q8452 abortion 179 156 intentional ending of a pregnancy
medical procedure type medical procedure
pregnancy with abortive outcome
527 Q11376 acceleration 140 90 rate at which the magnitude and/or direction of velocity changes with time physical quantity
ISQ derived quantity
vector quantity
528 Q11158 acid 149 65 chemical compound giving a proton or accepting an electron pair class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions chemical compound
529 Q12029 addiction 108 70 state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences behavior
health problem
530 Q11453 agricultural irrigation 113 96 artificial application of water to cultivated land
531 Q11451 agriculture 231 194 cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products
economic sector
field of work
agriculture and forestry primary sector of the economy
food system
532 Q11436 aircraft 108 82 machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface
mode of transport flying machine
533 Q156 alcohols 136 96 any organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group (–OH) is bound to a saturated carbon atom
structural class of chemical entities organic hydroxy compound
organooxygen compound
alcohol binding
alcohol metabolic process
alcohol catabolic process
alcohol biosynthetic process
response to alcohol
cellular response to alcohol
alcohol transmembrane transporter activity
alcohol O-cinnamoyltransferase activity
peroxiredoxin activity
beta-glucuronidase activity
glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase activity
carboxylic ester hydrolase activity
6-phospho-beta-galactosidase activity
alpha-L-fucosidase activity
alcohol sulfotransferase activity
alpha-glucuronidase activity
fusarinine-C ornithinesterase activity
beta-primeverosidase activity
2-deoxyglucosidase activity
thioredoxin-dependent peroxiredoxin activity
alkylhydroperoxide reductase activity
534 Q37868 algae 128 82 group of plant-like eukaryotic organisms which mostly grow in water and can photosynthesise
organisms known by a particular common name eukaryote
535 Q3968 algebra 185 99 part of mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equation
area of mathematics
mathematical theory
area of mathematics mathematics
536 Q8366 algorithm 148 154 sequence of instructions to perform a task
computer science
537 Q663 aluminium 199 199 metallic chemical element of silvery appearance with symbol Al and atomic number 13
chemical element
post-transition metal
building material
combustible powder
simple substance
period 3
group 13
538 Q2346 analytical chemistry 109 66 study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of materials
branch of chemistry
academic discipline
academic major
539 Q6199 anarchism 174 128 political philosophy and movement
political ideology
school of thought
political movement
philosophical school
540 Q514 anatomy 182 104 study of the internal structure of organisms and their parts
branch of biology biology biology
541 Q11352 angle 142 59 something that is formed when two rays meet at a single or same point
geometric object
two-dimensional object
542 Q729 animal 294 198 kingdom of multicellular eukaryotic organisms
first-order class
543 Q11425 animation 130 91 method of creating moving pictures
cinematic technique filmmaking
544 Q12187 antibiotic 130 97 drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
anti-infective agent
antimicrobial drug
545 Q11409 apartheid 148 91 system of racial segregation and oppression based on skin colour in South Africa, introduced in 1948 and abolished in the years 1991 to 1994
racial segregation
divide and rule
546 Q89 apple 220 143 fruit of the apple tree
fruit of Maloideae
547 Q12277 arch 118 58 vertical curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support a load
architectural element
548 Q12271 architecture 239 184 process of planning, designing and construction
academic discipline
type of arts
field of study
design AEC industry
built environment and design studies
environmental design
549 Q11500 area 166 65 quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane definite integral
physical quantity
ISQ derived quantity
scalar quantity
geometric measure
550 Q11205 arithmetic 172 70 Elementary branch of mathematics
area of mathematics procedure mathematics
551 Q735 art 281 158 field of work focused on creating expressive work intended to be appreciated for its beauty or emotional power (use Q838948 for the resulting work)
academic major
essentially contested concept
academic discipline
field of work
economic sector
recreation culture
552 Q11629 art of painting 209 91 practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface
type of arts
visual arts
553 Q11634 art of sculpture 153 100 branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions
type of arts
art genre
form of art
artistic creation
visual arts
plastic arts
554 Q11660 artificial intelligence 184 235 field of computer science that develops and studies intelligent machines
type of technology
branch of computer science
type of intelligence
computer science
emerging technology
555 Q2736 association football 284 161 sport that is practiced between two teams of eleven players
type of sport
team sport
Olympic sport
spectator sport
sport industry
ball game
556 Q3863 asteroid 163 82 minor planet of the inner Solar System; not a comet
astronomical object type minor planet
small Solar System body
gravitationally bound system
557 Q333 astronomy 299 161 scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena
branch of science
academic discipline
physical sciences
exact science
558 Q7066 atheism 218 133 absence of belief in the existence of deities; the opposite of theism
world view
philosophical movement
doxastic attitude
559 Q542 athletics 152 108 sports involving running, jumping, throwing and walking
type of sport Olympic sport
560 Q9121 atom 239 100 smallest unit of a chemical element
chemical entity
composite particle
561 Q7935 avalanche 121 83 sudden, drastic flow of snow down a steep slope
geographically localized event slide
562 Q11411 backgammon 97 51 one of the oldest board games for two players
board game
dice game
social game
mind sport
563 Q10876 bacteria 181 178 domain of micro-organisms
taxon microorganism
564 Q503 banana 209 113 elongated, edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa
fruit berry
tropical and subtropical fruit
tropical fruit
565 Q11193 base 122 44 chemical substance that can react with an acid, accepting hydrogen ions (protons) or more generally, donating a pair of valence electrons
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions chemical compound
566 Q5369 baseball 161 146 American-originated sport in which teams compete to score runs by hitting a thrown ball and advancing around bases
type of sport
sport with racquet/stick/club
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Olympic sport
567 Q5372 basketball 222 137 team sport played on a court with baskets on either end
type of sport
Olympic sport
ball game
team sport
throwing game
game of skill
568 Q7242 beauty 174 63 aesthetic concept
type of value
aesthetic concept
personality trait
569 Q44 beer 221 139 alcoholic drink
fermented alcoholic beverage
570 Q7391 bees 158 58 clade of insects
clade insect
571 Q9332 behavior 131 43 range of actions by entities, living or not, within a system
psychology term pattern
572 Q11442 bicycle 198 171 pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle
mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
573 Q7094 biochemistry 150 110 study of chemical processes in living organisms
interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
574 Q11398 biological classification 111 29 method of scientific taxonomy type of classification specialised classification scheme
575 Q290 biological sex 143 67 biological system that determines an individual's sexually reproductive function
medical attribute role sex or gender
576 Q420 biology 299 169 scientific study of living things, especially their structure, function, growth, evolution, and distribution
branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
natural science
577 Q7108 biotechnology 126 89 use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products
interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
technology technology
578 Q5113 bird 268 192 class of vertebrates characterized by wings, a feather-covered body and a beak
organisms known by a particular common name
579 Q589 black hole 186 108 astronomical object so massive, that anything falling into it, including light, cannot escape its gravity
astronomical object type
astronomical object
massive compact halo object
580 Q10874 blindness 125 99 complete or nearly complete lack of vision; visual acuity worse than 3/60
class of disease
symptom or sign
visual impairment
eye disease
vision symptom
sensory disability
581 Q7873 blood 219 123 organic fluid which transports nutrients throughout the organism
biogenic substance type
class of anatomical entity
body fluid
animal product
biogenic substance
particular anatomical entity
circulatory system
582 Q9759 blues 128 91 music genre
music genre popular music
music of North America
583 Q571 book 258 191 medium for recording information (words or images) typically on bound pages or more abstractly in electronic or audio form
type of mass media media
584 Q441 botany 199 135 science of plant life
academic discipline
branch of biology
academic major
branch of science
585 Q1073 brain 206 132 organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals
organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
central nervous system
neurovascular system
586 Q7802 bread 239 132 baked food made of flour, water and other ingredients
type of food or dish staple food
baked good
587 Q9103 breast 165 91 one of two prominences located on the region of the torso of a primate, containing the mammary gland
organ type
class of anatomical entity
mammary gland
region of pectoral part of chest
particular anatomical entity
human body
sex of humans
588 Q9530 breathing 123 48 process that moves air in and out of the lungs
biological process gas exchange respiration
589 Q12280 bridge 191 170 structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle
architectural structure
geographic location
590 Q12132 calendar 196 108 system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes
field of study
conceptual system
591 Q12681 calligraphy 118 69 visual art related to writing
art genre
type of arts
two-dimensional visual artwork
592 Q12284 canal 129 73 man-made channel for water
type of watercourse
type of structure
hydraulic structure
artificial body of water
linear construction
architectural structure
593 Q12078 cancer 183 138 group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and spread
class of disease disease of cellular proliferation
594 Q5322 capacitor 127 55 passive, two-terminal electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field
electronic component
passive electronic component
one-port circuit
595 Q8137 capital 126 54 assets used for the production of goods and services economic concept instrumental value
596 Q8454 capital punishment 164 95 legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for an actual or supposed crime
manner of death sentence
cause of death
unnatural death
divine retribution
597 Q6206 capitalism 192 120 economic system based on private ownership of the means of production
social formation economic system
598 Q11358 carbohydrate 143 101 organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
structural class of chemical entities polyol
carbohydrate derivative
carbohydrate binding
carbohydrate metabolic process
response to carbohydrate
carbohydrate biosynthetic process
carbohydrate catabolic process
cellular response to carbohydrate stimulus
carbohydrate transmembrane transport
ABC-type carbohydrate transporter activity
carbohydrate:proton symporter activity
carbohydrate:cation symporter activity
carbohydrate transport
carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity
carbohydrate export
carbohydrate import across plasma membrane
carbohydrate homeostasis
599 Q623 carbon 209 137 chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6; common element of all known life
chemical element
atmophile element
polyatomic nonmetal
period 2
group 14
600 Q830 cattle 219 112 large, domesticated, cloven-hooved herbivores
organisms known by a particular common name
paraphyletic group
domesticated mammal
captive mammal
601 Q7868 cell 184 97 basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
anatomical structure class type
cell type
biological component
anatomical structure
multicellular structure
group of cells
602 Q5300 central processing unit 114 68 electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical, control and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions and coordinates the other components
computer hardware processor computer
603 Q12117 cereal grain 142 73 fruits (grains) of cereal crops used for food and agricultural products
group or class of agricultural products cereals and pseudocereals
raw material
food ingredient
cereals and pseudocereals
604 Q10943 cheese 196 109 yellow or white, creamy or solid food made from the pressed curds of milk
type of food or dish cheese and cottage cheese
food ingredient
food product
605 Q11173 chemical compound 139 91 pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements group or class of chemical substances
second-order class
pure substance
chemical component
606 Q11344 chemical element 191 116 species of atoms having the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus and the same chemical properties, but not necessarily the same mass, or the same stability (or half-lifetime if they are unstable)
second-order class
group or class of chemical substances
chemical substance periodic table
chemical compound
607 Q2329 chemistry 289 155 branch of physical science concerned with the composition, structure and properties of matter
branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
physical sciences
608 Q718 chess 261 150 strategy board game
board game
type of sport
two-player game
game-based sport
sequential game
mind sport
individual sport
609 Q780 chicken 228 107 domesticated bird kept by humans primarily as a food source
organisms known by a particular common name
model organism
productive animal
610 Q7569 child 221 115 human between birth and puberty
population group human
611 Q195 chocolate 176 111 nutritionally dense or sweet food product from the seed of Theobroma cacao - cocoa bean
stimulant foodstuff
food ingredient
functional food
colonial goods
cioccolato di Modica
612 Q199804 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 92 116 lung disease involving long-term poor airflow
class of disease obstructive lung disease
613 Q11068 circulatory system 120 80 three independent systems that work together: cardiovascular, pulmonary and systemic
anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
614 Q515 city 247 194 large human settlement
classification of human settlements city or town
urban settlement
615 Q8465 civil war 144 57 war between organized groups within the same sovereign state or republic
type of war war
communal violence
616 Q8432 civilization 181 56 organized cultural society that encounters many communities, on a scale of a nation or human, as well as a system of development
617 Q11397 classical mechanics 122 38 sub-field of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
618 Q9730 classical music 137 86 broad tradition of Western art music music genre art music
619 Q7937 climate 173 110 statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods
environment physical phenomenon
natural system
natural environment
620 Q7942 climate change 185 114 current rise in Earth's average temperature and related large-scale shifts in weather patterns
atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
human impact on the environment
external risk
global climate change
621 Q376 clock 164 74 instrument that measures the passage of time
metrological mechanism
decorative object
622 Q11460 clothing 200 128 covering worn on the body
artificial physical object
flat object
fashion product
clothing industry
623 Q8074 cloud 224 77 visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere
type of meteorological phenomenon weather
624 Q8486 coffee 243 144 brewed beverage made from seeds of Coffea genus
stimulant foodstuff
coffee drink
hot beverage
non-alcoholic beverage
colonial goods
gassosa al caffè
625 Q7167 colonialism 143 99 creation and maintenance of colonies by people from another territory
social formation imperialism
626 Q1075 color 213 117 characteristic of visual perception
physical property
second-order class
optical phenomenon
absorbed or reflected object light
627 Q3559 comet 193 86 icy small astronomical object
astronomical object type small Solar System body planetary system
628 Q1004 comics 148 96 creative work in which images and text convey information such as narratives
type of arts
literary genre
literary form
visual artwork
literary work
sequential art
illustrated work
629 Q12125 common cold 137 126 common viral infection of upper respiratory tract
infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
upper respiratory tract infection
Picornaviridae infectious disease
acute viral respiratory tract infection
upper respiratory tract disease
viral rhinitis
630 Q11024 communication 182 102 act of conveying intended meaning social skill
intentional human activity
social behavior
type of process
information exchange
social process
631 Q6186 communism 215 116 far-left political and socioeconomic ideology
political ideology
economic system
632 Q11567 complex number 143 83 number that can be put in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is called the imaginary unit type of number quaternion
hypercomplex number
set of complex numbers
633 Q68 computer 278 172 general-purpose device for performing arithmetic or logical operations
invention machine
computing platform
IT system
computer file location
information processor
data terminal equipment
electronic musical instrument
634 Q11382 conservation of energy 104 41 law of physics and chemistry conservation law
physical law
635 Q7169 conservatism 145 81 cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional social institutions and practices
social philosophy
political philosophy
political ideology
636 Q7755 constitution 195 96 set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed
sources of law
authorizing legislation
Constitutional document
637 Q5107 continent 246 71 large landmass identified by convention
natural geographic object
Earth's crust
638 Q11210 coordinate system 95 47 system for determining the position of a point
abstract entity
639 Q753 copper 216 213 chemical element with symbol Cu and atomic number 29
chemical element
simple substance
chalcophile element
copper proteins
period 4
group 11
640 Q11457 cotton 155 96 plant fiber from the genus Gossypium
plant fiber
641 Q5375 cricket 159 92 team sport played with bats and balls
type of sport team sport
ball game
bat-and-ball game
642 Q11042 culture 270 129 shared aspects of a society's way of life
concept pattern of behavior
643 Q8142 currency 162 87 generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services
medium of exchange
unit of measurement
means of payment
644 Q12323 dam 136 89 barrier that impounds water or underground streams
barrier structure
architectural structure
645 Q11639 dance 214 132 rhythmic movement of the body
performing arts genre performing arts
physical activity
creative work
646 Q573 day 242 92 unit of time lasting 24 hours, derived from the period of Earth's rotation about its axis
unit of time
SI-accepted non-SI unit
UCUM derived unit
time interval week
647 Q12133 deafness 136 104 partial or total inability to hear
symptom or sign sensory loss
hearing disorder
ear symptom
sensory disability
648 Q4 death 225 176 permanent cessation of vital functions
649 Q7174 democracy 252 129 form of government
form of government
form of state
political system Plato's five regimes
650 Q12128 dentistry 116 99 branch of medicine dealing with oral health and teeth
medical specialty
academic discipline
academic discipline
651 Q8514 desert 206 97 barren area of land where little precipitation occurs
biome drylands
natural environment
652 Q12206 diabetes 167 166 group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period
class of disease
glucose metabolism disease
endocrine system disease
autoimmune disease of endocrine system
653 Q9453 dialectic 118 48 method of argument for resolving disagreement
discourse Western philosophy
654 Q5283 diamond 157 133 allotrope of carbon often used as a gemstone and an abrasive
mineral species carbon-silicon family
covalent network solid
native element mineral
allotrope of carbon
655 Q317 dictatorship 161 60 autocratic form of government which is ruled by a sole leader
form of government autocracy
656 Q11214 differential equation 103 58 mathematical equation involving derivatives of an unknown function equation
computational problem
mathematical problem
differential calculus
system of differential equations
657 Q11978 digestion 120 63 biological process of breaking down food
biological process multicellular organismal process
658 Q430 dinosaur 184 125 clade of sauropsid vertebrates that dominated the Mesozoic Era (including birds)
659 Q11656 diode 122 59 abstract electronic component with two terminals that allows current to flow in one direction
type of electronic component electronic component
active electronic component
passive electronic component
nonlinear electrical element
660 Q1889 diplomacy 162 89 art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states
academic discipline negotiation
foreign policy
661 Q12131 disability 118 77 impairments, activity and participation limitations of a person
662 Q169207 discrimination 112 115 differential treatment based on membership of a certain group sociological concept
legal concept
social issue
663 Q12136 disease 205 164 abnormal condition negatively affecting organisms
class of disease health problem
biological process
664 Q144 dog 311 205 domestic animal
organisms known by a particular common name domesticated mammal
665 Q12493 dome 105 57 architectural element that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere
roof shape architectural structure
666 Q11395 domestication 109 56 modification by humans of wild forms of animals or plants for coexistence with them
667 Q11404 drum 138 82 type of musical instrument of the percussion family
family of musical instruments struck membranophone drum kit
668 Q7362 ear 211 91 organ that detects sound; organ of hearing and balance
class of anatomical entity subdivision of auriculotemporal part of head
particular anatomical entity
organ of hearing
669 Q7944 earthquake 212 119 result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves
natural disaster
geologic activity
geographically localized event
670 Q7150 ecology 221 121 scientific study of the relationships between living organisms
academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
671 Q8134 economics 230 181 social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science economic and social sciences
social science
672 Q8434 education 240 167 transmission of knowledge and skills
branch of science
service type
knowledge sharing
social process
673 Q11651 electric current 133 59 flow of electric charge
674 Q12725 electricity 196 96 physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge
dictionary page in Wikipedia energy
energy source
physical phenomenon
675 Q849919 electromagnetic interaction 72 24 the fundamental interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles
physical phenomenon
fundamental interaction
electroweak interaction
676 Q12969754 electromagnetic radiation 117 49 form of energy emitted and absorbed by particles which are charged which shows wave-like behavior as it travels through space
radiation electromagnetic field
677 Q9778 electronic music 98 61 music that mainly employs electronic musical instruments, digital instruments and circuitry-based music technology
music genre music
678 Q11650 electronics 166 92 physics, engineering, technology and applications that deal with the emission, flow and control of electrons in vacuum and matter
branch of science
academic discipline
applied physics
679 Q9158 email 166 102 electronic changing digital messages between a network service on Internet
field of study
service on Internet
digital media
message traffic
telecommunications application
680 Q9415 emotions 162 94 biological states associated with the nervous system
emotional state mental state
681 Q5292 encyclopedia 225 143 type of reference work
literary genre
book form
reference work
knowledge organization system
tertiary source
682 Q11394 endangered species 109 31 species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction conservation status threatened species
683 Q11078 endocrine system 107 52 hormone-releasing glands of a body
class of anatomical entity particular anatomical entity
glandular system
organ system
684 Q11379 energy 206 123 quantitative property of a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light
physical quantity
scalar quantity
extensive quantity
mass–energy equivalence
685 Q11023 engineering 168 111 applied science
field of work
branch of science
academic discipline
course of study
applied science science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
686 Q8047 enzyme 137 93 large biological molecule that acts as a catalyst
group or class of proteins biocatalyst
Enzyme-linked receptor
enzymatic reaction
687 Q41571 epilepsy 125 166 human neurological disease causing seizures
class of disease
dictionary page in Wikipedia
688 Q9471 epistemology 139 79 branch of philosophy studying the nature and scope of knowledge
branch of philosophy philosophy
689 Q11345 equation 135 57 mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions
690 Q153 ethanol 122 297 chemical compound
type of chemical entity fatty alcohol
ethanol binding
ethanol metabolic process
ethanol catabolic process
ethanol biosynthetic process
acetate catabolic process to butyrate, ethanol, acetone and butanol
acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from ethanol
glycolytic fermentation to ethanol
glucose catabolic process to D-lactate and ethanol
mixed acid fermentation
pentose catabolic process to ethanol
xylose catabolic process to ethanol
response to ethanol
cellular response to ethanol
hexose catabolic process to ethanol
urethanase activity
fatty-acyl-ethyl-ester synthase activity
691 Q9465 ethics 167 127 branch of philosophy that systematizes, defends, and recommends concepts of right and wrong conduct
branch of philosophy
academic discipline
692 Q1063 evolution 188 123 change in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
type of process
field of study
biological process
pattern in nature
aspect of history
693 Q12870 explosive chemicals 103 73 reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion
class of chemical substances by use chemical substance
energetic material
hazardous substances
694 Q7364 eye 245 112 organ that detects light and converts it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons
organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
set of heterogeneous clusters
particular anatomical entity
sensory organ
695 Q8436 family 232 140 group of people affiliated by consanguinity, law, affinity, or co-residence
social organization human social group
group of humans
696 Q6223 fascism 178 156 far-right authoritarian political ideology and movement
political system
political ideology
political movement
697 Q12684 fashion 151 94 popular style or practice in clothing, personal adornment, or decorative arts
economic activity
698 Q7252 feminism 195 152 group of movements that come about defining, and defending women liberation and gender equity
artistic theme
social movement
political movement
critical sociology
political ideology
699 Q8253 fiction 121 63 narrative form, in any medium, consisting of people, events, or places that are imaginary—in other words, not based strictly on history or fact
art genre work of art
700 Q11424 film 230 252 sequence of images that give the impression of movement, stored on film stock
audiovisual work
moving image
visual artwork
701 Q3196 fire 235 88 rapid oxidation of a material; phenomenon that emits light and heat
physical phenomenon
702 Q12796 firearm 110 90 personal weapon using combustion or an explosive charge to propel a projectile
weapon functional class projectile weapon
703 Q152 fish 255 159 vertebrate animal that lives in water and (typically) has gills
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
aquatic animal
marine life
704 Q9764 flamenco 103 80 genre of Spanish music and dance
music genre
type of dance
music of Spain
Latin music
folk dance
705 Q8068 flood 165 108 overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry
natural disaster
high tide
706 Q506 flower 233 93 sexual reproductive structure found on flowering plants
plant organ
plant structure
707 Q11405 flute 137 92 musical instrument of the woodwind family
type of musical instrument wind instrument
woodwind instrument
708 Q2095 food 228 154 any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body; form of energy stored in chemical
disposable product
709 Q11402 force 170 77 physical influence that tends to cause an object to change motion unless opposed by other forces
ISQ derived quantity
vector quantity
physical quantity
710 Q4421 forest 222 142 dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area
feature type ecosystem
vegetational formation
natural geographic entity
geographical feature
natural environment
711 Q12748 fossil fuel 110 70 combustible fuel containing hydrocarbons formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, examples being coal, petroleum and natural gas
combustible matter
energy source
non-renewable resource
mineral resource
712 Q9476 free will 130 52 ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of external constraints philosophical concept
religious concept
713 Q11652 frequency 125 63 number of occurrences or cycles per time
scalar quantity
ISQ derived quantity
physical quantity
reciprocal duration
714 Q1364 fruit 194 73 botanical term for the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. For foods commonly known as fruit, use Q3314483
botanical term plant organ
plant ovary
715 Q11348 function 127 101 association of a single output to each input
mathematical concept binary relation
partial function
multivalued function
generalized function
716 Q9149 fundamentalism 119 37 unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs ideology
philosophical concept
world view
717 Q764 fungus 196 129 biological kingdom, separate from plants and animals
taxon organism
718 Q318 galaxy 188 93 large gravitationally bound system of stars and interstellar matter
astronomical object type deep-sky object galaxy group or cluster
719 Q11416 gambling 126 93 wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome
720 Q11410 game 183 110 structured form of play
product category recreative work culture
sport, games, physical exercises
721 Q11432 gas 160 68 fundamental state of matter in which constituent particles are widely separated with weak intermolecular bonds
fundamental state of matter fluid
physical state
722 Q156103 gastroenteritis 90 92 medical condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach and/or small intestine
class of disease
symptom or sign
gastrointestinal system disease
digestive sign
723 Q11452 general relativity 121 75 standard and classical physics theory of gravity and space scientific theory
physical law
theory of relativity
724 Q1071 geography 299 140 science that studies the terrestrial surface, the societies that inhabit it and the territories, landscapes, places or regions that form it when interacting with each other
academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
earth science
725 Q1069 geology 207 138 study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components, and the processes by which they are shaped
branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
natural science
earth science
726 Q8087 geometry 208 107 branch of mathematics regarding geometric figures and properties of space
area of mathematics mathematics mathematics
727 Q11469 glass 167 119 amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition when heated towards the liquid state
non-classical state of matter
product category
amorphous solid
building material
728 Q7181 globalisation 165 104 process of international integration arising from world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture social theory interaction
729 Q897 gold 262 187 chemical element with symbol Au and atomic number 79
chemical element
metallic material
precious metal
noble metal period 6
group 11
730 Q5377 golf 152 121 club-and-ball sport
type of sport
sport with racquet/stick/club
Olympic sport
ball game
sport with racquet/stick/club
Olympic sport
731 Q7188 government 200 102 system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state
governing body
732 Q8091 grammar 187 83 set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language academic discipline convention
733 Q10978 grape 185 90 edible berry of a flowering plant in the family Vitaceae
fruit berry
grape juice
734 Q11412 gravity 181 121 fundamental interaction affecting all matter
fundamental interaction
physical phenomenon
735 Q6607 guitar 201 129 fretted string instrument
type of musical instrument plucked necked box lute
long, thin object
736 Q12861 gunpowder 125 58 explosive most commonly used as propellant in firearms
explosive chemicals
powder explosive
737 Q4439 hard disk 121 82 data storage device
recording medium
type of computer memory or storage
computer hardware
computer data storage device
disk drive
disk array
738 Q86 headache 127 86 pain in the head or neck
symptom or sign
women's disease
clinical sign
739 Q12147 health 238 110 desirable level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being
academic discipline
field of study
physiological condition
740 Q1072 heart 234 124 inner organ for the circulation of blood
organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
circulatory system
741 Q11401 hip hop music 115 79 rhythmic music accompanied by rhyming speech
music genre popular music hip hop culture
742 Q309 history 308 138 past events and their tracks or records
academic discipline
research object
chain of events
743 Q10987 honey 203 120 sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers
food ingredient
organic matter
secretion or excretion
shelf-stable food
744 Q11364 hormone 134 78 chemical released by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells in other parts of the organism chemical messenger
hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists
biological macromolecule
745 Q726 horse 270 167 domesticated four-footed mammal from the equine family
taxon Equidae
domesticated mammal
milk yielding animal
746 Q3947 house 215 109 building usually intended for living in
building type building
architectural structure
residential building
747 Q146 house cat 306 189 domesticated feline
organisms known by a particular common name domesticated mammal
748 Q5 human 259 276 any member of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo, from embryo to adult
organisms known by a particular common name mammal
individual animal
natural person
749 Q9649 human digestive system 126 79 digestive system in humans. It is divided into (i) Alimentary Canal or Gastrointestinal Tract and (ii)Digestive Glands
class of anatomical entity
anatomical system type
organ system
particular anatomical entity
human organ system
human anatomical structure
human body
750 Q11995 human pregnancy 170 110 time of human offspring development in mother's body
physiological condition pregnancy motherhood
751 Q8458 human rights 204 122 inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled
social movement
international law
752 Q556 hydrogen 227 140 chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1
chemical element
atmophile element
nonmetal period 1
group 1
753 Q7257 ideology 147 66 set of beliefs and values attributed to a person or group of people
world view culture
754 Q1059 immune system 120 69 biological system anatomical system type biological system
organ system
755 Q7260 imperialism 140 83 creation of an unequal relationship between states through domination
756 Q5325 inductor 96 30 passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy in its magnetic field
electrical element
electronic component
one-port circuit
757 Q8148 industrial sector 152 82 economic sector characterized by large scale automated manufacturing as in industrialization
economic sector activity
758 Q2840 influenza 159 161 infectious disease caused by an influenza virus
infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
acute viral respiratory tract infection
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
respiratory disease
viral infectious disease
Virus diseases of plants
759 Q11028 information 159 86 that which informs; the answer to a question; that from which data and knowledge can be derived
abstract entity
760 Q11661 information technology 127 77 development, management, and use of computer-based information systems
branch of science
academic discipline
information and communications technology
information and communications technology
761 Q11388 infrared radiation 117 80 electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than those of visible light
electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic spectrum
762 Q11165 inorganic chemistry 116 57 study of the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds branch of chemistry
academic discipline
chemistry chemistry
763 Q1390 insect 210 216 class of arthropods
taxon Arthropoda
764 Q12757 internal combustion engine 113 53 engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer in a combustion chamber
combustion engine
765 Q677 iron 238 191 chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26
chemical element
primary metabolite
period 4
group 8
766 Q8341 jazz 167 125 musical style and genre
music genre
field of work
popular music
767 Q11030 journalism 163 96 investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience
academic discipline
artistic creation
768 Q11420 judo 140 72 modern martial art, combat and Olympic/Paralympic sport
type of sport combat sport
martial art
Olympic sport
769 Q8492 juice 124 47 drinkable liquid produced from squeezing fruit and vegetables
non-alcoholic beverage
sugary drink
770 Q11419 karate 129 71 martial art
type of sport martial art
Olympic sport
771 Q11570 kilogram 151 97 metric unit of mass
SI base unit
unit of mass
coherent SI unit
MKS system of units
International System of Units
772 Q9081 knowledge 183 82 mental possession of information or skills, contributing to understanding
philosophical concept memory
mental state
773 Q315 language 321 136 structured system of communication
aptitude languoid communication
774 Q11083 large intestine 113 68 last part of the digestive system in vertebrate animals, including the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal
organ type
class of anatomical entity
organ with organ cavity
particular anatomical entity
775 Q7748 law 246 122 system of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority
academic discipline rule society
776 Q6216 liberalism 173 105 political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality
political philosophy
political ideology
777 Q3 life 223 130 matter capable of extracting energy from the environment for replication
natural phenomenon
biological process
778 Q9128 light 213 95 electromagnetic radiation at or near visible wavelengths
фактор виробничого оточення electromagnetic wave
optical radiation
779 Q82571 linear algebra 118 73 branch of mathematics that studies vector spaces and linear transformations area of mathematics algebra
Lineare Algebra‎ (kommutativer Ring)
780 Q8162 linguistics 222 129 scientific study of language academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science
language arts
language stud­ies
781 Q11367 lipid 116 67 class of nonpolar substances including those of biological and artificial origin imprecise class of chemical entities organic compound
782 Q11435 liquid 138 66 nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a nearly constant volume independent of pressure
fundamental state of matter fluid
physical state
783 Q8236 literacy 121 82 ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word; ability to read, write, and use arithmetic concept
academic discipline
basic study subject
784 Q8242 literature 282 144 polysemous term referring to a written art form, and the set of all literary works
type of arts
group of works
language arts
785 Q11582 litre 136 70 unit of volume accepted for use with the SI
unit of volume
non-SI unit mentioned in and accepted with the SI
UCUM derived unit
786 Q9368 liver 186 94 vertebrate organ involved in metabolism
organ type
class of anatomical entity
accessory digestive gland
lobular organ
particular anatomical entity
glandular organ
human digestive system
787 Q11197 logarithm 116 75 inverse of the exponential function, which maps products to sums
type of mathematical function multivalued function
transcendental function
binary operation
788 Q8078 logic 200 117 study of correct reasoning
class used in Universal Decimal Classification
formal science
branch of philosophy
789 Q316 love 234 125 strong, positive emotion based on affection
advanced emotion
theory of emotion
psychology terminology
790 Q11019 machine 151 86 tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action
first-order class appliance
791 Q12800 machine gun 112 57 fully automatic mounted or portable firearm
weapon functional class self-loading firearm
automatic firearm
selective fire firearm
792 Q11421 magnet 134 76 material or object that produces a magnetic field
physical object
793 Q11408 magnetic field 116 57 spatial distribution of vectors allowing the calculation of the magnetic force on a test particle
794 Q11575 maize 225 315 species of grass cultivated as a food crop
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
useful plant
annual plant
795 Q12156 malaria 180 201 mosquito-borne infectious disease
endemic disease
class of disease
parasitic protozoa infectious disease
vector-borne disease
796 Q12167 malnutrition 112 65 medical condition that results from eating too little, too much, or the wrong nutrients
academic discipline
failure mode
nutrition disorder
clinical sign
797 Q7377 mammal 217 151 class of tetrapods
taxon Vertebrata
798 Q8441 man 222 90 male adult human
male human
male and female
799 Q382441 marine mammal 74 35 mammals that live in marine environments
organisms known by a particular common name aquatic mammal
800 Q8445 marriage 218 137 social union or legal contract between people called spouses that creates kinship
legal institution
nominal kinship
intimate relationship
end of betrothal
801 Q11417 martial art 122 73 codified systems and traditions of combat practices
type of arts
type of sport
802 Q11423 mass 163 88 property of matter to resist changes of the state of motion and to attract other bodies
kind of quantity
ISQ base quantity
extensive quantity
physical quantity
scalar quantity
additive quantity
803 Q11033 mass media 160 113 media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication
academic discipline
information system
social communication
804 Q7081 materialism 126 51 form of philosophical monism which holds matter to be the fundamental substance in nature school of thought monism
805 Q7754 mathematical analysis 124 72 branch of mathematics academic discipline
academic major
mathematical theory
pure mathematics mathematics
806 Q11538 mathematical proof 103 34 rigorous demonstration that a mathematical statement follows from its premises mathematical concept
mathematical textform
mathematical reasoning
807 Q395 mathematics 320 187 field of study
academic discipline
academic major
mathematical term
natural science science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
formal science
exact science
808 Q12453 measurement 140 58 process of assigning quantities to objects or events
academic major estimation metrology
809 Q10990 meat 190 93 animal flesh eaten as food
intermediate good
food ingredient
animal product
810 Q12140 medication 155 95 substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease
pharmaceutical product
811 Q11190 medicine 246 135 field of study for diagnosing, treating and preventing disease
field of study
academic discipline
field of work
health sciences life sciences
812 Q12171 menstruation 125 75 cyclic, physiologic discharge through the vagina of blood and endometrial tissues from the nonpregnant uterus
biological process menstruation
813 Q12135 mental disorder 118 122 distressing thought or behavior pattern
class of disease disease
814 Q1057 metabolism 129 82 set of chemical reactions and pathways by which living organisms transform chemical substances
biological process biological process
815 Q11426 metal 174 101 element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat
malleable material
inorganic matter
816 Q11467 metallurgy 118 67 domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metals
branch of science
materials science
817 Q11573 metre 174 118 SI unit of length
SI base unit
unit of length
UCUM base unit
MKSA system of units
International System of Units
MKS system of units
818 Q8473 military 145 92 organization primarily tasked with preparing for and conducting war
armed organization armed organization
819 Q8495 milk 242 139 white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals
class of anatomical entity food
food ingredient
body fluid
particular anatomical entity
dairy-milk beverage
non-alcoholic beverage
820 Q450 mind 167 46 combination of cognitive faculties that provides consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception, and judgement in humans and potentially other life forms
psychology term
type of property
abstract entity
821 Q7946 mineral 143 118 naturally occurring usually inorganic substance that has a (more or less) definite chemical composition and a crystal structure
natural resource
inorganic matter
natural matter
chemical substance
mineral substance
822 Q11369 molecule 168 77 smallest possibile amount of a chemical substance group or class of chemical entities molecular entity
823 Q7269 monarchy 191 76 system of government where the head of state position is inherited within family
form of government monarchic system
824 Q1368 money 256 92 physical or virtual object or record accepted as payment
legal fiction
medium of exchange
legal tender
nominal good
standard of deferred payment
825 Q9159 monotheism 152 64 belief that there is only one god religious belief theism
826 Q1420 motor car 234 194 motorized road vehicle designed to carry one to eight people rather than primarily goods
motor vehicle
multi-track vehicle
road vehicle
road transport
827 Q8502 mountain 240 120 large natural elevation of the Earth's surface
natural geographic object
mountain range
828 Q7365 muscle 151 92 contractile soft tissue of animals
anatomical structure class type
class of anatomical entity
general anatomical term
nonparenchymatous organ
muscle structure
particular anatomical entity
muscular system
829 Q638 music 304 211 art/activity of creating art using sound
type of arts
field of study
academic discipline
830 Q12152 myocardial infarction 126 130 interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart
cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
coronary artery disease
831 Q9134 mythology 172 96 stories of gods and fairies and fantastic creatures
type of world view
world view
fictional universe
832 Q11468 nanotechnology 122 87 field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
technical sciences
type of technology
833 Q6235 nationalism 178 96 ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people) especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland political ideology
834 Q8065 natural disaster 125 66 major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth, which may cause loss of life or property
failure mode disaster
natural phenomenon
natural risk
risk source
environmental disturbance
835 Q7860 nature 212 75 natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
phenomenon Universe
836 Q9620 nerve 118 67 enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system
anatomical structure class type
class of anatomical entity
nervous tissue
segment of neural tree organ
particular anatomical entity
peripheral nervous system
837 Q9404 nervous system 132 95 part of an animal that coordinates actions and senses anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
neurovascular system
838 Q11032 newspaper 195 135 scheduled publication containing news of events, articles, features, editorials, and advertising
product category periodical
written news media
magazines & newspaper
print-native publication
839 Q627 nitrogen 196 126 chemical element, symbol N and atomic number 7; most abundant element in Earth atmosphere
chemical element
atmophile element
diatomic nonmetal
period 2
group 15
840 Q7363 nose 191 86 organ that smells and facilitates breathing
class of anatomical entity animal organ
particular anatomical entity
sensory organ
841 Q8261 novel 173 99 narrative text, normally of a substantial length and in the form of prose describing a fictional and sequential story literary form
literary genre
work of fiction
novel sequence
842 Q11429 nuclear fission 107 58 nuclear reaction splitting an atom into multiple parts
nuclear reaction separation
nuclear reaction
843 Q12739 nuclear power 133 100 power generated from nuclear reactions
form of energy technology
energy source
nuclear technology
energy industry
nuclear program
sustainable energy
alternative energy
844 Q12802 nuclear weapon 144 78 explosive device that gets its destructive force from nuclear reactions
nuclear technology
weapon functional class
weapon of mass destruction
nuclear explosive
845 Q11563 number 212 78 mathematical object used to count, label, and measure
mathematical object set of numbers
846 Q12479 number theory 126 66 branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers area of mathematics mathematics mathematics
pure mathematics
847 Q11216 numerical analysis 98 59 study of algorithms that use numerical approximation for the problems of mathematical analysis area of mathematics algorithmics
computational science
computational mathematics
applied mathematics
848 Q11009 nut 124 65 in botany, type of dry indehiscent fruit
type of fruit indehiscent fruit
849 Q12174 obesity 137 494 medical condition in which excess body fat harms health
health risk
class of disease
symptom or sign
academic discipline
850 Q9430 ocean 238 81 very large body of saline water
natural geographic object
body of water
marine water body
saline water body
851 Q1344 opera 163 140 artform combining sung text and musical score in a theatrical setting
music genre
theatrical genre
type of dramatico-musical work
theatre music
classical music
musical drama
composed musical work
852 Q9135 operating system 170 185 software that manages computer hardware resources
software category system software
computing platform
853 Q11351 organic chemistry 146 89 subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons, and their derivatives
branch of chemistry
academic major
academic discipline
chemistry chemistry
854 Q7239 organism 163 95 any individual living being or physical living system
physical anatomical entity population
group of living things
855 Q629 oxygen 222 149 chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8
chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
period 2
group 16
oxygen gasoreceptor activity
oxygen carrier activity
856 Q12184 pandemic 152 67 epidemic of infectious disease that has spread across a large region with global health impact
systemic risk
external risk
857 Q11472 paper 188 128 thin, flexible material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging
material manufactured product
858 Q454 peace 197 68 state of harmony characterized by lack of violent conflict and freedom from fear of violence
type of value state
859 Q10693 periodic table 220 98 table systematically placing elements based on atomic number and recurrent properties
chemical classification table extended periodic table
860 Q5891 philosophy 304 179 study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of work
knowledge system humanities
861 Q8183 phoneme 118 54 basic unit of phonology emic unit vocal sound
862 Q11633 photography 204 175 art, science, and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation
artistic technique
academic discipline
type of arts
visual artwork lens-based visual arts
863 Q11982 photosynthesis 155 96 biological process to convert light into chemical energy
biological process cell metabolism
864 Q11372 physical chemistry 111 61 study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
branch of chemistry
academic discipline
academic major
865 Q413 physics 298 129 study of matter and its motion, along with related concepts such as energy and force
branch of science
academic discipline
exact science
natural science physical sciences
866 Q167 pi 173 96 constant ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
transcendental number
real number
mathematical constant
UCUM constant
867 Q5994 piano 162 98 musical keyboard instrument
type of musical instrument keyboard instrument
868 Q787 pig 209 115 domesticated omnivorous even-toed ungulate
taxon domesticated mammal
productive animal
869 Q634 planet 256 119 celestial body directly orbiting a star or stellar remnant
astronomical object type planetary-mass object
substellar object
planetary system
870 Q756 plant 261 170 living thing in the kingdom of photosynthetic eukaryotes
taxon autotroph
871 Q10251 plasma 127 60 state of matter consisting of ionized gas
fundamental state of matter
classical state of matter
872 Q11474 plastic 144 89 material of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids
organic matter chemical substance
873 Q7950 plate tectonics 115 50 scientific theory that describes the large-scale motions of Earth's lithosphere
theory geotectonics lithosphere
874 Q11464 plough 141 79 tool and farm implement
ethnological term tillage machine
vehicle attachment
agricultural machinery
physical tool
875 Q12192 pneumonia 137 164 inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs
infectious disease
class of disease
cause of death
lung disease
lower respiratory tract infection
876 Q482 poetry 237 105 literary style characterized by a strong expressiveness of words
literary form
academic discipline
literary work
877 Q12195 poliomyelitis 117 155 human disease
infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
peripheral neuropathy
acquired motor neuron disease
central nervous system viral disease
Enterovirus infectious disease
878 Q7278 political party 169 112 organization that seeks to influence government policy and actions and be elected to directly take part on government or legislation legal concept
legal form
juridical person
political organization
879 Q7163 politics 285 124 activities associated with group decisions
academic discipline group behaviour
adversarial process
880 Q9163 polytheism 126 51 worship of or belief in multiple deities
religious belief theism
881 Q10998 potato 186 244 species of plant (for the food, use Q16587531)
taxon useful plant
annual plant
poisonous plant
882 Q11642 pottery 112 67 craft of making objects from clay
visual arts technique
plastic arts
883 Q10294 poverty 170 122 lack of a certain amount of material possessions or money
status state
social issue
884 Q11756 prehistory 167 70 span of time before recorded history
historical period
archaeological culture
885 Q7380 primate 139 108 order of mammals (scientific name: Primates)
taxon mammal
886 Q11034 printing 130 91 process for reproducing text and images using a master form or template
printing technique
887 Q9492 probability 131 92 measure of the expectation that an event will occur or a statement is true
probability measure mathematical object
dimensionless quantity
888 Q9143 programming language 156 126 language for communicating instructions to a machine
computer science term computer language computer
889 Q7281 propaganda 137 100 material created to influence or persuade
human activity
psychological manipulation
information campaign
deceptive communication technique
890 Q676 prose 128 46 form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech
literary form literary work literature
891 Q8054 protein 166 152 biomolecule consisting of chains of amino acid residues
structural class of chemical entities
second-order class
gene product
biological macromolecule
regulation of protein catabolic process at synapse, modulating synaptic transmission
protein catabolic process at synapse
protein catabolic process at presynapse
protein catabolic process at postsynapse
regulation protein catabolic process at synapse
regulation protein catabolic process at presynapse
regulation protein catabolic process at postsynapse
establishment of protein localization
protein transmembrane transport
protein localization to spindle pole body
establishment of protein localization to spindle pole body
microtubule polymerization based protein transport to cell tip cortex
microtubule polymerization based protein transport
protein localization to cell wall
protein localization to cell cortex of cell tip
protein localization to meiotic spindle pole body
protein localization to mitotic spindle pole body
protein transport along microtubule to mitotic spindle pole body
ribonucleoprotein granule
protein catabolic process, modulating synaptic transmission
ribonucleoprotein complex
membrane insertase activity
892 Q10892 protist 117 139 eukaryotic organisms that are not animals, plants or fungi
paraphyletic group
893 Q9418 psychology 234 181 study of mental functions and behaviours
academic discipline
health specialty
human science
health sciences
behavioral sciences
894 Q12516 pyramid 140 64 structure whose shape is roughly that of a pyramid in the geometric sense
type of structure building
895 Q944 quantum mechanics 162 105 fundamental theory in physics describing the properties of nature on an atomic scale
branch of physics
mechanics modern physics
quantum physics
896 Q8461 racism 181 128 race or ethnic-based discrimination
political ideology
social inequality
897 Q872 radio communications 182 107 technology of signaling and communicating using radio waves
898 Q11448 radioactivity 117 79 process by which an unstable atom emits radiation
physical process
physical phenomenon
899 Q7925 rain 246 105 liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated
type of meteorological phenomenon precipitation
900 Q9510 reality 148 40 sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent concept
psychology term
901 Q9794 reggae 115 75 music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s
music genre music of Jamaica
902 Q128593 reincarnation 105 61 concept of rebirth in some religions and cultures
religious concept
hypothetical event philosophy
903 Q9174 religion 290 166 social-cultural system
type of world view
belief system
world view
magic and religion
904 Q12705 renewable energy 118 68 energy collected from renewable resources
renewable resource
energy source
905 Q11990 reproduction 134 75 production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms biological process
type of process
biological process
906 Q7895 reproductive system 98 48 system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
genitourinary system
907 Q7270 republic 199 70 form of government where the head of state is elected
form of state
form of government
908 Q5321 resistor 110 59 passive electronic component used for its resistance
type of electronic component electronic component
909 Q7891 respiratory system 111 71 system in an organism that exchanges respiratory gases
anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
circulatory system
910 Q5090 rice 213 89 staple grain of Oryza and Zizania species
cereal grain
staple food
food ingredient
shelf-stable food
colonial goods
911 Q4022 river 255 146 larger natural watercourse
ecosystem type watercourse
drainage system
912 Q11012 robot 143 85 mechanical or virtual artificial agent carrying out physical activities, which can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within
artificially intelligent entity
913 Q8063 rock 165 74 naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals or mineraloids
rock formation natural material
914 Q11399 rock music 142 92 popular music genre
music genre popular music
915 Q5378 rugby 143 95 collective term for rugby union and rugby league team sports
team sport
ball game
football codes
916 Q12370 salt 115 64 ionic compound composed of cations and anions
structural class of chemical entities ionic compound
mineral substance
response to salt
cellular response to salt
salt transmembrane transporter activity
917 Q11403 samba 90 43 Brazilian music genre
music genre music of Brazil
918 Q336 science 311 155 systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge, and the set of knowledge produced by this system
academic discipline
knowledge system science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
919 Q11022 screw 118 50 fastener that has a thread wrapped around a cylinder
type of machine element
encyclopedia article
simple machine
threaded fastener
920 Q165 sea 258 76 large body of saline water
water area
marine water body
saline water body
921 Q11574 second 171 96 SI unit of time, defined as 9 192 631 770 periods of the ground-state hyperfine transitions of caesium-133
SI base unit
unit of time
UCUM base unit
SI unit with special name
time interval minute
centimeter–gram–second system of units
MKS system of units
922 Q11456 semiconductor 116 69 material that has electrical conductivity intermediate to that of a conductor and an insulator
electrical conductor
электротехника материалдары
semiconductor device
semiconductor diode
semiconductor memory
923 Q11101 sensory nervous system 92 39 part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information class of anatomical entity nervous system
particular anatomical entity
set of organ system subdivisions
heterogeneous anatomical cluster
nervous system
924 Q12482 set theory 132 79 branch of mathematics that studies sets, which are collections of objects area of mathematics
mathematical theory
Mathematical logic, set theory, lattices and universal algebra
theory of sets, relations and functions
925 Q12198 sexually transmitted infection 119 99 infection transmitted through human sexual behavior
mode of transmission infectious disease
926 Q7372 shark 163 87 clade of predatory cartilaginous fish
taxon fish
fish as food
927 Q7368 sheep 221 102 domesticated ruminant bred for meat, wool, and milk
organisms known by a particular common name domesticated mammal
productive animal
928 Q11446 ship 174 126 large buoyant watercraft
watercraft type watercraft
transport vehicle
929 Q1090 silver 222 196 chemical element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47
chemical element noble metal
transition metal
period 5
precious metal
period 5
group 11
930 Q8201 sinograms 136 79 logographic writing system with Han origin used in the Sinosphere for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and traditional Vietnamese languages
logographic writing system
natural writing system
writing system
writing system Chinese
Han with Bopomofo
931 Q7881 skeleton 136 80 part of the body that forms the supporting structure
class of anatomical entity particular anatomical entity
anatomical collection
932 Q1074 skin 173 86 soft outer covering organ of vertebrates
organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
animal product
particular anatomical entity
sensory organ
933 Q8463 slavery 190 126 system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work
social exploitation
unfree labour
934 Q11090 small intestine 118 69 part of the digestive tract, following the stomach and followed by the large intestine fake organ type
class of anatomical entity
organ with organ cavity
particular anatomical entity
human digestive system
935 Q12214 smallpox 139 182 eradicated human disease
infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
skin disease
Poxviridae infectious disease
eradicated disease
manner of death
936 Q2102 snake 218 79 limbless, scaly, elongate reptile
organisms known by a particular common name Reptilia
937 Q7561 snow 219 100 precipitation in the form of ice crystal flakes
type of meteorological phenomenon precipitation
938 Q7272 socialism 188 121 socio-economic system based on social ownership of the means of production; also the ideology that aims to implement it political ideology
economic system
social formation
social movement
939 Q8425 society 222 90 group of people connected to each other
concept group of humans
940 Q7397 software 159 177 non-tangible executable component of a computer
creative work
written work
941 Q11438 solid 134 53 solid matter; matter which does not deform easily under pressure
fundamental state of matter
state of matter
physical state
942 Q7366 song 180 105 musical composition for voice(s)
type of musical work/composition
literary form
literary genre
lyrico-musical work
vocal music
943 Q9165 soul 176 74 essence of an individual
religious concept mind person
psychology terminology
944 Q11461 sound 174 80 vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave
acoustic wave
longitudinal wave
945 Q11006 soybean 144 215 species of plant in the Fabaceae family
taxon useful plant
annual plant
946 Q5916 spaceflight 108 82 flight into or through outer space
genre flight
space mission
947 Q11455 special relativity 119 51 physical theory of measurement in an inertial frame of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein
scientific theory
physical law
theory of relativity
948 Q7432 species 152 58 one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank taxonomic rank
rank in zoology
rank in botany
taxon subseries
949 Q2111 speed of light in vacuum 134 78 speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum physical constant
unit of speed
fundamental limit
measured quantity value
UCUM constant
scalar quantity
unit of measurement
950 Q349 sport 282 159 forms of recreational activity, usually physical
academic discipline physical activity sport, games, physical exercises
951 Q523 star 261 129 astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity
astronomical object type astronomical object
light source
star system
952 Q7275 state 208 113 organised community living under a system of government; either a sovereign state, constituent state, or federated state
juridical person
political territorial entity
subject of international law
former or current state
953 Q11430 state of matter 118 47 distinct forms that different phases of matter take on
physical property
954 Q12483 statistics 196 123 study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
academic major mathematics
formal science
955 Q12760 steam engine 112 63 heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid
engineering term heat engine
956 Q11427 steel 157 94 alloy made by combining iron and other elements
alloy iron alloy
957 Q12202 stroke 123 119 death of a region of brain cells due to poor blood flow
cause of death
symptom or sign
cerebrovascular disease
neurological symptom
958 Q11415 strong interaction 101 33 force binding particles within the atomic nucleus
fundamental interaction elementary particle interaction
959 Q2811 submarine 131 99 watercraft capable of independent operation underwater
submarine type vessel
underwater vehicle
water transport
960 Q11002 sugar 192 96 short-chain, water-soluble carbohydrate
group or class of chemical substances
food ingredient
stimulant foodstuff
production of sugar and bakery industry
colonial goods
cioccolato di Modica
961 Q10737 suicide 187 133 intentional act of causing one's own death
manner of death
cause of death
962 Q6388 swimming 148 61 self propulsion of a person through water or other liquid; mainly on the water surface
aquatic locomotion
physical activity
963 Q12791 sword 162 102 bladed weapon longer than a knife or dagger
weapon functional class piercing-cutting weapon
edged and bladed weapon
964 Q8188 syllable 122 46 unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds unit of speech structure
linguistic unit
965 Q12485 symmetry 98 41 state; balance of object
type of property property
966 Q9734 symphony 105 68 extended musical composition
type of musical work/composition
musical form
music genre
composed musical work
967 Q11254 table salt 184 105 mineral used as food ingredient, composed primarily of sodium chloride
food ingredient
food preservative
968 Q12876 tank 150 63 armoured fighting vehicle intended as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat
weapon functional class
vehicle functional class
armored fighting vehicle
969 Q124794 taste 109 70 sense that detects types of chemicals that touch the tongue
sense perception five wits
970 Q8161 tax 159 84 mandatory financial charge or other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a governmental organization to collectively fund government spending, public expenditures, or to regulate and reduce negative externalities
taxes and public duties
971 Q6097 tea 240 119 drink made from infusing water with the leaves of the tea plant
hot beverage
stimulant foodstuff
non-alcoholic beverage
colonial goods
suutei tsai
972 Q11016 technology 224 114 making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, or tools and techniques so created
academic discipline
applied science science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
technical system
973 Q11035 telephone 206 95 telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation
product type
consumer electronics
electrical appliance
home appliance
telecommunications equipment
974 Q289 television 259 144 telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images
type of mass media
mass media
975 Q11466 temperature 153 78 physical property of matter that quantitatively expresses the common notions of hot and cold
state function scalar quantity
intensive quantity
976 Q847 tennis 199 132 racket sport played on a court bisected by a net
type of sport ball game
racket sport
Olympic sport
977 Q7283 terrorism 173 134 use of violence as a form of political, economic and religious coercion
political crime
risk source
political activism
978 Q11635 theatre 208 120 collaborative form of performing art
performing arts genre
performing arts industry
academic discipline
performing arts
979 Q11473 thermodynamics 146 99 branch of physics concerned with heat, work, temperature, and thermal or internal energy
branch of physics
academic discipline
physical sciences physics
980 Q9420 thinking 171 50 mental activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness
mental process psychology terminology
human energy
981 Q11471 time 237 94 dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future
scalar quantity
spatio-temporal entity
measurable set
982 Q12143 time zone 194 52 region on Earth that has a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes
geographic region non-political administrative territorial entity
time standard
geographic region
983 Q1096 tin 182 139 chemical element with symbol Sn and atomic number 50
chemical element
chemical substance
chalcophile element
post-transition metal
period 5
antimony-doped tin oxide
period 5
group 14
984 Q1566 tobacco 151 80 agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in genus nicotiana
colonial goods
985 Q8081 tornado 160 103 violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the earth's surface and a cumulonimbus cloud in the air
type of meteorological phenomenon meteorological disaster
meteorological phenomenon
986 Q12518 tower 126 79 structure with height greater than width
type of structure building
architectural structure
987 Q11422 toy 142 85 object intended to be played with
recreative work
tangible good
recreational equipment
988 Q601401 trade 164 78 economic branch involving the exchange of goods and services
type of economic interaction economic activity economy
989 Q870 train 192 69 form of rail transport consisting of a series of connected vehicles
mode of transport wheeled vehicle
rolling stock
990 Q11658 transformer 112 57 electrical device that transfers energy through electromagnetic induction from one circuit to another circuit
electrical element electrical element
passive electronic component
991 Q5339 transistor 130 67 a semiconductor device
semiconductor device
active electronic component
992 Q7553 translation 160 82 transfer of the meaning of something in one language into another
academic major
verbal communication
human communication
993 Q7590 transport 202 122 human-directed movement of things or people between locations
intentional human activity
material flow
economic activity
994 Q10884 tree 255 130 perennial woody plant
organisms known by a particular common name
first-order class
woody plant
995 Q8084 trigonometry 151 67 branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides
area of mathematics geometry
996 Q8092 tropical cyclone 138 66 rapidly rotating storm system that forms in the tropics
type of cyclone low pressure area
extreme weather
997 Q8338 trumpet 134 91 musical instrument
type of musical instrument valve trumpets
998 Q7949 truth 180 78 what is in accord with fact or reality type of value proposition
999 Q8070 tsunami 172 96 series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water
natural disaster
1000 Q12204 tuberculosis 174 205 infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis
notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
endemic disease
infectious disease
emerging communicable disease
1001 Q11391 ultraviolet radiation 117 100 form of electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic spectrum
1002 Q134808 vaccine 134 87 substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute
remedy biopharmaceutical
1003 Q11475 vacuum 128 60 space that is empty of matter
abstract entity physics
1004 Q11004 vegetable 197 97 edible plant or part of a plant, involved in cooking
food group plant
plant-based food
food ingredient
vegetables and gourds (except potatoes)
fruits and vegetables
1005 Q11465 velocity 143 78 rate of change of the position of an object as a function of time, and the direction of that change
vector quantity
ISQ derived quantity
physical quantity
1006 Q7889 video game 151 213 electronic game with user interface and visual feedback
type of arts
software category
electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
video games, consoles and accessories
1007 Q8355 violin 160 118 bowed string instrument
type of musical instrument bowed string instrument violin family
1008 Q808 virus 186 133 non-cellular, submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism
taxon microorganism
1009 Q8072 volcano 221 120 natural, surface vent or fissure usually in a mountainous form
volcanic landform
1010 Q198 war 246 154 organised and prolonged violent conflict between states
type of conflict armed conflict
social issue
military activity
group conflict
1011 Q283 water 315 331 chemical compound with raw molecular formula H₂O; main constituent of the fluids of most living organisms
type of chemical entity oxide
dihydrogen chalcogenide
water channel activity
cellular water homeostasis
water transport
water homeostasis
water transmembrane transporter activity
response to water
multicellular organismal water homeostasis
cellular response to water stimulus
1012 Q81041 water cycle 113 61 continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth biogeochemical cycle hydrology
1013 Q11418 weak interaction 97 49 fundamental interaction responsible for beta decay and nuclear fission
fundamental interaction electroweak interaction
1014 Q728 weapon 172 108 tool intended or likely to inflict damage or harm
weapon functional class tool
adult product
1015 Q11663 weather 192 94 state of the atmosphere
natural phenomenon meteorological phenomenon
atmospheric circulation
1016 Q15645384 wheat 178 110 widely cultivated cereal grain
food ingredient
cereal grain
Russian cuisine
1017 Q8094 wind 195 84 flow of gases or air on a large scale
type of meteorological phenomenon meteorological phenomenon
1018 Q282 wine 216 139 alcoholic drink typically made from grapes through the fermentation process
fermented alcoholic beverage
alcoholic fruit beverage
1019 Q467 woman 257 127 female adult human
female human
1020 Q287 wood 163 110 fibrous material from trees or other plants
renewable resource
plant material
1021 Q8171 word 195 60 smallest linguistic element that will be said in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content
word or phrase
lexical item
1022 Q8192 writing system 148 68 any conventional method of visually representing verbal or signed communication
type of system notation linguistic system
1023 Q577 year 237 97 estimated period of time for the Earth's orbit around the Sun and observed at a fixed geographic point (averaging 365.24 days); base later modified to define or adjust various calendars
unit of time time interval
orbital period
période sothiaque
1024 Q8146 yen 139 79 official currency of Japan
currency yuan
1025 Q9350 yoga 146 116 group of physical, mental and spiritual practices originating from ancient India
physical exercise
spiritual practice
Mind–body interventions
intangible cultural heritage
1026 Q1631 Édith Piaf 144 303 French singer (1915–1963)

∑ 1026 items.

End of automatically generated list.