Wikidata:Wikidata in Wikimedia projects/arz

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Wikidata in Wikimedia projects and the translation is 2% complete.

This page has been created to outline the benefits and challenges of using facts from Wikidata on other Wikimedia projects including how to avoid, improve or correct any issues and address common misunderstandings or concerns. It will also provide an overview of what is and isn’t currently possible when reusing data from Wikidata on other Wikimedia projects and improvements planned in the future. If you are new to Wikidata the following links may be helpful to you:

Centralising facts across many Wikimedia projects

Centralising facts for Wikimedia projects on Wikidata will allow people across many different Wikimedia projects in many different languages to work together to collate information which has many benefits:

  • Reduce duplicated effort: Wikidata is multilingual, meaning that if you contribute information to Wikidata for it to be used on your project is available for all other projects to use. This is a much more efficient than all Wikimedia projects compiling facts separately e.g. manually updating numbers of inhabitants of each country in the world on every different language Wikipedia.
  • Reduce language barriers: Wikidata allows us to collate facts from sources in different languages and make them accessible to everyone, regardless of the language they speak. This concept also applies to barriers caused by lack of local and specialist knowledge about a subject.
  • Bring together data from many sources: Wikidata allows us to systematically import large volumes of facts from external databases using bots and tools.
  • More people working on error correction: By centralising facts we can centralise our efforts and resources to find and correct errors either through vandalism and good faith mistakes. Having a centralised database of facts means that errors only need to be corrected once, finding incorrect facts spread over several Wikipedia articles is harder to correct.

Data quality on Wikidata

Wikidata is a young project that is growing quickly. Receiving contributions from users is essential to improving data quality. There are several ways data are added to and improved on Wikidata:


Individual users adding individual facts is the most common way users add data to Wikidata. Wikidata reuses data that has already been added to other Wikimedia projects, however this data is sometimes out of date, incomplete or incorrect.

Importing datasets

Data is also added through importing large external datasets. Anyone can request that data is imported from an external source through the Wikidata:Data Import Hub.


There are several partnerships with external organisations to improve data quality including:


The Wikidata Query Service is one way that data can be checked for completeness and accuracy, you can request a query at Wikidata:Request a query.

Future developments

In future Wikidata will be introducing new features including:

  • More specific tracking of changes to Wikidata item pages that are used on other Wikimedia projects
  • Property constraints are being developed as rules on properties that specify how properties should be used.
  • Signed statements: to improve and maintain data quality.
  • ORES: to automatically score the quality of an item.

Making changes to Wikidata

Whilst Wikidata can be complex when adding a large quantity of data, adding single facts is a relatively simple process with a smaller learning curve than most other Wikimedia projects. The most common tasks on Wikidata are adding statements and adding references. Adding statements and references to Wikidata doesn't require a coding or markup knowledge. If you would like a larger amount of information from an external database added to Wikidata please make a request on the Wikidata:Data Import Hub.


The process of adding statements is quite simple and requires no coding skills, an overview can be found at Help:Statements#Adding statements.

References on Wikidata

Many facts on Wikidata do not yet have a reference or have a reference of being imported from another Wikimedia project. References are being added all the time both through individual contributions and planned, structured imports from external databases add 1000s or even 10,000 of referenced facts at a time. Adding a reference is a simple process:

  1. Choose a statement you would like to add a reference to and click the +Add reference button
  2. In the first box write reference URL if the information comes from an online source
  3. Paste the URL of the reference into the box on the right
  4. Click the Save button

For more in-depth instructions for adding references to statements please see Help:Sources.

Tracking changes to a Wikidata page from other Wikimedia projects

It is important for Wikimedia project contributors using data from Wikidata on their pages to know if a change has been made on Wikidata that affects their pages. It is possible to keep track of changes made to Wikidata item pages which are being used to display facts on other Wikimedia projects. On your Wikimedia project (when logged in):

  1. Go to your Special:Preferences page (link in the top right-hand corner of your screen).
  2. Click on the Watchlist tab.
  3. Tick the check-box next to 'Show Wikidata edits in your watchlist'.
NOTE: There is also a 'Watchlist' tab to the right of the 'Special:Preferences' tab. That's different. Going there will NOT allow you to 'Show Wikidata edits in your watchlist'.

Now when a change is made to a Wikidata item which is being on another Wikimedia project it will be displayed in your watchlist. Currently, the watchlist will not display what change has been made on the Wikidata page or if the statement appears on the article, although these are planned improvements. You can simply use the History tab on Wikidata to find this information like any other Wikimedia project. This is a much clearer and simpler process than transclusion of images from Commons where it is not possible to keep track of changes of an image on Commons from within another Wikimedia project.

Examples of data reuse

There are many ways Wikidata is being used on other Wikimedia projects including:

  • Wikidata fed infoboxes on Wikipedia
  • Maps and graphs
  • Mapping work on a subject
  • Visualisations

Wikidata fed infoboxes on Wikipedia

It is possible for infoboxes on Wikipedia to use data directly from Wikidata.

Control on the wiki

The templates that display the data from Wikidata provide additional controls to the wiki so they can customise the data to their needs, this includes:

  • Ability to override fields on the wiki
  • Filter to only show data on Wikidata that has references
  • Customise the parameters taken from Wikidata in the infobox
  • Select formatting (e.g., date formatting can be displayed as mdy or dmy)


There are several examples of Wikidata fed infoboxes on Wikipedia, these include:


Guides are available to help set up Wikidata fed infoboxes on Wikipedia

Maps and graphs

You can render Wikidata content as maps and graphs in Wikimedia projects, also see Wikidata:Geoshapes.

Lakes with name "Long lake" in Sweden.
[ source data ]

Country with regions and capitals

Population of London.
[ source data ]

World land area.
[ source data ]

Mapping work on a subject

It is possible to create lists of missing articles on any subject using Wikidata. This is done by creating a set of items on Wikidata and using a tool to see which articles do and do not exist on which Wikimedia projects:


There are many tools, both within Wikimedia projects and externally that reuse and combine Wikidata, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and other projects. These tools allow people to explore the content in a new way and can also be used to visualise content to provide new ways to highlight issues and possble improvements.

  • Histropedia: uses data from Wikipedia and Wikidata to automatically generate interactive timelines with events linked to Wikipedia articles. Example: The Apollo missions
  • Monumental: a tool that allows you to explore built heritage and learn more about monuments by collating information Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. Example: Paris
  • Scholia: a tool that creates scholarly profile pages constructed from queries to Wikidata Query Service. Example: Turing Award

Setting up use of Wikidata data on Wikimedia projects

Wikidata:How to use data on Wikimedia projects provides technical instructions on how to use Wikidata data on another Wikimedia project. You can also find help on the Wikidata:Project chat.