Wikidata:Property proposal/inventory number

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inventory number


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Not done
Descriptionnumeric or alphanumeric registration or inventory identifier of the subject, usually assigned by the owner, administrator, or registration authority (use this property if there is not a specific property for the concerned register or numbering system)
Representsnot found
Data typeString
Template parameternot found
Domainnot restricted
Allowed valuesnot restricted
Example 1Level crossing in Kounice (Q105848548) → P399 (related to this .ods and .pdf list, this numbering used also in the map
Example 2Candelabrum in Loretánská street (Q37290151) → 180036 (Prague streetlamp numbering system:
Example 3Vertical Sculpture of Time (Q107542741) → 390008 (Prague streetlamp numbering system:
Example 4Warehouse No 7 (Q12054443) → 7
Example 5transformer station in Nedvězí (Q37990504) → TS4041
Planned usenothing specific for now, but many types of subjects have their identifiers
Expected completenesscannot be complete, universal use
See alsofleet or registration number (P2802), house number (P670) conscription number (P4856), road number (P1824), route number (P1671) and many and many specific identifiers. See also Property proposal/bridge number.
  • I missed inventory number (P217). This is a very similar universal property. However, its description is centered on "collections", which evokes a museum or archive. Maybe, this property can apply also to management registers of structures, devices and similar utilitarian objects. In such a case, let this proposal be considered as a proposal to extend the existing property; then the proposed creation of a new property would not be necessary.



There are many properties for particular unique identifiers, or general types of identifiers (house numbers, fleet number, road number etc.). But however, a general property is missing for such a registration or inventory number for which there is no specific property.

This property is proposed for very wide use for identifiers and registers which have not their own specific property yet. It can apply to numbering of various collection items, structures, street furniture (notable clocks or street candelabras, public art, trees etc.), transport or infrastructure stations and devices (level crossings, distribution substations, train stations, bus stops) etc. etc. In some cases, the use of this property may be a transitional phase before a specific property is established. However, if there are a small number of items with such an identifier, establishing a specific property is unlikely or appropriate, and this universal property is an acceptable solution. ŠJů (talk) 18:11, 15 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]


  • to change the description and setting of inventory number (P217) to be more universal can be sufficient. --ŠJů (talk) 18:48, 15 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • catalog code (P528) can be used for cases not covered by inventory number (P217). --- Jura 06:32, 17 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    • @Jura1: Both of them are primarily described and designed rather for some archival material, collection items or library items rather than for structures, technical devices or street furniture, or even abstract entities such as legal entities, events, places etc. inventory number (P217) and catalog code (P528) can be merged and their description adapted for more universal use, or differentiated by type in some more meaningful way - now the two properties seem a bit duplicated, and their extended uses as somewhat random. The terms "inventory" and "catalogue" are almost synonymical in their primary meaning, but there are many various types of registers, lists, collections, anthologies, almanacs, databases etc. etc. which can contain numbered items. It is advisable to cover them all with one universal property, or is it better to differentiate them into several types? The identifier assigned by the owner, administrator, operator, founder, or any registration authority has a different weight and role, than an identifier assigned by an independent researcher, etc. Are we able to find a property name that is concise and appropriate enough for all possible uses, in the full range of possibilities? --ŠJů (talk) 12:53, 24 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    • Ideally, we would have a separate property for every registry. I'd say catalog code (P528) is the more general property. --- Jura 05:57, 25 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
      • @Jura1: In my langue, the equivalent of the word "inventory" evokes a list of furniture (movables) maintained by the owner, administrator or operator, or the amount of stocks of some goods in stock, while "catalog" can mean rather some independent list, or an offer sheet representing types of offered things, or a list of things at the exhibition. It is possible that the two properties could be merged, as their meaning overlaps in part. However, none of them (with its current description) is now suitable for street furniture or other utility things. I would explain the difference on postage stamps: the catalog represents what types of stamps were issued, while the inventory lists specific pieces of each type and their number. I would call the keeper's or manager's register of his assets "inventory (list)" rather than "catalog". I tried to used inventory number (P217)=180035 for Candelabrum on Hradčanské náměstí (Q37290199) but the property requires collection (P195) qualifier. IMHO, we need rather some qualifiers like "numbering system", "listed in" or "listed by". It would probably be a hurry to create a separate identifier property, which can be used in maximally several dozen items here in Wikidata. --ŠJů (talk) 15:11, 11 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  • Anyone can start a catalog. It can contain anything or everything. An inventory number implies some control over it. Usually something part of a collection. All the examples can be covered with catalog code (P528)/catalog (P972) and shouldn't use inventory number (P217). No need to create a new property, you might need to improve the label and description in your favorite language. Multichill (talk) 21:10, 12 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose redundant / too broad. don't think the examples look useful. BrokenSegue (talk) 04:30, 16 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Not done no consensus for creation --DannyS712 (talk) 17:28, 14 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]