Topic on User talk:Edoderoo

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nl is not French + German + English

Kolja21 (talkcontribs)

nl stands for Dutch. It's a language different from French, German and English. Copying the French, German and English labels 1:1 as a translation into Dutch is either stupid or vandalism.

Mahir256 (talkcontribs)
Kolja21 (talkcontribs)

Thanks but I'm not a native English speaker. I don't use Phabricator and I have enough problems with the new topic-editor that keeps saving all kind of drafts but not what I want to publish.

Edoderoo (talkcontribs)

I'm not copying 1-on-1 so without proper explanation what is the problem, I will only say that for the general explanation I do agree.

Kolja21 (talkcontribs)
Edoderoo (talkcontribs)

That is a theoretical point of view. A more practical point of view is that humans can make a better transcription, but in general they do not enter anything at all. But if they want, they can still overwrite and improve the suggestion of the bot (and sometimes they do). In the meantime we get at least something visual on labels in tools like SparQL. The option to leave 99.9% of the items blank on either label or description is indeed an option, but is not helpful. If the workforce on Dutch language will increase with a factor 100 (at least), then it would make sense to change my strategy. Right now it cost me already an hour a day to "try" to keep up with creating meaningful items for Dutch articles. I do not have time nor energy to manualy track the other 14.500 items that are created on Wikidata, day after day. My bot-script does have both time and energy, and therefor it makes sense to work the way we do.

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