Topic on User talk:Queryzo

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Jura1 (talkcontribs)

Hi Queryzo,

I tried to compare the episode titles to item labels for television series.

There are few German tv series episodes like:

that have the name of the series in the label, but not in the title.

I think we should have the same value in both, but I suppose it depends on the series which one would be the correct one. By default, I wouldn't include the series name.

What do you think? I'm asking you as you seem to have edited the first one above.

Queryzo (talkcontribs)

In dewiki we have a committment about labelling tv episodes, often tv films, which are within a film series. the belonging to a specific series isn't done via naming the series name in brackets in the lemma, like in other wikipedias, but beginning the lemma with the name of the series. despite the TITLE is most often the single name without the prefix (as you can see in the infoboxes an introductions in dewiki). i'm not quite sure how to solve this in wikidata, but in dewiki there are strong meanings to keep the current regulation

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I'm not sure what Help:Label/de says, but the German labels at Wikidata don't need to follow article title conventions of dewiki. Especially as the rule you mention seems to help in disambiguation (we have descriptions). In that case, I would change the labels to match the title property. We could still keep the current label as an alias.

Queryzo (talkcontribs)

shall I announce this in dewiki first? maybe there are some opinions about this. I would say too in wikidata we don't need the prefixes in labels.

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

In general, it's an editorial question for Wikidata/the relevant Wikidata project or project chat in German.

If dewiki currently uses the label in a template or a listing for in-existing articles (instead of the title), you might want to advise them.

I'm not entirely sure if the use is generalized here. Most entries were from Q698522.

Queryzo (talkcontribs)

"Polizeiruf 110" seems to be a special case, the episodes are often named as "Polizeiruf 110: Title" due to listings on websites etc.

Further more it is difficult to make a clear rule out of this, also the James Bond films have this problem with de labels. But I would support changing series for series if circumstances are given, f.e. items of Wilsberg:

I made a notification in dewiki for this for further opinions: Wikipedia:Redaktion_Film_und_Fernsehen#Label_und_Titel_von_Fernsehfilmen_in_Wikidata

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