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Autodescription — ligament (Q39888)

description: type of tissue that connects bones to other bones
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Classification of the class ligament (Q39888)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Problems of unthoughtful adding of classes


@TiagoLubiana: here you called something an anatomical structure that's not an anatomical structure according to FMA. Your added claims make it signifcantly harder to understand what's going on at this item. ChristianKl12:08, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@ChristianKl: I understand your concern, but I can assure you that the changes were well thought and based on extensive research. Of course, I make mistakes, but I argue this is not the case here. FMA considers "ligament" a "general anatomical term", what is an ontological mistake, as FMA it is an ontology about anatomy structures and not linguistics. It is a subclass of connective tissue (Q25615), not term (Q1969448). A "ligament" is an anatomical structure; entity an external evidence is that it is present in UBERON . TiagoLubiana (talk) 12:25, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]