Wikidata talk:WikiProject Supertemplates

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Developpers :

  • You can play with different languages by adding ?selang=xx at the end of URL and changing xx for code languages.
  • Template:Date : see Ticket 1.
  • Template:Statement+ : see Ticket 2.
  • Occasion to make search for precise dates when the country change.

بلد المواطنة (P27): البلد الذي ينتسب إليه الشخص


News and Statement documentation


@Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick: Hi, how are you?. These days I've worked on finishing the "thematic block" structure for the infobox person. You can see it at Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/infobox person. I have changed the initial design and I moved to the range of the yellow you proposed, although I have left in blank the background of the body with the list of properties to avoid excessive color.

Before start filling out all the cases and properties, I have tried to "industrialize" a little bit the contents of the "doc" parameter of the Statement+. It seemed to me that writing the link to the documentation, and the property constraints take a bit of time. I have also observed that the most common constraints consumed a space that could be useful to fil with more exceptional things. In summary, I have built the template:DocInfobox docStatement that generates a block of icons with the most common constraint. Each icon, besides being visually explanatory, shows its meaning as a "alt" when passing the mouse over. If you click on the image, it will take you to the documentation of the constraint. The less common restrictions or those requiring some additional data, I've let them appear behind the red button. In addition to the example of template documentation, I have transformed the (Q4) section of Wikidata:WikiProject_Supertemplates/doc/Persons (with your format) into User:Amadalvarez/test statement, so you can compare them.

Give feedback on what you think and if you think I have to change something or add any other popular constraint you identify as necessary or usual. You can see the constraints used by خاصية ويكي بيانات لعناصر عن الأشخاص (Q18608871) in this query:$

Salut !, Amadalvarez (نقاش) 20:50, 17 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

Hello. I just took a look at this model. I continue to do documentation at the moment, but I also make a lot of cycling and walking because I have low back pain...
For the new model, even if the rendering is aesthetic, I think it's a bit too synthetic. But as it concerns the blocks, it is not so much a problem since there is documentation behind it. It is true that the documentation of a property takes time, although in my case I take the opportunity to do some checks or additions. The saving of time is very present on the other hand from the second example added.
Today, I plan to continue documenting properties, including adding examples. I plan to create Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/All properties (excluding identifiers, I think it could be another page). The goal is to lighten the yellow navbox.
I have a proposition : replace (P22) father by father (P22) except for languages as arabian. I have a little trouble reading well with the parentheses that precede in the proposal.
Thanks to you I discover Template:Infobox, created years ago by a major user from FR Wiki and Wikimedia Commons. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 09:24, 18 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
I create the subpage for all properties, and make an organization according the number of the property. I keep the possibility to have a similar page for identifiers (and think, if we do it, we should have a proper category for the documentation of identifiers). Template:Label is adapted for casse, unfortunately it is not the case for Template:LinkedLabel. This subpage is adapted for AR and HE language, but also for languages that use different numbers as FA (farsi) and BN (bengali). I add a line for translations of figures at Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/Translations (CA Wiki writes in letters). It was not the most urgent, but I discover each days properties. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 10:19, 18 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
@Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick: Ja ja. "bit too synthetic", yes. I come from the school that "less is more". But, everybody may like a different color, fortunately. In any case, you say "it concerns the blocks,...", however, blocks and properties are related, because there is a link to the properties pages from the blocks, and we should have some user interface coherence to avoid people lost. That's why I propose improve my design adding your requirements. Icon in new format just cover 8 constraint and only 2 of them are very used. However, the محدد قيمة منفردة (Q19474404), محدد عنصر يتطلب ادعاء (Q21503247), محدد النوع (Q21503250), محدد التصفيات مسموح بها (Q21510851) are high used constrains and cannot be incorporated as icon, because they require a complementary descriptino, as I explained. So, we have enough information to fill the "text area" even in properties documentation. If you prefer to follow your present format, please show me what's your last design and I tried to get closer to it.
Regarding replace (P22) father by father (P22) , I agree with you. So, if you don't mind, I'll change in the template {{DocInfobox propertylink}} and it will act inmediately. About yellow colour, I appreciate if you can match the pattern I used in Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/infobox person (3 levels) in order to have a litte uniformity, although you use in a different format. Remember that red and green are bad for blind colour people.
Last, and the most important. Goes to ca:Plantilla:Proves amadalvarez/Prova3, edit and change the Qid and the Pnn in the CreateStatement module. Then preview (or save), look the code generated and copy to any place you need. Do you like ?.
Take care of your back pain, mon ami. Amadalvarez (نقاش) 17:04, 18 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
In fact, I am a fan of Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/Persons but with different subpages according births/names, works/life, death... with the white for the example, just in block pages because we have the name as title on properties' documentation, yellow for the documentation, orange for histories of qualifiers and red for risks of errors, things to know. We only have two ways to see things : User:Amadalvarez/test statement and Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/Persons. Few years ago, I was lecturer, so I have this habit to explain and explain again making things easy. I think it will be an advantage to directly display informations always following the same scheme. Just because it is always easy, as a 2 CV. Readers directly have informations on their eyes, with a color code. It stays easy, especially if we think at people from some countries where the level in informatic can be very different. To make it more easy, for examples I replace Q+ by LinkedLabel, this way readers forgive items are just numbers. I let PXXX just for qualifiers, because for a part of them we sometimes call them by their code when we fill a statement.
I am not again the fact to add green logos of constraints on Wikidata:WikiProject Supertemplates/doc/Persons, but I should prefer keeping them for the red navbox, the place I give the maximum of informations about properties, but always by keeping items (more easy to get translations), we have see this for Module:Cycling race.
I like your change to father (P22).
I am not against to change the yellow of the yellow navbox, I do a change to orange and red navboxes when you give me the plantilla in CA Wiki, unfortunately, there were not dégradé for yellow, and I search a sunny yellow different from "piss" yellow (I smile, but I have this in head when I see this yellow, even if I recognize a lighter yellow can be good). For daltanism, we have different forms with different views, it reminds me a numero of the emission C'est pas sorcier !.
Yes I like. On my side, I use a bloc note where I have the structure of a documentation of property (navboxes, titles, case and category) and a structure of a case (title, Statement+ and category). I work as a machine by replacing PXXX, if you see my history, you will see I sometimes do more than one case with an item. I return on the computer tomorrow morning. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 19:14, 18 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
@Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick:Ah.! I understand now a problem I had when I linked to a property from an thematic block. Your structure for "property level" concentrating at navbar the property characteristics and giving several examples down, is correct. But it requires that cases used in examples must not contain "doc info" to avoid repeat in each case the same info. We have two solutions: 1) to use different cases for property level documentation and for thematic level. 2) to have some kind of switch (I must think how) that do not apply |doc= on demand. Any idea/opiniion?.
I did not see the piss effect, to me is more a little duck yellow. Funny topic to start a research. Ha, ha.
Testing the createStatement I found two collateral problems:
  • 1) number of qualifiers accepted by {{Statement+}} was only 4. I fixed it increasing up to 8.
  • 2) the parameters used for {{Date}} in WD platform are "one parameter by each part of date" (in order Y|M|D); however, the cawiki, enwiki and others, use "-" between parts (in order D-M-Y) and frwiki accepts both (bravo!),....but in different order (D|M|Y)...Ohhh !. We have to find a solution to facilitate install in WPs without create a conflict.
In the same line as previous point, the word "infobox" for templates, documentation pages, etc. and "wikidata" for module are "high demanded" and is difficult to name things (for instance, new templates I did) to avoid collision. We should explore alternative names. For instance, I expected to use "infobox person", but it doesn't seem a good idea, because is wide used (or exists as a synonimous) for several WPs. So, we need an alternative. May be related with trans-WP o multi-lang or something like this. Well, is an open To-Do that i'd like share with you.
Keep in touch. Salut !Amadalvarez (نقاش) 07:54, 19 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
Even simpler: if we consider that the documentation of the property forms an apprenticeship and that the blocks form a showcase and a portal to more detailed information, then we can simply write hard cases in the blocks as I l have made and reserved the cases on the property documentation pages. And in this case, it is relevant to have blocks of information (birth, professional life, death ...) as you did instead of having a very large page like I had done.
I realize that when people are going to reread us in five years or ten years they will laugh well. For me littles ducks, it is in my imagination white and yellow/orange as en:Donald Duck, even if they are a light yellow. It is cultural. But we will finish by finding the perfect yellow.
FR Wiki has seen more developments, since few times we can write {{Date|19 novembre 2019}}, see fr:Modèle:Date. Four years ago, when we developed Module:Cycling race, we also had a problem with transcribing dates, so we included date processing in the algorithm, and Wikipedias contributors would tell us how to write a date. in their country. It's a pretty complicated job, you'll see it in the very long code.
In Cycling race, we had a "super module" that bore this name, and different functions (infobox, tables ...) were declensions. After, I think that in some cases, we will see on a case by case basis. For example, when we had communicated for the first time, I mentioned the Wikipedia in Luxembourgish. They have lb:Schabloun:Infobox Biographie used 7209 times for a Wikipedia with 57366 articles, 1315 times for lb:Infobox Biographie (Sportler). With a perfect infobox, we can imagine redirects and reusing the name Infobox Biographie. And for numerous small Wikipedias, I have a look on fr:Liste des éditions de Wikipédia, and don't give a definition of small Wikipedia, we can imagine that after discussion we would simply operate a switch from their infobox biography. No solution is perfect. And each solution will always bring its share of problems. I just take into consideration the fact that we are preparing the potential for each contributor to understand easily translatable documentation in their language, and that Wikidata elements start to be generally quite full, and that links are formed with authority records for their enrichment. For the most important Wikipedias, it is possible to create a new model.
It is for this reason that I am in favor of using a "super module", which would be able to generate the infobox of a biography, but also that of a locality, or the table of a population. I have no programming skills except to translate or copy and paste, but I'm pretty sure the code will be thousands of lines. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 09:32, 19 November 2019 (UTC) PS : for translations, I think can have an interest, but I don't have more informations for the moment. The idea is to encapsulate a part of translations, for a very very long term.[ردّ]

Wikipédia en n’ko


Bonjour @Amadalvarez:. Je t'écris exceptionnellement en français car hier je suis tombé sur le message de @Wikiourembaya:, francophone, mais également contributeur sur la Wikipédia en n'ko (cette Wikipédia est récente). Le n'ko est utilisé en Afrique de l'Ouest. J'ai évoqué ce projet créé en début de mois et mentionné le fait que si Wikidata était intéressant, il y aurait pour ce language un travail très conséquent à effectuer en matière de traductions d'éléments. Il serait intéressant l'an prochain de faire une adaptation dans ce langage qui présente quelques similitudes avec le farsi (sens d'écriture, alphabet différent, chiffres différents). De mon côté, je vais déjà tenter un contact avec l'équipe de développement pour que Wikidata s'affiche de droite à gauche en n'ko. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 12:01, 24 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

Requête effectuée. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (نقاش) 12:14, 24 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]
@Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick: J'ai connu la création de ce langage via Amire80 qui m'a invité à installer l'infobox. J'ai fait cette page de test pour voir s'ils pouvaient les intéresser et pour commencer à traduire les labels les plus prioritaires. J'ai maintenant vu qu'Amir a préparé un guide sur la façon de le faire. @Wikiourembaya: Ma suggestion est d'être patient avec l'infobox. L'incorporation à n'ko fait partie des plans d'Amir et de moi. Le travail que nous réalisons dans ce projet avec Jérémy est de faire en sorte que la mise en œuvre de la infobox dans les nouveaux WP soit plus facile que maintenant et que la traduction de la documentation soit "presque automatique". J'aimerais croire que durant le mois de janvier, nous pourrons faire les premières installations. Je pensais commencer par un langage que je comprends pour pouvoir réagir en cas de problème, par exemple la version pour frwiki. Nous aborderons ensuite un RTL, qui pourrait être nqowiki. Lorsque vous démarrez un nouveau wiki, il y a beaucoup de travail technique à faire (ce que je ne connais pas). Vous pouvez prendre le temps d'avancer avec les traductions vers WD avec la page préparée par Amir. Il servira également à détecter si la boîte d’information a un problème avec nqo avant de l’installer, comme comment traiter les dates, les unités de mesure, etc.
NOTE TRES IMPORTANT: N'installez aucune version du module:Wikidata que celle de cawiki, car cela nous posera de nombreux problèmes plus tard pour pouvoir travailler avec des infoboxes multilingues.
Dernière question: Wikiourembaya, ferez-vous le rôle d'administrateur / interlocuteur ? Merci. --Amadalvarez (نقاش) 16:00, 24 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

Bonjour à toutes,

Merci pour vos messages.

Effectivement, un des administrateurs Lancine.kounfantoh.fofana de nqowiki m'a informé du test&guide et d' @Amire80: qui a déjà mes contacts.

J'attends le retour d'Amir pour me positionner en tant qu'Administrateur et interlocuteurs pour la question infobox nqowiki.

Pour le moment c'est ce qui se dégage, à suivre.

--Wikiourembaya (نقاش) 16:17, 24 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

Re-bonjour à toutes,

J'ai reçu ce lien Template:Databox de User:Harmonia_Amanda et j'ai mis en place.

Comme conséquence, on voi bien les infobox dans les pages nqowiki mais ils s'affichent à droite et non à gauche et vue le sens d'écriture de n'ko, c'est moins pratique.

Merci d'avance pour vos aides afin d'avoir les infobox à gauche ou d'avoir une vue correcte.

Pour une idée, quelque chose comme ceci :

--Wikiourembaya (نقاش) 12:20, 27 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

@Wikiourembaya: Je connais le Template:Databox. C'est l'infobox la plus facile à installer, mais elle est très basique. Si vous n'avez pas un besoin urgent d'avoir une infobox, il peut être préférable d'obtenir la version catalane. La décision est à vous, je n'ai rien à perdre ou à gagner. Merci, Amadalvarez (نقاش) 12:27, 28 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]


Je ne connais pas les différences, vous êtes mieux placé.

Le mieux est d'avoir plus de possibilités.

Je veux bien avoir la solution que vous parlez là.

Je ne sais pas si vous avez une idée mais le Databox ne s'affiche pas comme je le souhaite mais je regarde ce weekend aussi si je peux agir sur le CSS ou voir une langue qui l'utilise et qui est comme nqowiki. Wikiourembaya (نقاش) 20:32, 28 November 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]

This is nice!


Hi, I just discovered the project via Recent Changes, liked what I saw and enjoyed thinking about where it might be heading. Keep up the good work! --Daniel Mietchen (نقاش) 16:32, 5 December 2019 (UTC)[ردّ]


I've just discovered this wikiproject. I'm not sure to understand what it is about. Is there anr relationship with Wikidata:WikiProject Templates. If the topic is the same, should we merge? PAC2 (نقاش) 05:16, 8 August 2022 (UTC)[ردّ]