Wikidata:Wikipedia/How to help

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Where to find Wikipedia sitelinks on a Wikidata item page
How to add Wikipedia sitelinks to Wikidata
screenshot of sitelinks highlighted on the English Wikipedia page for happiness
screenshot highlighting link to Wikidata item on Wikipedia

There are a lot of things you can do to help with integrating Wikipedia and Wikidata.


This can be achieved by adding links for Wikipedia pages that correspond to a particular item on Wikidata. For example, Wikidata has one item for happiness, the mental or emotional state. The happiness item page then links out to all the Wikipedia pages in different languages on happiness (it also links out the Wikiquote pages on happiness).

Sitelinks can be added in more than 200 languages but you can only add a sitelink for a language if a page for that language version of Wikipedia already exists.

When adding a Wikipedia sitelink for an item, you will need to input both the language of the Wikipedia page and the title of the page as it appears on Wikipedia. Wikimedia sitelinks are added to an item page after the Statements section; for Wikipedia, add sitelinks under the header "Wikipedia pages linked to this item."

Once added to a Wikidata item, sitelinks will appear on the corresponding Wikipedia page in the left sidebar menu under "Languages." A link to the Wikidata item will also appear in the left sidebar menu under "Tools."

Encyclopedia articles


There is often (but not always) a one-to-one relationship between the topic of a Wikipedia article and a Wikidata item. This means that often items will already exist for Wikipedia articles. However, sitelinks that connect items and articles still need to be added for new content.


Wikidata item: Happiness (Q8)
Wikipedia page to add as sitelink:
Wikipedia site to add to "Language Code" column: enwikipedia
Page title to add to "Linked page" column: Happiness

Wikidata item: Happiness (Q8)
Wikipedia page to add as sitelink:Ευτυχία
Wikipedia site to add to "Language Code" column: elwikipedia
Page title to add to "Linked page" column: /Ευτυχία

You can only add a sitelink for a Wikipedia page to one item only on Wikidata. You will see an error message when attempting to add a new sitelink if that link has already been added to another item page. Wikidata also does not support anchors (links to a specific section of a page) as sitelinks—only full pages can be added. These two constraints mean that Wikipedia pages for subtopics are not to be added as sitelinks to the main topic's item page on Wikidata. Instead, these pages should be linked to a completely different item (i.e. an item that is just for the subtopic).


Wikidata item: Happiness (Q8)
Wikipedia page to add as sitelink: wrong

Wikidata item: Happiness (Q8)
Wikipedia page to add as sitelink: wrong

Wikidata item: Philosophy of happiness (Q2088248)
Wikipedia page to add as sitelink: right

Note: If you receive an error message but believe the item you are editing is the most appropriate one for a sitelink, you may need to merge two items. Please consult Help:Merge or visit Wikidata:Interwiki_conflicts to report a conflict and ask for others to look at the situation.

Use data


Data from Wikidata can be easily used on Wikipedia, thanks to #statements parser function, or templates using Lua modules. Please see Wikidata:How to use data on Wikimedia projects. Some Wikipedia communities regulate the use of Wikidata inside Wikipedia pages.

Data access is more efficient for Wikipedia pages that have been linked to Wikidata. It's then possible to access data for the corresponding item directly and use it on the Wikipedia page, for example, by adding it to infoboxes. However, it's possible to access data for items that are not linked to the Wikipedia article thanks to Wikidata:Arbitrary access.

When using data, you might face some mistakes. You can correct them directly or report them to the community.

Improve data


You can help grow the data for Wikipedia pages on Wikidata by adding new statements to items. You can also correct statements and add sources. You may be interested in joining a particular WikiProject in order to improve the representation of data for a specific topic or area of interest.