Wikidata:WikiProject Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice

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  • Provide an accessible arena for library professionals and others interested in religion & theology to learn more about Wikidata.
  • Improve the representation of religion and theology on Wikidata.
  • Provide a space for collaboration on projects relevant to religion and theology.



Community Participation Guidelines


In order to create a welcoming and inclusive space that encourages engagement, collaboration, and sharing of ideas, the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice has adopted these community participation guidelines and requires that anyone participating in affiliated efforts adhere to them. This includes any activity or space that is sponsored, hosted, or initiated by the community, such as the Google Group, Slack channel, or meeting calls). This will also include in-person activities and spaces if we ever meet in person.

We aim to ensure that all participants feel respected, safe, and welcome regardless of ability, age, background, gender and gender identity or expression, native language, citizenship status, race and ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other characteristic or dimension of identity.

We do not tolerate discrimination based on these characteristics, nor do we tolerate harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

  • Sustained disruption of discussion;
  • Stalking, following or continued one-on-one communications after being asked to cease;
  • Deliberate sharing of personal or private information about a person without their consent;
  • Unwanted sexual attention or sexual innuendo;
  • Violence, threats of violence, inciting violence or deliberate intimidation and personal attacks.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. Violation of these Community Participation Guidelines may result in the person demonstrating that behavior being asked to immediately disassociate from the effort affiliated with the community of practice, either temporarily or in perpetuity.

This set of guidelines is heavily reliant on the LD4P Community Participation Guidelines, as allowed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.



Data Models


***Properties in bold are core

Property Value Qualifiers (if applicable) Qualifier values (if applicable) Usage Note
Label Text string label that will act as an item title. Enter in direct order, not "Last Name, First Name." Example: Karl Barth (Karl Barth (Q107473))
Description Text string to describe person. Should not be phrased as a sentence. Example: Swiss Protestant theologian (Karl Barth (Q107473). Does not need to be overly detailed in an effort to disambiguate from someone else with the same name. Use the other properties for that.
instance of (P31) human (Q5) No reference needed.
employer (P108) If known: start time (P580) and end time (P582). For universities, use the university rather than a school or department. If linking to a department or school is desired, use academic appointment (P8413) (see below for fuller description)
academic appointment (P8413) Use a specific school or department. If known: start time (P580) and end time (P582).
sex or gender (P21) Options include, but are not limited to:

female (Q6581072)

male (Q6581097)

intersex (Q1097630)

trans woman (Q1052281)

trans man (Q2449503)

non-binary (Q48270)

agender (Q505371)

Be cautious with this one, especially for living people. Only use if you have an excellent reference. If in doubt, leave it out.
date of birth (P569) For living people, possibly record birth year only or omit it altogether.
date of death (P570)
occupation (P106) (This list is very Western Christian oriented. Open to recommendations for addition. It is also possible that other related items need to be added to Wikidata to diversify the options.) Multiple values allowed. Some possibilities include, but are not limited to: abbess (Q1646408), bhikkhu (Q854997), bhikkhunī (Q854979), biblical archaeologist (Q54985870), biblical scholar (Q19829990), Buddhologist (Q100851212), chaplain (Q208762), Christian minister (Q1423891), church historian (Q1743122), classical archaeologist (Q15983985), Hebraist (Q4988856), historian of religion (Q17488357), 'ālim (Q189459), imam (Q125482), Islamic cleric (Q105275968), Judaic scholar (Q5121550), lay preacher (Q3408848), missiologist (Q88189722), missionary (Q219477), papyrologist (Q16267158), patristic scholar (Q88104555), rabbi (Q133485), religious studies scholar (Q19829980), shaman (Q697405), talmudist (Q21584816), theologian (Q1234713), university teacher (Q1622272)
position held (P39) Can be used for ranks of religious leadership start time (P580) and/or end time (P582). Possibilities include, but are not limited to: Anglican bishop (Q93479414), Catholic archbishop (Q48629921), Catholic bishop (Q611644), Eastern Orthodox bishop (Q15283040)
field of work (P101) Multiple values allowed. Some possibilities include, but are not limited to: anthropology of religion (Q27890), biblical studies (Q794605), Buddhist studies (Q1000976), Chinese folk religion (Q1074275), comparative religion (Q1075827), Hindu studies (Q5766501), Islamic studies (Q843909), Jewish studies (Q42002), Mormon studies (Q3850041), Native American religions (Q5162345), Pagan studies (Q7124181), patristics (Q189380), philosophy of religion (Q209295), psychology of religion (Q368498), Quranic studies (Q2370897), religious studies (Q34187), sociology of religion (Q461659), traditional African religion (Q386498)
religion or worldview (P140) Religion of the individual If applicable: start time (P580) and/or end time (P582). Only use if you have an excellent reference. Possibilities include, but are not limited to: African Methodist Episcopal Church (Q384121), Anglicanism (Q6423963), Buddhism (Q748), Catholicism (Q1841), Christianity (Q5043), Coptic Orthodox Church (Q198998), Eastern Orthodox Church (Q35032), Hinduism (Q9089), Islam (Q432), Jainism (Q9232), Judaism (Q9268), Methodism (Q33203), Shinto (Q812767), Sikhism (Q9316), Taoism (Q9598)
religious order (P611) Religious order to which an individual belongs Possibilities include, but are not limited to: Augustinians (Q214528), Dhammayuttika Nikāya (Q440677), Chung Tai Shan (Q17049438), Marist Brothers (Q53769), Society of Jesus (Q36380)
educated at (P69) Use a university or college rather than a specific school or department. academic degree (P512) Some possibilities include, but are not limited to: Doctor of Philosophy (Q752297), Master of Divinity (Q1907864), Master of Sacred Theology (Q6785242) Use a university or college rather than a specific school or department.
point in time (P585) for date degree awarded, or start time (P580) and end time (P582) if date range is known.
academic major (P812)
award received (P166)
Identifiers This is not a comprehensive list but is a sample of possibilities. References are not needed.
Library of Congress authority ID (P244)
VIAF ID (P214)
ISNI (P213)
ORCID iD (P496)
Google Scholar author ID (P1960)
X username (P2002)
LinkedIn personal profile ID (P6634)


  • The standard model is available at WikiProject Books, which models works, editions, exemplars, and manuscripts.
Book Editions
  • The model below is a simplified adaptation of the one available from WikiProject Books
Property Value Qualifiers (if applicable) Qualifier values (if applicable) Usage Note
Label Text string label that will act as an item title. Typically the same as the book's title. Example: The Seventh Heaven: Travels through Jewish Latin America
Description Text string to describe the edition. Example: 2019 edition of the book by Ilan Stavans
instance of (P31) version, edition, or translation (Q3331189)
edition or translation of (P629) Item for the corresponding work
language of work or name (P407) Language(s) used in this edition
author (P50) Item for author when an item exists series ordinal (P1545) Numeral indicating the order in which the author appears on the resource. (Example: 2 for the author listed second)
author name string (P2093) Text string for author name when an author item does not exist. series ordinal (P1545) Numeral indicating the order in which the author appears on the resource. (Example: 2 for the author listed second)
translator (P655) Item for the person who translated this edition from another language
editor (P98) Item for the person who edited this edition
illustrator (P110) Item for the person who created the illustrations for this edition
title (P1476) Text string for published title of this edition.
subtitle (P1680) Text string for published subtitle of this edition. This is available as an option, but many edition items in Wikidata keep the subtitle metadata with the title.
edition number (P393) Numeral indicating the number of the edition. (Example: 2 for the second edition)
place of publication (P291) Item for the geographical location where this edition was published.
publisher (P123) Item for the organization that published this edition.
publication date (P577) Date when the edition was published
ISBN-10 (P957) 10-digit ISBN number While Wikidata requires ISBNs to include hyphens, it's okay if you add an ISBN without hyphens. A bot will come through later and add the hyphens.
ISBN-13 (P212) 13-digit ISBN number While Wikidata requires ISBNs to include hyphens, it's okay if you add an ISBN without hyphens. A bot will come through later and add the hyphens.
OCLC control number (P243) Identifier for a bibliographic record in OCLC's WorldCat Only include digits; do not include any prefixes.
Book Series

Scholarly Articles

Property Value Qualifiers (if applicable) Qualifier values (if applicable) Usage Note
Label Text string label that will act as an item title. Typically the same as the article's title. Example: What Is Religion in Africa?: Relational Dynamics in an Entangled World
Description Text string to describe the article. Example: scholarly article published in the Journal of Religion in Africa in 2020
instance of (P31) scholarly article (Q13442814) Other possible options: book review (Q637866)
author (P50) Item for author when an item exists series ordinal (P1545) Numeral indicating the order in which the author appears on the resource. (Example: 2 for the author listed second)
author name string (P2093) Text string for author name when an author item does not exist. series ordinal (P1545) Numeral indicating the order in which the author appears on the resource. (Example: 2 for the author listed second)
title (P1476) Text string for published title of article.
subtitle (P1680) Text string for published subtitle of article. This is available as an option, but many article items in Wikidata keep the subtitle metadata with the title.
language of work or name (P407) Language in which the article is written.
publication date (P577) date when the article was published
published in (P1433) journal in which the article was published
volume (P478) number of the journal volume in which the article was published
issue (P433) number of the journal issue in which the article was published
page(s) (P304) page range of the article
main subject (P921) the main topic(s) covered in the article Repeatable
DOI (P356) digital object identifier for the journal article Example: 10.1163/15700666-12340184

Publication Venue


For journals/newspapers/magazines as a publishing venue. This is a basic model. Other properties can be found at the WikiProject Periodicals link below.

Property Value Usage Note
Label Serial's name as given in English if applicable, or in Roman characters if not
Description Any information necessary to distinguish the serial from other Wikidata entities
instance of (P31) serial (Q2217301) or, when applicable a more specific subclass like periodical (Q1002697), newspaper (Q11032), magazine (Q41298), scientific journal (Q5633421), academic journal (Q737498), monographic series (Q1700470), etc.
ISSN (P236) 8 digits (X can be the last one), in groups of 4 separated by a hyphen
title (P1476) Serial's title in its native script language must be specified
language of work or name (P407) Language(s) used in serial
follows (P155) Serial coming after the serial being worked on.
followed by (P156) Serial that follows the serial being worked on.







Journals Needing Article Metadata


Many religion & theology journals already have items in Wikidata, but most of them don't have many article items linked to them. Below are some examples of journals needing article metadata.

Author Disambiguation


Author names in batch loaded article metadata are often text strings rather than links to author items in Wikidata. The disambiguation process links author name strings to author items when there is an item, or notifies you that an author item needs to be created. Below are some example lists of authors that need disambiguation.

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