Wikidata:Property proposal/kód adresního místa podle RÚIAN

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Czech structural object ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

Descriptionidentifier of building in the RÚIAN database in the Czech Republic
Representsstructural object (Q108735734)
Data typeExternal identifier
Allowed values[1-9][0-9]{1,8}
Example 1Arnoltice 15 (Q106643135)141
Example 2Slovenská 21 (Q60577795)21688907
Example 3main building of National Museum in Prague (Q43755714)21660301
Sourcedata split by municipality in XML files such as here; I also have a one-time export in CSV
Planned useaddition of the ID to existing items that can be identified with a given building
Number of IDs in source4152077
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Implied notabilityWikidata property for an identifier that does not imply notability (Q62589320)
Formatter URL$1
Single-value constraintyes
Distinct-values constraintyes
Wikidata projectQ4587594



This is a very detailed identifier for specific address points, and there's almost 3 Million of them now. Noone is seriously considering import of all of them, but it will help us with clean-up and merging if we are able to add this property to existing items. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 15:52, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. This should only be used for items with conscription number (P4856) or provisional house number (P6529), no exceptions.Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 16:22, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]


Tobias1984 Vojtěch Dostál YjM Jklamo Walter Klosse Sintakso Matěj Suchánek JAn Dudík Skim Frettie Jura1913 Mormegil Jedudedek marv1N Sapfan Daniel Baránek Draceane Michal Josef Špaček (WMCZ) The photonaut Hartasek Zelenymuzik Gumruch Shadster Dænča M.Rejha Janek Jan Kameníček Eva Vele Linda.jansova Lukša Packa Fukejs Hugo Xmorave2 J.Broukal Lenkakrizova Steam Flow Pavel Bednařík Sanqui

Notified participants of WikiProject Czech RepublicVojtěch Dostál (talk) 15:58, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

  1.  Support as the proposer Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 15:59, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  2.  Support --Jan Kameníček (talk) 16:05, 25 November 2022 (UTC). I agree with the proposal change too. --Jan Kameníček (talk) 15:03, 29 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  3.  Support --Linda.jansova (talk) 16:10, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  4.  Support --Zelenymuzik (talk) 16:10, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  5.  It is doubtful – do we really want to identify address points? Shouldn’t we be more interested in buildings? I.e. instead of the example Staroměstské náměstí 8 (Q63493111)Pxxx21725748, we are more interested in Staroměstské náměstí 8 (Q63493111)Pyyy21649162, aren’t we? I mean, do we really need/want to have all e.g. Trčkovský palác (Q31825874)Pxxx22700277 + Trčkovský palác (Q31825874)Pxxx21691495 + Trčkovský palác (Q31825874)Pxxx21691509, instead of just the one Trčkovský palác (Q31825874)Pyyy21667616? --Mormegil (talk) 16:42, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @Mormegil Wow, I had no idea that there are actually two identifiers. It makes sense to me to concentrate on buildings as objects as you suggest. Your suggestion has all the benefits of the "Address point" identifier, and, moreover, we will always have a single value in each item, which is most useful for Wikidata. Let's repurpose this proposal to buildings. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 17:31, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @Mormegil Do you know where one can download a list of all buildings with their numerical identifiers? I cannot google it.... Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 15:36, 26 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    Well, you can use the generic interface for RÚIAN data downloads, even though you cannot download one big file, you need to go through individual municipalities, e.g. I am not aware of any pre-processed single-file download of just the buildings. --Mormegil (talk) 10:45, 28 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @Mormegil OK, I seem to be able to wget them, we'll see if I am able to work with XML. Then I'll change this proposal accordingly and ping you all so that all supportive the votes count :). Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 10:57, 28 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    So I have the export in CSV and I changed the proposal based on your proposition. @Mormegil: @Jan.Kamenicek, Linda.jansova, Zelenymuzik, Frettie:Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 13:18, 29 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    Address point itself may be usesfull as well (as a qualifier of located on street (P669) and related adress point). Jklamo (talk) 12:11, 30 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @Jklamo I think too. We may in future decide to propose it. Not sure if having it as qualifier would make sense - qualifiers are supposed to specify statements, not expand them, aren't they? I'd be in favor of inserting them as main statements (with the risk of often having multiple statements of this property per item). Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 21:04, 1 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  6.  Support --Sapfan (talk) 16:54, 25 November 2022 (UTC) , though buildings (as per Mormegil) would also be an option[reply]
  7.  Support --Frettie (talk) 00:11, 26 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  8.  Support As repurposed for buildings. --Jklamo (talk) 12:05, 30 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  9. The proposal is confused, it mixes two concepts together. "kód stavebního objektu" should be one property, "kód adresního místa" should be another property. On numbered building can have one or more adresses. E.g. New City Hall (Q12041278) Staré Město čp. 2 has 4 adresses: Mariánské náměstí 2/2, Linhartská 2/1, Platnéřská 2/12 and U radnice 2/1 (úkol pro hračičky: zkuste najít budovu s největším počtem adres). Both properties can be relevant and usable for Wikidata, the building as well as the adresses. We need to identify the building as well as to know their complete adresses. --ŠJů (talk) 19:13, 3 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    The proposal is not confused. The whole page is now repurposed to "identifikátor stavebního objektu" (don't worry about the original page name, that's irrelevant). Read the discussions above. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:20, 3 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  10.  Support --Packa (talk) 18:33, 14 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done as Czech structural object ID (P11351). Thank you for the support.Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 08:56, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Vojtěch Dostál: You stated: "This should only be used for items with conscription number (P4856) or provisional house number (P6529), no exceptions." IMHO this property is especially useful and needed for such buildings and structures which have not their own conscription number (P4856) or provisional house number (P6529): kostely, kaple, neobývané věže, příslušenství budov (stodoly, kůlny, sklady, zahradní domky, vrátnice aj.), malé stavby pro chovatelství, zimní zahrady a skleníky, malé přístřešky, a dále stavby, které nejsou budovami (typicky např. dopravní či vodohospodářské stavby). --ŠJů (talk) 19:01, 9 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@ŠJů I didn't know that these buildings and structures can have this ID. I don't understand this well enough to give an opinion. Perhaps @Jklamo @Mormegil ? Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 07:37, 10 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Šjů is right, Czech structural object ID (P11351) is also used for buildings that do not have conscription number (P4856) or provisional house number (P6529). But with redard to the creation of the property it's not probelmatic, I see we don't even have set appropriate constraint violations (missing č.p. or č.e.) for it. Jklamo (talk) 14:15, 10 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]


--ŠJů (talk) 08:40, 10 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]