Wikidata:Property proposal/Barcelona Public art identifier

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Barcelona Public art identifier

Descriptionpublic art in Barcelona (Q15945449) identifier
Representspublic art in Barcelona (Q15945449)
Data typeExternal identifier
Template parameterdesignacion_id or similar in ca:Plantilla:Infotaula edifici, ca:Plantilla:Infotaula obra artística and some others
Domainpublic art (Q557141), building (Q41176) or subclasses
Allowed values[0-9]{4,6}\-[01]
Allowed unitsN/A
Example 1Arc de Triomf (Q631075)1102-0 [1]
Example 2Font d'Hèrcules (Q11922308)6804-1 [2]
Example 3Dona i Ocel (Q593202)2035-1 [3]
Format and edit filter validationitems with this property must have a public art in Barcelona (Q15945449) as instance of heritage designation (P1435)
Number of IDs in source1000-2000 aprx
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)



It is a stabilized collection with large number of public art in Barcelona streets. The catalog authority is the City hall of Barcelona and is the official municipal heritage catalog. We have just started to upload but we need the property to start a massive upload in WD. (Indiqueu aquí les vostres motivacions per a la creació d'aquesta propietat.) Amadalvarez (talk) 17:31, 26 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

