Wikidata:WikiProject Infoboxes/works

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Persons /
Personen /


Organizations /
Organisationen /


Events /
Veranstaltungen /


Works /
Werke /


Terms /
Sachbegriffe /


Places /
Geografika /


Properties for creative works

The entity “Works” comprises visual arts such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography and applied arts as well as performing arts such as music, theater or dance.

For further details on the properties, see

Main type of item: work (Q386724)

  • Artwork, literature (including non-fiction and treaties), music, and paintings (software is type s, term).

Main type

Work (work as an entity, incl. written testimonials etc.): item missing

Information to fill tables

  • Wikidata property: name of the property on wikidata
  • Property: common property name if diferent form Wikidata property name or if wikidata property merges more than one property
  • Data type: type of data type on wikidata like number, string, item,...
  • Qualifier: name of the qualifiers if qualifers are defined for the property
  • FR,EN,DE,...: property present in the relevant infobox
  • Creation level: Proposal, discussion or created
  • Description: short description of the property in order to help to find the correct property in other languages.


See Wikidata:WikiProject Books.

Play/Drama/Piece de théâtre

en:Template:Infobox play

Wikidata property /

Wikidata Eigenschaft /
Propriété de Wikidata

Property /

Eigenschaft /

Datatype /

Datentyp /
Types de données

qualifiers FR EN DE Creation level Description


Title Item - X X ? Proposal Original title


en:Template:Infobox film, de:Vorlage:Infobox Film, fr:Modèle:Infobox Cinéma (film)

Wikidata property /

Wikidata Eigenschaft /
Propriété de Wikidata

Property /

Eigenschaft /

Datatype /

Datentyp /
Types de données

qualifiers FR EN DE Creation level Description


Title Item - X X ? Proposal Original title

Creative work / Werk / Œuvre créative

Creative work

See also / Siehe auch / Voir aussi

en:Category:Creative works, de:Kategorie:Werk, fr:Catégorie:Œuvre créative

Work of art / Kunstwerk / Œuvre d'art

Creative work
Work of art

See also / Siehe auch / Voir aussi

en:Category:Works of art, de:Kategorie:Kunstwerk, fr:Catégorie:Œuvre d'art

Work of music / Musikalisches Werk / Œuvre musicale

Creative work
Work of music

Info boxes / Infoboxen / Infoboxes

en:Template:Infobox song, en:Template:Infobox single, en:Template:Infobox album, de:Vorlage:Infobox Song, de:Vorlage:Infobox Musikalbum, fr:Modèle:Infobox Musique (œuvre)

See also / Siehe auch / Voir aussi

en:Category:Musical compositions, de:Kategorie:Musikalisches Werk, fr:Catégorie:Œuvre musicale

Work of literature / Literarisches Werk / Œuvre littéraire

See also: Wikidata:WikiProject Books
Creative work
Work of literature

Broadcasting / Rundfunk / Télédiffusion (Radiodiffusion)

Creative work

Radio / Hörfunk / Radio

  • ...

Radio, en:Template:Infobox radio station, en:Template:Infobox radio show

Television / Fernsehen / Télévision

Wikidata property /

Wikidata Eigenschaft /
Propriété de Wikidata

Property /

Eigenschaft /

Datatype /

Datentyp /
Types de données

qualifiers FR EN DE Creation level Description


original network Item - Proposal original network

Télévision, en:Template:Infobox television

Inventions / Erfindungen / Inventions

Discoveries / Entdeckungen / Découvertes

  • Maths Theorem / Mathematischer Satz /Théorème mathématiques
  • Physics Theory / Physikalische Theorie / Théorie physique

Info boxes / Infoboxen / Infoboxes

de:Vorlage:Infobox Hörspiel, de:Vorlage:Infobox Fernsehsendung, ...

See also / Siehe auch / Voir aussi

en:Category:Broadcasting, de:Kategorie:Rundfunk, fr:Catégorie:Radio

Websites / Webpages

See Wikidata:WikiProject Websites and their automatic property list.

Nested properties for creative works

Nested properties were discussed sometime ago on this page. I just want to add my though of their application to creative works:

  • musical group (this will allow to automate timeline charts creation)
    • musicians
      • instrument played
      • period of activity.
  • musical album (this will allow to automate creation of album related articles)
    • songs
      • title
      • article (if exist)
      • duration
      • author(s) of lyrics
      • composer(s)
    • musicians
      • instrument played
    • technical personnel
      • role
  • movie
    • actors
      • role (historical of fictional figure)
  • painting or sculpture
    • depicted
      • model (for notable ones)

EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:09, 24 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]