Wikidata:WikiProject Websites/Property autolist

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Below is a list of Wikidata property related to websites (Q84764641), excluding identifiers.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P31 ?statement0. ?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q84764641. MINUS { ?item p:P31 ?statement1. ?statement1 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q19847637. } } } }

Item ID Description
API endpoint URL P6269 base URL of a web service
Alexa rank P1661 the website's Alexa ranking with "point in time" (P585) as a qualifier for each value
FAQ URL P9214 FAQ (frequently asked questions) page of the subject
Mastodon instance URL P11810 the Mastodon instance of/about the subject
URL P2699 location of a resource
URL match pattern P8966 regex pattern of URL that an external ID may be extracted. Qualifier "URL match replacement value" can overwrite the default \1. Use non-capturing groups when needed "(?:www)?"
accessibility statement URL P9494 link to the accessibility statement of a website
archive URL P1065 URL to the archived web page specified with URL property
calendar feed URL P6818 calendar feed (iCal, ICS, etc.) of this object
charter URL P6378 link to an organization's charter documents, including articles or certificate of association, incorporation or organization, or its by-laws
citizen's initiatives URL P9732 URL for a service where citizens can start a petition or initiative
contact page URL P11266 URL to the official page listing the subject's contact information or a contact form
credits URL P11556 URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence
curriculum vitae URL P8214 URL of the subject's curriculum vitae
described at URL P973 item is described at the following URL
distributed from P10754 place or location where a good or service is distributed from
download URL P4945 URL which can be used to download a work
email unsubscribe URL or email P11221 website or email address which allows a user to unsubscribe to an email subscription for news, announcements, offers and updates relating to an organisation, product or service
external georeferencing URL P9361 URL where external georeferencing is available for a map
free/libre open source software development policy URL P9904 URL for the free/libre open source development policy or guideline of an entity
free/libre open source software usage policy URL P9771 URL for free/libre open source use policy or guideline of an entity
freedom of information requests URL P10214 URL pointing to a form or other page allowing citizens to make freedom of information request to public organizations
general property-based URL formatter P8183 formatter URL to look up information about a class of items in an online resource. Use with properties generally found on an item. Sample: {P478} for volume or {P304} for page(s), {P433} for issue. Special value {page} for the first value of {P304}
ground level 360 degree view URL P5282 URL to access a service that allows to visually navigate through images at ground level in the proximity of the item
hashtag P2572 reference keyword associated with this item for online communities (do not include the "#" symbol which is often used as a prefixed indicator)
impressum URL P11326 URL to the impressum or imprint of the subject's official website
issue tracker URL P1401 web page where bugs, issues, and feature requests for a particular software program can be listed or reported
location URL match pattern P11707 regex pattern of URL that individual shops/amenity within a chain can be matched against
login URL P11903 URL of a webpage used to log into a service
mailing list archive URL P8934 archive of the mailing list for the object
mirrors data from P3447 the website automatically crawls or mirrors another website as its data source
number of comments P10651 number of comments or replies received on a social media post
number of dislikes P10650 number of dislikes or downvotes received on a social media post
number of likes P10649 number of likes, favorites, stars, upvotes, or reactions received on a social media post or profile
number of reblogs P10756 number of reblogs, reposts, retweets, crossposts, or on-platform shares received on a social media post
number of viewers/listeners P5436 number of viewers of a television or broadcasting program; web traffic on websites
official blog URL P1581 URL to the blog of this person or organization
official demo URL P11201 demo website, that is officially recommended by the developers of the software, where the software can be tried out directly in the web browser
official forum URL P10027 website whose main topic is the entity and users can discuss, post questions, answer existing questions to help other users
official jobs URL P10311 web page for jobs an employer offers
official list URL P12388 URL of a website listing instances of the subject, maintained by the authority on the subject
official map URL P9601 URL of an official map, plan or geographic information system (GIS) for the place
official server list URL P12634 website, officially recommended by the developer of the software, that lists public server instances of the software
official shop URL P10225 official URL where the agent sells products/merchandise
official website P856 URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk page
official wiki URL P12203 URL of the official wiki for the item
online catalog URL P8768 URL of the website where an item's catalog can be browsed
press information URL P11268 URL to the official page of the subject's press kit
privacy policy URL P7101 privacy policy of subject
registration page URL P11904 URL of a webpage used to sign up for a service
search formatter URL P4354 web page search URL; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the string to be searched for. $1 can be whatever you want.
service status information URL P9138 URI with information about the status of the service
shortened URL formatter P11136 URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the ID of a URL shortened by the service
sitemap URL P11212 URL to the sitemap of the subject's official website
social media followers P8687 number of subscribers on a particular social media website (use as main statement only; see P3744 instead for qualifier). Qualify with "point in time" and property for account. For Twitter, use numeric id.
source website for the property P1896 URL of website acting as source of data for this Wikidata property
streaming media URL P963 URL where the subject's media stream exists
terms of service URL P7014 URL linking to terms of service of the subject
title in HTML P6833 (qualifier) for title property (P1476), to write title with HTML markup, if the string can't render it normally. Allowed tags are: sup, sub, i
translation contribution URL P11254 URL of a website where you can contribute translations to the subject
user manual URL P2078 link to the user manual of the object (product, program)
web feed URL P1019 news feed (RSS, Atom, etc.) of this person/organisation/project
webcam page URL P4238 URL of a page broadcasting pictures by a webcam situated in this location or mounted on this element
word lookup P8942 formatter to look up a word or a name in database or website. If it appears in search results, use "search formatter URL" (P4354). Qualify with "applies to part" (P518), if applicable; with "uses" (P2283) for conversion (ex: "lowercase" Q4444253)

∑ 64 items.

End of automatically generated list.