Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2021-07-28

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  1. Abbe98
  2. agus
  3. Altilunium
  4. aluthfia
  5. bd808
  6. DennisPriskorn
  7. dennistobar
  8. Hogü-456
  9. Jan_ainali
  10. jhsoby
  11. kaioduartecosta
  12. lucaswerkmeister
  13. mahir256
  14. masssly
  15. Nightrose
  16. Nikki
  17. salgo60
  18. Sam Alipio
  19. Seve Kim
  20. srishakatux
  21. Ulum Arifah
  22. WikiNorn
  23. WMYupik



2021-07-28T16:03:18 <Mohammed Sadat> Okay! Now, let's begin. Over to you Srishti and Seve :)
2021-07-28T16:03:44 <Srishti Sethi> Hello everyone!
2021-07-28T16:03:55 <Srishti Sethi> Today, we would like to introduce you to Toolhub
2021-07-28T16:03:55 <Mohammed Sadat> o/
2021-07-28T16:04:06 <Srishti Sethi> “Is there a repository of tools, research projects, etc., related to Wikimedia projects?” was a question asked by a user in 2015 on a mailing list. Toolhub aims to be that repository!
2021-07-28T16:04:26 <Srishti Sethi> Toolhub aims to be a community-authored catalog of Wikimedia tools. On Toolhub, you will be able to discover new tools in the Wikimedia ecosystem, promote their use in your wiki community, and help improve them by contributing data :)
2021-07-28T16:04:34 <Srishti Sethi> Sounds fun?
2021-07-28T16:05:02 <agus> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2021-07-28T16:05:22 <Srishti Sethi> Toolhub is not officially announced yet, and we are aiming for the first release around Wikimania. To play around with the demo version, visit
2021-07-28T16:05:41 <Sam Alipio> very cool!
2021-07-28T16:06:08 <Jan Ainali> Useful yes, but fun? That is stretching it :)
2021-07-28T16:06:08 <Srishti Sethi> We are continuously rolling out new features, and preparing for the launch, but some of existing ones are: searching through tools, adding new tools via the interface or toolinfo.json file URL, viewing history of the crawler runs, recent changes, creating lists, Toolhub API to access all the features available on Toolhub, etc.
2021-07-28T16:06:48 <Ulum Arifah> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2021-07-28T16:07:17 <Seve Kim> The team is working on identifying indicators that can convey quality of tools. And, then build the features to convey the quality.
2021-07-28T16:07:29 <Adi> <photo> Cool! I have developed some of wikimedia tools before. How can i add it?
2021-07-28T16:07:33 <Jon Harald Søby> Is toolhub only for tool tools, or for stuff like user scripts and gadgets as well?
2021-07-28T16:07:41 <Annisa Luthfia Arman> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2021-07-28T16:07:50 <Adi> Honorable mention : wikiblame.
I love this tool so much.
2021-07-28T16:08:15 <Seve Kim> There are some questions we have around quality indicators. Add your feedback in response to the discussion questions here:
2021-07-28T16:08:42 <Adi>
2021-07-28T16:08:49 <Srishti Sethi> @Altilunium that sounds great! It is possible to create list of Tools on Toolhub. You can write on the Toolhub's talk page and someone will help you create a list. :)
2021-07-28T16:09:03 <Seve Kim> Here are a few of those questions!
1. "What is biggest challenge/problem you have that tools solve for?"
2. What is 1 or more tool(s) you currently are using that is useful and valuable to you?
3. Which tools do you contribute to the most?
2021-07-28T16:09:03 <Adi> reply to <Srishti Sethi> "@Altilunium that sou…" Thank you for your answer :)
2021-07-28T16:09:27 <Bryan Davis> @jhsoby user scripts , gadgets, lua modules, even templates are welcome data there.
2021-07-28T16:09:38 <Srishti Sethi> @jhsoby User scripts and gadgets count as well:) Everything tools, and not the ones that are only on Toolforge or leveraging Wikimedia's cloud servics.
2021-07-28T16:09:41 <Adi> <photo>
2021-07-28T16:10:24 <Adi> <photo,caption_entities>
2021-07-28T16:10:40 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks a lot for that
2021-07-28T16:10:47 <Mohammed Sadat> Feel free to ask Toolhub related questions in parallel as we present the next part
2021-07-28T16:11:01 <Mohammed Sadat> Okay! Moving on to Wikidata and Wikibase. Lydia & Sam, what happened around the development of Wikidata and Wikibase over the past few months :)
2021-07-28T16:11:13 <Lydia Pintscher> So many things!
2021-07-28T16:11:20 <Lydia Pintscher> Let's start with the Mismatch Finder.
2021-07-28T16:11:24 <Kim> reply to <Bryan Davis> "@jhsoby user scripts…" So it could be a prime place to finally roll out Amir's global templates? :)
2021-07-28T16:11:28 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Srishti Sethi> "@jhsoby User scripts…" Individual Wikidata Queries used for maintenance too?
2021-07-28T16:11:39 <Dennis Tobar> reply to <Srishti Sethi> "Toolhub is not offic…" I really like to do translate to Spanish, but unfortunately I can't make translations at translatewiki.... :(
2021-07-28T16:11:57 <Lydia Pintscher> We're working on the Mismatch Finder right now. It's going to be a tool where you can upload and/or review mismatches between Wikidata's data and the data in another database.
2021-07-28T16:12:22 <Lydia Pintscher> We've started writing the code for it over the last few weeks and will hopefully soon have something to try for you and give feedback.
2021-07-28T16:13:14 <Lydia Pintscher> In addition we've been figuring out where to start improving Lexemes on Wikidata. Once we're a bit further along with teh Mismatch Finder we will start developing a new Special:New Lexeme page so it becomes easier to create lexemes. After that we can look into the next steps.
2021-07-28T16:13:53 <Lydia Pintscher> We've also been supporting a team of researchers that is working on a better suggester. They have a system that recommends better new Properties to add to an Item especially for very small and large Items.
2021-07-28T16:14:13 <Lydia Pintscher> They'll have more news to talk about and test in the coming weeks. It looks very promising.
2021-07-28T16:14:43 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "In addition we've be…" I have almost completely stopped using that special page since lexeme-forms came along
2021-07-28T16:14:52 <Lydia Pintscher> We've also done a bunch of work on improving constraints. For example we now have a new constraint that you can use to define if a certain Property should only be used on Lexemes of a specific language.
2021-07-28T16:14:54 <Srishti Sethi> @Kim Templates yes! @Jan_ainali I am not too sure about Wikidata queries. May be a question for @bd808 @dennistobar Translations most welcome:)
2021-07-28T16:15:33 <Adi> <photo> How about this issue then? We really want to edit wikidata on mobile.
2021-07-28T16:15:53 <Kim> reply to <Srishti Sethi> "@Kim Templates yes! …" 🎉🎉
2021-07-28T16:15:55 <Lydia Pintscher> On the querying front we have gotten the Query Builder through the security review that was necessary before deployment. We will address a few comments from that and then integrate it in Until then you can try it on
2021-07-28T16:16:06 <Kaio Duarte> ♥️♥️♥️♥️
2021-07-28T16:16:38 <Lydia Pintscher> The Search Platform team at the WMF is also continuing to look into imrpoving the performance and scalability of the Query Service.
2021-07-28T16:17:01 <Lydia Pintscher> Oh and you can now add titles to your query results! \o/
2021-07-28T16:17:08 <Lydia Pintscher> Here is an example query:
2021-07-28T16:17:22 <Jan Ainali> #title: Hooray!
2021-07-28T16:17:33 <Lydia Pintscher> In other smaller news:
2021-07-28T16:17:43 <Lydia Pintscher> We have released a small experiement called Curious Facts:
2021-07-28T16:17:59 <Lydia Pintscher> It's looking at the data in Wikidata and tries to find weird stuff and anomalies.
2021-07-28T16:18:01 <GreenReaper> reply to <Srishti Sethi> "@jhsoby User scripts…" Easy enough to use. I just added Magnus Manske's, hopefully that is OK.
2021-07-28T16:18:19 <Lydia Pintscher> Those might either be mistakes or really weird things int he world, like the woman who married the Eifel Tower.
2021-07-28T16:18:42 <Lydia Pintscher> On Entity Schemas you now have syntax highlighting when viewing them:
2021-07-28T16:19:03 <Adi> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "We have released a s…" <photo> Very cool. Now i can fix it more easily 👍👍👍
2021-07-28T16:19:07 <Lydia Pintscher> And we have shiny dashboard showing how many people edit in each namespace and how many edits are made in each namespace:
2021-07-28T16:19:29 <Lydia Pintscher> We introduced a magic word that can be used to exclude a page from Special:UnconnectedPages on Wikipedia and co. This will make the special page more useful to find pages on Wikipedia and co that should be added to an Item on Wikidata as sitelinks. It is EXPECTED_UNCONNECTED_PAGE
2021-07-28T16:19:45 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least: We reduced the number of Wikidata edits that show up in the watchlist and recent changes of Wikipedia and co by not triggering entries for a number of Wikidata edits that do not influence the article
2021-07-28T16:19:55 <Srishti Sethi> @WikiNorn Nice! Thanks for adding the tool:) And, anyone can create / edit tools. For you and anyone else trying out Toolhub, if you come across any bugs, feel free to file them on Phabricator and tag them with #Toolhub.
2021-07-28T16:19:56 <Lydia Pintscher> I hope the last two things especially make Wikipedia editors happy.
2021-07-28T16:20:16 <Lydia Pintscher> And with that I hand over to Sam for Wikibase news.
2021-07-28T16:20:40 <Sam Alipio> Hello everyone, and greetings from the wild & wonderful world of Wikibase
2021-07-28T16:20:43 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "We have released a s…" That's super cool, is there documentation somewhere? Would love to experiment with it on Wikidata subsets. Like "Curious Facts" but only for items with "instance of glacier" etc.
2021-07-28T16:20:49 <Sam Alipio> we've been busy since the last office hour
2021-07-28T16:20:53 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "And last but not lea…" Oh nice! Are there details to read more about this somewhere?
2021-07-28T16:21:00 <Sam Alipio> We completed our Release Strategy & Infrastructure initiative, the goal of which was a standard release format for Wikibase software suite with a defined release cycle & an improved, documented update process.
2021-07-28T16:21:12 <Sam Alipio> On May 7, we published the Wikibase Spring Release using the new release infrastructure.
2021-07-28T16:21:32 <Sam Alipio> This new release is based on MediaWiki 1.35 and includes the first version of the Wikidata-Wikibase Federation feature (Federated Properties), WikibaseManifest Extension, and the Wikibase Pingback
2021-07-28T16:21:42 <Sam Alipio> In case you are unfamiliar, here is some information on these newly released features...
2021-07-28T16:22:03 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Oh nice! Are there d…" it’s on Help:Magic words, or T97577 [1]
2021-07-28T16:22:08 <Sam Alipio> Federated Properties is a feature that allows a newly created Wikibase instance to use the existing Properties of Wikidata (or another Wikibase). Please note that this feature has some limitations: once you’ve enabled federation mode, you can no longer create local properties. We recommend not enabling it in Wikibase instances that already contain properties. That will become possible later on with our next version
2021-07-28T16:22:19 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> "That's super cool, i…" There is . It currently doesn't support restricting to subsets. But if you open a ticket I can talk with Goran who built it to see if that can be done.
2021-07-28T16:22:28 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "it’s on Help:Magic w…" Not the magic words, the reduction on watchlists
2021-07-28T16:22:32 <Sam Alipio> WikibaseManifest is an extension made by Wikimedia Deutschland which exposes automatically discovered configuration information about your local Wikibase for use by external tools.
2021-07-28T16:22:43 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Not the magic words,…" yeah, sorry, wrong message. let me see if I can find something for the other one
2021-07-28T16:22:54 <Sam Alipio> Finally, Wikibase Pingback allows Wikibase operators to opt in to sharing anonymized data about their Wikibase instance with Wikimedia. This completely optional feature helps us to understand the usage of Wikibase by collecting which versions of MediaWiki are in use, on what platforms, and which Wikibase features and extensions are enabled.
2021-07-28T16:22:55 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "There is https://www…" Thanks Lydia!
2021-07-28T16:23:22 <Sam Alipio> The new official Wikibase Docker images now include an improved bundle of extensions and components needed by users
2021-07-28T16:23:42 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Not the magic words,…" that would’ve been T286193 I think
2021-07-28T16:23:51 <Sam Alipio> And in addition to new user-facing documentation on how to install or update the software, the release included detailed release notes
2021-07-28T16:24:19 <Sam Alipio> Our goal will be to make new Wikibase releases approximately every 6 months. The next release is scheduled to happen in Autumn and will be based on MediaWiki 1.36
2021-07-28T16:24:49 <Sam Alipio> To help us further improve the software installation and updating process, it would be really helpful if those who have previously installed or updated Wikibase software could answer two anonymous surveys.
2021-07-28T16:25:05 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Sam Alipio> "Federated Properties…" I have tested the Federated Properties on WBstack and feel we need to have the possibility to create new properties. Is that in the backlog? and where is the backlog...
2021-07-28T16:25:14 <Sam Alipio> One survey is on installation experiences and the other is on updating experiences
2021-07-28T16:25:25 <Sam Alipio> Aggregate results of these surveys (minus the open comments field) will be shared on wiki after the conclusion of the survey period
2021-07-28T16:26:09 <Sam Alipio> We also kicked off our next major roadmap initiative, which is continued work on Wikidata-Wikibase federation (Federation v2). The goal of this initiative is to expand the recently released Federated Properties feature with additional functionality, including the ability to have custom local properties. Magnus S., sounds like this is what you're asking for!
2021-07-28T16:26:09 <Jan Ainali> reply to <wikilinksbot> "T286193 – Drop subsc…" Oh. That was a very technical ticket. I was hoping to be able to read what is not showing up in the watchlist anymore. :D
2021-07-28T16:26:33 <Sam Alipio> Thanks for everyone who has already participated in our surveys :)
2021-07-28T16:26:47 <Sam Alipio> You can follow our progress on the next Federation version on Phabricator ( We will be working on this feature for the remainder of 2021.
2021-07-28T16:27:07 <Sam Alipio> And now back to Mohammed
2021-07-28T16:27:15 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Sam Alipio> "We also kicked off o…" yes thanks
2021-07-28T16:27:27 <Mohammed Sadat> Thank you PMs, lots of cool stuff :)
2021-07-28T16:27:40 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's have a quick overview of what happened outside of all the development things
2021-07-28T16:27:47 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Oh. That was a very …" previously, when a page used the statements of an item, it would also have received updates (been purged, recentchanges+watchlist entries) when some other aspects of the item were changed – the most notable is probably aliases
2021-07-28T16:27:56 <Mohammed Sadat> We had 3 new admin RfPs in the last 3 months. One was successful. Welcome onboard Emu \o/
2021-07-28T16:27:58 <Lucas Werkmeister> so IIUC you would see less unrelated alias changes in your watchlist now
2021-07-28T16:28:12 <Mohammed Sadat> The Wikimedia hackathon in May saw some interesting sessions by the community. New Wikidata tools were built or improved during the hackathon. Many thanks to everyone who participated
2021-07-28T16:28:26 <Mohammed Sadat> We had several Bug Triage Hour sessions about quality constraints, Entity Schemas and lexicographical data. Notes here: The next one will take place in September
2021-07-28T16:28:41 <Mohammed Sadat> WikidataCon 2021 is drawing closer: This year's theme is A sustainable future for Wikidata - more info about the online conference will come in September
2021-07-28T16:28:57 <Mohammed Sadat> We’re currently running discussions for small communities & groups where they get together to discuss decentering Wikidata under the scope of Reimagining Wikidata from the margins. You can read more about how to participate in those conversations at
2021-07-28T16:29:10 <Mohammed Sadat> New tools were created by the community over the past months. Here are a few of them:
2021-07-28T16:29:26 <Mohammed Sadat> Bodh is a new tool that helps users to add statements to Wikidata Lexemes by hand on a larger scale -->
2021-07-28T16:29:29 <Adi> reply to <Mohammed Sadat> "WikidataCon 2021 is …" Tech Infrastructure is critical to ensure a sustainable future for Wikidata.
2021-07-28T16:29:32 <Mohammed Sadat> Scholia got an upgrade including 1 click import of new scientific papers via citation-js & QS
2021-07-28T16:29:41 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata Lexeme Forms tool continue to support new languages. Most recently Hausa and Igbo. Thank you, @lucaswerkmeister
2021-07-28T16:29:50 <Mohammed Sadat> Many userscripts were written. Some of them are
2021-07-28T16:30:00 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:So9q/ordia-link.js is a script to add a link to Ordia in the Tools section on items
2021-07-28T16:30:07 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:Jon Harald Søby/compact items.css is a stylesheet that shrinks the vertical space items take up on your screen, reducing the need to scroll to get an overview of an item
2021-07-28T16:30:10 <Adi> reply to <Dennis> "New post by me https…" Related discussion
2021-07-28T16:30:19 <Mohammed Sadat> @Nikki improved User:Nikki/LexemeEntitySuggester.js to do much more including automatically suggesting the existing senses/forms when using demonstrates sense/form
2021-07-28T16:30:26 <Mohammed Sadat> A number of WikiProjects were started over the past months
2021-07-28T16:30:32 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Govdirectory
2021-07-28T16:30:37 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Medieval_Nobility
2021-07-28T16:30:44 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Outdoor_Gyms &
2021-07-28T16:30:52 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:WikiProject_European_Bathing_Waters
2021-07-28T16:31:02 <Mohammed Sadat> WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata. Do check them out and add new ones to the weekly summary!
2021-07-28T16:31:15 <Mohammed Sadat> And finally, here are a few interesting things to watch and read in different languages
2021-07-28T16:31:16 <Srishti Sethi> Curious tool is a cool tool! In the weird statement generated by the curious tool, the item that needs fixing can it be highlighted, or is it that all the items in the statement need updating (maybe be I have this question as I am not familiar with Wikidata editing).
2021-07-28T16:31:26 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikisource & Wikidata integration -->
2021-07-28T16:31:32 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikipedia citations in Wikidata (in Italian) -->
2021-07-28T16:31:39 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata Editing training (in Tamil) -->
2021-07-28T16:31:48 <Mohammed Sadat> Editing Wikidata (in German) -->
2021-07-28T16:31:57 <Mohammed Sadat> SPARQL tutorial (in Portuguese) -->
2021-07-28T16:32:15 <Mohammed Sadat> Special \o/ to @Jan_ainali for organizing the Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing sessions in Swedish & English, to Wiki Movimento Brasil for running the Wikidata Labs, and to @Nicolas_VIGNERON for doing the SPARQL tutorials in French
2021-07-28T16:32:25 <Mohammed Sadat> If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :) d:Wikidata:Status updates
2021-07-28T16:32:32 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, What’s coming next for Wikidata & Wikibase?
2021-07-28T16:32:36 <Mohammed Sadat> Over to you again Lydia and Sam
2021-07-28T16:32:49 <GreenReaper> reply to <Adi> "Related discussion" I was not too convinced by that; the current server does work and the hardware it uses is not unusual (maybe for WMF compared to its usual servers, but database servers can be much bigger). Though I found some report dashboards that were broken while checking stats so it was a useful discussion in that sense. 😼
2021-07-28T16:33:10 <Lydia Pintscher> For Wikidata the next thing is continuing to work on the Mismatch Finder to get it into a first version.
2021-07-28T16:33:30 <Lydia Pintscher> After that Special:New Lexeme is on!
2021-07-28T16:33:42 <Lydia Pintscher> How about Wikibase, Sam?
2021-07-28T16:34:06 <Sam Alipio> On the Wikibase side, will be continuing work on the Wikibase-Wikidata federation feature (Federation v2) that I introduced earlier in this office hour
2021-07-28T16:34:16 <Adi> reply to <GreenReaper> "I was not too convin…" I thought Blazegraph replacement is very critical to ensure Wikidata's infrastructure is healthy in the long run.
2021-07-28T16:34:23 <Sam Alipio> Additionally, we will be preparing the Autumn Release of Wikibase and making improvements to the user-facing documentation, particularly around updating the Docker images from the Spring to Autumn versions of Wikibase
2021-07-28T16:34:45 <Sam Alipio> The responses we get from the installation and updating surveys will really help us to ensure the Autumn release is the best it can be for users
2021-07-28T16:35:09 <Mohammed Sadat> Do you have any questions for us :D
2021-07-28T16:35:17 <Kaio Duarte> Can anyone let me know how the issues of researching the data on Wikidata and making it available on WikiResearch are going?
2021-07-28T16:36:04 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "For Wikidata the nex…" I was part of the LD4 conf last week and they spoke a lot about "mismatches between properties" i.e. Wikidata define gender as xxx and we as yyyy

is properties in the scope of the mismatchfinder
2021-07-28T16:36:20 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Kaio Duarte> "Can anyone let me kn…" Are you looking for anything in particular? The data in Wikidata itself is available for anyone to use.
2021-07-28T16:36:57 <Hogü-456> I think it were great if it is possible to install Wikibase on a own Computer without programming knowledge. Do you plan to make that possible in the future.
2021-07-28T16:37:08 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Magnus Sälgö> "I was part of the LD…" Ah good to know. Thank you! Some mapping might need to happen by the person or organisation producing the mismatches that are uploaded into the tool. We need to clarify that in the documentation.
2021-07-28T16:38:25 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Hogü-456> "I think it were grea…" The Docker images that we publish are fairly user friendly for those with less technical know-how. In fact, installing Wikibase on your own is the subject of tomorrow's Wikibase Live session (Mohammed, can you share the details?)
2021-07-28T16:38:52 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Hogü-456> "I think it were grea…" We are also continuing to investigate other options, such as offering Wikibase as a hosted solution in the future
2021-07-28T16:39:13 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "Ah good to know. Tha…" LD4 spoke a lot about Wikidata and I feel we need to track what is happening 72 sessions on youtube
2021-07-28T16:39:13 <Nikki> the docker images still don't include lexemes, do they?
2021-07-28T16:39:53 <GreenReaper> reply to <Sam Alipio> "On the Wikibase side…" The last I read you were going towards URIs as an internal representation of foreign props, rather than prefixes. This may be a good idea considering that it keeps all the data needed for resolution in one place, however in the UI it would be very awkward to have to keep putting in URIs if referencing a bunch of properties on a single wiki. If that is the direction, how do you anticipate users dealing with that? Bear in mind currently in WBStack scripts can't be used at all (both user and site JS is disabled).
2021-07-28T16:39:59 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Nikki> "the docker images st…" We didn't include them in the spring release, but lexemes could be included in the Autumn release if there is sufficient user demand
2021-07-28T16:40:11 <Adi> reply to <Nikki> "the docker images st…" Can we "link" our own instance of wikidata/wikibase to the actual items (and probably to another instances of wikidata/wikibase)?
2021-07-28T16:40:28 <Adi> Distributed wikidata is quite a cool concept
2021-07-28T16:41:34 <Sam Alipio> reply to <GreenReaper> "The last I read you …" Hey! So the decision around URIs may not impact the UI at all (this interaction is still being designed). It is unlikely that we would require users to input the URI as opposed to simply a label or property ID in the interface itself, since you rightly note that this would be awkward
2021-07-28T16:42:17 <GreenReaper> It will also impact tools like the aforementioned Cradle but I figure they need updating anyway (it has trouble with anything but wdt:).
2021-07-28T16:42:33 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Adi> "Can we "link" our ow…" In the current version of the Federated Properties feature and the version being worked on, we are still working on the properties as opposed to items on Wikidata. But this would be something we tackle in the future
2021-07-28T16:43:04 <Adi> reply to <Sam Alipio> "In the current vers…" Thank you for your answer.
2021-07-28T16:43:25 <Nikki> I find it strange that you wouldn't automatically include extensions needed to do something like import data from wikidata or test code changes
2021-07-28T16:43:31 <Hogü-456> Bitnami offers a possibility to install Mediawiki at the own computer. I think their concept can be a example of how it can be possible for Wikibase. I want to make the decisions during installing in a User Interface so that I dont need to use a command line tool. But it is good to know that you are investigating other options.
2021-07-28T16:44:10 <Kaio Duarte> I'm part of social and youth movements, we wanted to do research on youth movements in Brazil using Wikidata and publish on WikiResearch.
2021-07-28T16:44:23 <Kaio Duarte> reply to <Kaio Duarte> "I'm part of social a…" @Nightrose
2021-07-28T16:44:38 <GreenReaper> reply to <Sam Alipio> "Hey! So the decision…" Thanks, wanted to be sure it'd been considered! I know a lot of edits come in via API, but on smaller scale wikis UI is key. Many of those may be trying to use Wikidata et. al. via fed props.
2021-07-28T16:45:55 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Nikki> "I find it strange th…" The process we're following for adding new extensions/components to the bundle is for people to create tickets on our Release Strategy phabricator board with their use case that others can add support to. An example is here: I welcome you to add a ticket as well for Lexemes so we can be sure to consider this for the next released bundle
2021-07-28T16:45:56 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Kaio Duarte> "I'm part of social a…" Sounds great. should be a great place to start for learning how to access the data in Wikidata
2021-07-28T16:47:07 <Mohammed Sadat> Is there anything that anyone would like to highlight?
2021-07-28T16:47:23 <Lydia Pintscher> ^ time to brag about all the cool stuff you're doing
2021-07-28T16:48:16 <Lucas Werkmeister> I know a certain someone has been cleaning up musical work items, it’s all over my watchlist :P
2021-07-28T16:48:28 <Lydia Pintscher> \o/
2021-07-28T16:49:48 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Dennis> "I just found out tha…" thanks for all of your work Dennis :)
2021-07-28T16:50:18 <Lydia Pintscher> I have a question for all of you: For Wikimania I have a talk for the state of wikidata and what happened lately and what's coming up. What are things you think I should highlight? (can also send me things later.)
2021-07-28T16:50:35 <Kim> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "I know a certain som…" Would this be the same person who is making Saami music a reality on wikidata? :D
2021-07-28T16:50:42 <Dennis> reply to <Mohammed Sadat> "thanks for all of yo…" 😍
2021-07-28T16:50:55 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Kim> "Would this be the sa…" could be, could be!
2021-07-28T16:51:27 <Magnus Sälgö> Brag: I was part of LD4 and spoke. Recommend more people to do that and also be part of the LD4 Wikidata Affinity group

It was most US institutions and we need to scale this to more countries...
2021-07-28T16:51:39 <Lydia Pintscher> \o/
2021-07-28T16:51:39 <Sam Alipio> reply to <Magnus Sälgö> "Brag: I was part of …" \o/
2021-07-28T16:51:45 <Mohammed Sadat> \o/
2021-07-28T16:51:49 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "^ time to brag abou…" <media_group_id,photo> User Popperipopp did some great data cleanup on Swedish parliamentarians. Before/after images (the lines should be as flat as possible at 349):
2021-07-28T16:51:49 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "^ time to brag abou…" <media_group_id,photo>
2021-07-28T16:51:57 <মাহির মোরশেদ> I have forked a number of tools by User:Vesihiisi related to lexemes and adjusted them somewhat; Hangor is a Hauki fork that can now display all lexemes with a given form (ঢাকা), and Orthohin, a fork of "Wikidata Senses" which lets one add senses to senseless lexemes, now allows one to filter these lexemes by lexical category (
2021-07-28T16:52:14 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "<media_group_id,phot…" Nice!
2021-07-28T16:52:32 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "I have forked a numb…" \o/
2021-07-28T16:53:25 <Dennis> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I have a question fo…" Growing pains?
Many new lexeme tools and scripts?
Federated properties and what value they offer?
How many languages have more than 1000 senses?
2021-07-28T16:53:47 <Dennis> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "I have forked a numb…" Wii 😃
2021-07-28T16:53:49 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Dennis> "Growing pains?
Many …" s/1000 lexemes/1000 senses/, but otherwise agree
2021-07-28T16:54:22 <Dennis> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "s/1000 lexemes/1000 …" Fixed 😎
2021-07-28T16:54:25 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Dennis> "Wii 😃" Q8079?
2021-07-28T16:54:58 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "^ time to brag abou…" Daniel made this query revealing Swedish Supreme court justices that cites reports by commissions they self took part in. Journalistic level querying!
2021-07-28T16:55:11 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Daniel made this que…" I saw that and I love it!
2021-07-28T16:56:15 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I have a question fo…" 1. Quality activities
2. The future plans of Blazegraph and SPARQL
3. plans on things like a central webscraper
2021-07-28T16:56:28 <Lydia Pintscher> 👍
2021-07-28T16:56:43 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Daniel made this que…" Yes that was magic!!!!
2021-07-28T16:58:05 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "^ time to brag abou…" Too early to brag yet, but me and @Abbe98 started on an ambitious project. Structure all public agencies in the world, categorize them, get their online presences and present it in a user friendly way. That's the Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory
2021-07-28T16:58:14 <GreenReaper> I always read LD4 as L4D. 🧟
Not really WD related but I've been writing reports of Wikibase Telegram activity. Was interesting to realise just how many topics are covered over a few months. But there will be more time to talk of that tomorrow.

Oh, and I was in a SWAN meeting and came up as a good example of Wikidata - unfortunately it was broken. I found a typo in the query and the author fixed it, so it is working again now.
2021-07-28T16:58:25 <Dennis> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "Q8079?" No, see I'm about to create a new property proposal for that one 😃
2021-07-28T16:58:27 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Too early to brag ye…" looking forward to it
2021-07-28T16:58:38 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Too early to brag ye…" Looking good!
2021-07-28T16:58:38 <Jon Harald Søby> reply to <wikilinksbot> "L4 – windsurf [en: E…" /delete@wikilinksbot
2021-07-28T16:59:05 <Mohammed Sadat> We're approaching the end of the office hour
2021-07-28T17:00:06 <Mohammed Sadat> anymore things to brag about :)
2021-07-28T17:00:08 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Dennis> "No, see http://mobil…" ah, so wikt:whee
2021-07-28T17:00:48 <Mohammed Sadat> I think we can wrap up now then :D
2021-07-28T17:00:54 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks so much everyone for attending and asking questions
2021-07-28T17:01:04 <Lydia Pintscher> ❤️
2021-07-28T17:01:04 <Sam Alipio> thanks everyone, until next time!
2021-07-28T17:01:05 <Mohammed Sadat> see you around :)