Topic on User talk:Simon Villeneuve

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Summary by Simon Villeneuve

Faire attention à la création de noms

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Hello Simon,

please do not create names in languages you are not familiar with. Unfortunately, you make mistakes all the time. Thank you for your understanding.

Have a nice Sunday, Greetings Harry

Simon Villeneuve (talkcontribs)

Ok. But how detect them when they have a latin form?

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

E.g. at the Interwiki link, at the entry in VIAF, ISNI, GND, J9U etc. or at the place of birth. Often, however, it is just experience from years of work in the various Wikimedia projects. In case of doubt and if you are not 100% sure, it is better not to create a name or to ask in the Wikidata:Project chat beforehand. There are still hundreds of thousands of names in Latin script waiting to be created by you. So don't worry, there are still many years of work for us

Simon Villeneuve (talkcontribs)

Yes, I know that. But I only create names when I visit a Q5 element who miss some of them.

As an example, this is probably coming from hebrew. Was I correct to create it?

HarryNº2 (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately, my knowledge of Hebrew and Jewish is very limited. As a general rule, always create the name in its original language and then translate it into Latin. As already mentioned, often the translation from a non-Latin writing system into e.g. English, French, German or Latvian is different. In German, for example, a "Y" (as in the translation from Russian to English) becomes a "J" , a "V" becomes a "W", a "sh" becomes a "sch", etc. Of course, this also applies to other languages. Personally, I leave out all names whose language I do not know. It's better to leave that to a native speaker.

By the way, the name Yinon (French Inon) already exists, it has just not been translated into all Latin languages, cf. Yinon (Q6911225). In this case, I would merge the two names.