Topic on User talk:Ladsgroup

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Edoderoo (talkcontribs)

Your bot is deleting requests after 168 *minutes* after a request has been done. How am I supposed to take action on this? Now the items is gone, all evidence deleted without any human eyes checking on it. Don't you think that we should be able to get at least 8 hours of sleep, without the risk that during that time your items get nominated AND deleted? I believe 48 hours wait time would even be short. We are not all 24/7 available, and deleting an item is not of any life urging matter.

Ladsgroup (talkcontribs)

The delete is not based on deletion requests, the bot doesn't look at that at all and doesn't know when/if an item got nominated for deletion. It looks at empty items that have their sitelinks deleted in Wikipedia/sister projects.

Edoderoo (talkcontribs)

Right.. for this case I still don't understand as it was said to be an iteam recently created with a sitelink to Hungarian wiki. My bot script usually makes items for nl-wiki, but maybe this was from a run over Hungarian templates/categories... but if it was really an empty item with previously a hungarian link, I can't care too much.

Another question... many lemmata that get deleted on xx-wiki, will still be relevant to Wikidata. How does your bot then decide what to keep and what to delete? In your explanation it reads like "no wiki, never relevant, delete everything you can". I do not agree with that approach.

Ladsgroup (talkcontribs)

The bot checks if there's no back link in main namespace too. It also checks if there's any statement on the item, if there's anything (beside P31 which doesn't bring any value on its own). Then it deletes them.

This is bot is active to reduce the workload of admins so they don't get overwhelmed by the tedius and large number of deletions.

Edoderoo (talkcontribs)

I see. These additional restrictions to the delete criteria will do the trick indeed. Thanks for the clarification!

Reply to "Deletion within 3 hours"