Topic on User talk:Dhx1

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Jeblad (talkcontribs)

It could be wise to test scripts on items that has a rather low visibility, or even do testrun in the sandbox. Just I friendly remainder, I have messed up items myself, and it is not cool when people at several wikis start yelling at you.

Dhx1 (talkcontribs)

Data was added manually and not by script--but yes, I did make a lot of changes in the process due to finding a better way to model the data on 2019-nCov. It looks like @Salgo60 has also started importing the same data each day from the WHO, but using QuickStatements to do so (much more efficient).

Salgo60 (talkcontribs)

@Dhx1 I use Open Refine and generates Quickstatements but its gets messy I feel you cant set rank, it just works if the value is unique etc.... looks like @Larske start cleaning it.....

Jeblad (talkcontribs)

Another thing, at some point the spread will probably be so massive the numbers will stop making sense. I'm not sure how that should be modelled. It will then go from a confirmed number to an estimated number.

Dhx1 (talkcontribs)
Jeblad (talkcontribs)
Salgo60 (talkcontribs)


Lesson learned so far having 2019-nCov data in Wikidata:

1) WIkidata with its "query lag" is not optimal for data like this

2) the current way of changing rank to show latest value doesnt work good with Quickstatement that cant set rank

3) Adding the same value as was entered before Quickstatement adds the data qualifiers to the already created value

4) In the latest report the reporting changed also having information about

  • Total (new) cases with travel history to China
  • Total (new) cases with possible or confirmed transmission outside of China
  • Total (new) cases with site of transmission under investigation

how should we handle that? Is Wikidata a good place for data like this were Wikidata has limited support for properties based on data from other properties, transactional data.....

Example query:

Salgo60 (talkcontribs)

Suggestion from Telegram group "Wikidata" is use "A designated wikibase"

Jeblad (talkcontribs)

I've been wondering about statistics, and whether there are some cases where the dynamic is such that we need an alternate way to update and query the values. In particular, that statistics somehow isn't a first order member of one item or even several items, but rather it is related to several of them as a born digital entity itself, and perhaps even related to items of heterogeneous type. It is not metadata about a single item, it is statistics about several items.

Salgo60 (talkcontribs)