Topic on User talk:NavinoEvans

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Tacsipacsi (talkcontribs)

Hi! You’ve added life expectancy (P2250) to many items with unitless values (e.g. here). According to the property’s constraints, all values should be in year (Q577). Could you please add the unit? Thanks in advance!

NavinoEvans (talkcontribs)

Oops! Thanks a lot for letting me know. I'll get these fixed over the next couple of days. Cheers again :)

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

I think there would have been a bot that could have appended them in one go.

Datawiki30 (talkcontribs)

Hi NavinoEvans! I im using a bot to write GDP data to countries and I’ve found that you are adding life expectancy. I can propose you a bot script to do this job. Write me, if you are interested and if you are willing to maintain it.

NavinoEvans (talkcontribs)

Apologies for the delayed response! I'm very interested for sure. This seems like something that is perfect for bot updating when new data becomes available. What would be the best approach? I've not written any bots myself yet but was planning on diving into that soon.

Thanks again for the suggestion.

Datawiki30 (talkcontribs)

That's great. I use pywikibot scripts (using python) for the bot. I will suggest you to take a look here first. I'm running the bot from PAWS. I'm commenting the code before I provide it to you.

There is one discussion that makes me unsure about importing time-series-data. I've begun that for nominal GDP (P2131) but it seems that there is some performance problem. If we add many time series, then this could cause slower loading of the county's page. I'm still discussing about this issue here.

NavinoEvans (talkcontribs)

Brilliant thanks very much for all the info! I'll make a start reading through everything. The discussion you linked to is something I've also been wondering about a lot. I'll post my thoughts there shortly.

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