Topic on User talk:DeltaBot

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Thgoiter (talkcontribs)

I was wondering the same. User:KrBot removes duplicate values, but these edits could be omitted.

Robby (talkcontribs)

There are quite a number of triple and four times edits by now from DeltaBot:

triple edits: Q16367143, Q16367137,

four times the same edit: Q16367133, Q16367122

I've not yet fixed this in order to allow better investigation.

Fralambert (talkcontribs)
Raymond (talkcontribs)
Hjart (talkcontribs)

Same just happened to Q12344293. Can we please avoid that?

Pasleim (talkcontribs)

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've started to remove the duplicated values.

Reply to "Double edits"