Topic on User talk:Xcia0069

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Marsupium (talkcontribs)
Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Yes you can take a look at some exhibitions that have been done. Basically exhibitions generally have catalogs, so they can be treated like any other catalog. That said, I have also use P608 for photographers who were in a photo exhibition. So you can do both too.

Jane023 (talkcontribs)
Xcia0069 (talkcontribs)

Ah, I see. For some stupid reason, I had not thought of using the catalogue as the main point of reference (as opposed to the exhibition). Your approach makes sense

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Since the catalogue has all the metadata I generally just create one item for the exhibition and the catalog, since they are also pretty much similar in time and place (various language versions are published by each museum if the exhibition travels to other countries). Some people make two items: one for the exhibition and one for the catalogue. That's fine too. So eg if you are reading about some artwork that was in some exhibition but you don't know the catalog number but want to record that little fact, go ahead and make an item for the exhibition and make a statement on the artwork based on "exhibition history". You can always add a catalog code later if you ever get around to it (or someone else can too).

Marsupium (talkcontribs)

Please please make two items! They are conceptually different, there aren't things in the world that are an instance of an exhibition and an exhibition catalogue at the same time. We should still discuss this with a broader audience I think!

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Well I see it in the same way as "Museum building/Museum organization" or "Altarpiece/Painting series". If it doesn't exist yet, make one item for your needs and the next person who needs the other thing can come along and split them up. There is no need to make it more difficult than it already is to make items.

Marsupium (talkcontribs)

Yes, I see. For this and the "Museum building/Museum organization" thing I'd nevertheless also always recommend to create two items (in cases where there isn't yet a Wikipedia introduced merged cluster) because often it will be more work with splitting them up later, especially with exhibitions and museums which both are object in a lot of statements. But now it is what it is.

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

I like to think of myself forging my way through the Wikidata wilderness, hacking away at strange vines and clearing a little pathway. After me, others can come build roads, install electricity grids, schools and electoral voting machines...

Marsupium (talkcontribs)
) Haha! That's great, of course it's always a question of priorities and nothing will ever be perfect here!
Xcia0069 (talkcontribs)
Jane023 (talkcontribs)
Xcia0069 (talkcontribs)
Jane023 (talkcontribs)

I tried using your query directly in the query editor and it said there was an error, so I just copied the query from another catalog and changed the catalog item number and then it did work. Sometimes the query can be squirrely. It works now though and thanks for your work on this. Happy listeria-watching!

Marsupium (talkcontribs)

The closing "}" was commented out … Cheers, m.

Reply to "Exhibitions"