Topic on User talk:GerardM

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EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

This prize is given to ''modern'' authors. Whatever source you used claiming the prize was given to ancient Greek playwrights, your source was mistaken.

GerardM (talkcontribs)

There may be a few errors in there, You can remedy them . I fixed a few that I found to be in error like Homer

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

You're putting the same mistakes back into the same data items. Please stop. It does not good to make corrections if you keep putting the mistakes back in every month.

GerardM (talkcontribs)

I am actively working on them.. A bit more patience please. It is on my agenda for monday.

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

You've been "working" on this for over a month, and making the same mistakes again, and then making excuses for your mistakes. Patience at this point from the community is gone.

GerardM (talkcontribs)

You do call me a liar. It is on my agenda for monday, I am working on a work project with a lot of slack time. I have a window open with this award. And when you call yourself the community, you presume a lot.

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

I have read other people's comments and seen their frustration over your bad edits and constant excuses. If you wish to think you've been called a liar as well, I cannot stop you from making that excuse as well. But I would rather you make good edits instead of bad ones, and stop making either bad edits or poor excuses.

GerardM (talkcontribs)

Right, so your abuse is based on what others say... and justified because of that. FIne upstanding gentleman you are.

GerardM (talkcontribs)

Have you had the opportunity to see that I am a man of my word?

Reply to "Martinus Nijhoff Vertaalprijs"