Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

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Multichill (talkcontribs)

Hi Magnus, as you know we now have over 100.000 paintings here on Wikidata. Quite a few of these paintings (around 20.000) are not linked to their creator yet. This number was higher, but I ran a bot that matches the painting to the painter based on the "painting by <someone>". I'm now coming to the point that I don't seem to be able to match much more. I was wondering if it would be possible to cross reference some data sets and come up with good suggestions on who to create. Take for example Carl Newman (Q20821502), RKDartists, ULAN and SAAM all had an entry for him. I also made this list of unmatched painters (replace .txt with .sql for the query). Do you feel like having a shot at this?

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)
Multichill (talkcontribs)

Sure, some stuff in that list can be matched, matching with other datasets should turn that up too. The Turner/Girtin stuff is The Bank of a Lake or River with Hills Beyond (Q18571754) (two authors) that's something that I can't handle right now. If you see things in the list for which you know the Wikidata item: Please add the name as a English label or alias (example). So yes, help much appreciated!

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

I just launched The Turner/Girtin stuff with Autolist, based on a claim request completed by the "painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner, Thomas Girtin" on en label (117 items). Tell me if it's alright, or not :)

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)
Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

I think you don't need to ping the person who began the thread, it's automatically in his follow list, like it is in mine, too.... ;)

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

@Multichill Ah, sorry, I see your is already a DB query result. Not quite sure what the question is here. Use the tool to get some good estimates for your unmatched painters, need to be checked manually though.

Is the question who to make Creator: entries on Commons for? If so, why not all of them? As in, the ones that have a Wikidata item?

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

Hello, except for Mästare av Moskvaskolan and Mästare av Novgorodskolan (that are swedish "Master of…"), all painters from top to Berndt Abraham Godenhjelm exist and have appropriate aliases.

Have fun.

Multichill (talkcontribs)
Vladimir Alexiev (talkcontribs)
Multichill (talkcontribs)

No, it doesn't belong there. Moved it to the talk page.

Reply to "Matching creators"