Wikidata:Wikimedia Deutschland Hardware Donation Program

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Laptops available (10 July 2024):
Map of recipients' countries (August 2024)

This page describes Wikimedia Deutschland’s (WMDE) hardware donation program, which is aimed at increasing access to technology and empowering individuals to contribute to Wikidata more easily. The program provides instructions on how to apply for a laptop.



WMDE periodically upgrades its hardware assets and is interested in donating hardware, still in good condition and usable for another few years, to volunteer communities to help support our mission. The donated laptop is provided with a Ubuntu Linux installation and a Type F power plug. Below are a set of distribution criteria and the process for this program.



To request hardware, applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Applicants must have at least one year of meaningful contributions to Wikidata as an editor, researcher, tool or software developer, or trainer/organizer.
  2. Applicants must demonstrate a legitimate need for the hardware and show that it will be used to support their activity on Wikidata. Examples of legitimate needs may include being a student without the means to purchase a laptop, or being from a region with limited access to technology and other resources.
  3. Applicants must agree to identify themselves to WMDE by signing a brief agreement stating the intended use of the donated hardware. This is solely for the purpose of identifying the recipients.



To apply for a laptop, type your username in the edit box below and click the Apply for laptop button. Then fill out the on-wiki form.

Your request may be endorsed by other volunteers, and feedback may be posted on the request talk pages. However, endorsements or lack thereof do not guarantee the fulfillment of a request.

If the input box doesn't work, create a page named Wikidata:WMDE Hardware Donation Program/Your_Username and paste the contents of this page.



Once you have submitted your request, it will be reviewed by WMDE staff (currently Mohammed and Alan) with Ruky Wunpini providing community support. The decision will be based on the set criteria and the availability of equipment.

  • If your request is approved, you will be notified and provided with instructions on how to receive the laptop.
  • In case of doubt, additional information may be requested by WMDE staff and your application would be reevaluated in the next evaluation cycle.
  • If your request is rejected, you may not appeal the decision, but can reapply after 1 year.

Overall, the decision-making process may take time due to the limited capacity of the program.



Delivery details will be arranged via private communication after the agreement letter is signed and a suitable mode of delivery will be determined.

  • Equipment delivery will be done by WMDE staff serving as couriers at international or regional events where they meet the applicant or their delegate.
  • Shipping may be considered if costs are low and there is minimal risk of customs delays or additional fees.

Some deserving requests may go unfulfilled due to high delivery costs or staff unavailability as couriers at events.



After the equipment is delivered, recipients must publicly confirm receipt on their application wiki page.

Once confirmed, the donation is closed. Recipients are encouraged to document the use of the equipment on the request page or on social media. This can motivate others to request equipment and encourage the WMDE team to continue providing it.

See also
