Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms/Swedish

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För att lägga till en ny mall:

svenskt substantiv (utrum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt substantiv (utrum)
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)common (Q1305037)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ singular, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det här är en [bil].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ singular, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Den nya [bilen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ plural, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Jag ser flera [bilar].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ plural, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
De nya [bilarna].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv singular, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
En [bils] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv singular, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Den här [bilens] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv plural, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Många [bilars] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv plural, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
De här [bilarnas] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233), definite (Q53997851)

svenskt substantiv (neutrum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt substantiv (neutrum)
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)neuter (Q1775461)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ singular, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det här är ett [bord].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ singular, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det nya [bordet].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ plural, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Jag ser flera [bord].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
nominativ plural, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
De nya [borden].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv singular, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Ett [bords] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv singular, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det här [bordets] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233), definite (Q53997851)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv plural, obestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Många [bords] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233), indefinite (Q53997857)

A label, which is used on the template page.
genitiv plural, bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
De här [bordens] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233), definite (Q53997851)

svenskt egennamn


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt egennamn
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
proper noun (Q147276)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)neuter (Q1775461)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Jag ser [Sara].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105)

A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Jag imponeras av [Saras] utseende.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233)

svenskt verb


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt verb
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
verb (Q24905)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
infinitiv aktiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Att [läsa] är bra.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
infinitive (Q179230), active (Q1317831)

A label, which is used on the template page.
presens aktiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Hen [läser] varje dag.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
present tense (Q192613), active (Q1317831)

A label, which is used on the template page.
preteritum aktiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Hen [läste] igår.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
preterite (Q442485), active (Q1317831)

A label, which is used on the template page.
supinum aktiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Hen har [läst] hela dagen.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
supine (Q548470), active (Q1317831)

A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
[läs] nu!
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
imperative (Q22716)

A label, which is used on the template page.
infinitiv passiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det ska [läsas].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
infinitive (Q179230), passive (Q1194697)

A label, which is used on the template page.
presens passiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det [läses] varje dag.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
present tense (Q192613), passive (Q1194697)

A label, which is used on the template page.
preteritum passiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det [lästes] igår.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
preterite (Q442485), passive (Q1194697)

A label, which is used on the template page.
supinum passiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Det har [lästs] hela dagen.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
supine (Q548470), passive (Q1194697)

svenskt adjektiv (utan komparativ)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt adjektiv (utan komparativ)
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
adjective (Q34698)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
instance of (P31)absolute adjective (Q332375)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
obestämd singular, utrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
en [tolvårig] pojke
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
indefinite (Q53997857), singular (Q110786), common (Q1305037), positive (Q3482678) (optional)

A label, which is used on the template page.
obestämd singular, neutrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
ett [tolvårigt] barn
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
indefinite (Q53997857), singular (Q110786), neuter (Q1775461), positive (Q3482678) (optional)

A label, which is used on the template page.
bestämd singular, maskulinum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
den [tolvårige] pojken
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), positive (Q3482678) (optional)

A label, which is used on the template page.
bestämd singular, utrum/neutrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
det [tolvåriga] barnet
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), singular (Q110786), positive (Q3482678) (optional)

A label, which is used on the template page.
bestämd plural
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
de [tolvåriga] barnen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), plural (Q146786), positive (Q3482678) (optional)

svenskt adjektiv (med komparativ)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
svenskt adjektiv (med komparativ)
The item ID of the language.
Swedish (Q9027)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
adjective (Q34698)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:

A label, which is used on the template page.
positiv obestämd singular, utrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
en [ung] pojke
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
indefinite (Q53997857), singular (Q110786), common (Q1305037), positive (Q3482678)

A label, which is used on the template page.
positiv obestämd singular, neutrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
ett [ungt] barn
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
indefinite (Q53997857), singular (Q110786), neuter (Q1775461), positive (Q3482678)

A label, which is used on the template page.
positiv bestämd singular, maskulinum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
den [unge] pojken
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), positive (Q3482678)

A label, which is used on the template page.
positiv bestämd singular, utrum/neutrum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
det [unga] barnet
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), singular (Q110786), positive (Q3482678)

A label, which is used on the template page.
positiv plural
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
de [unga] barnen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
definite (Q53997851), plural (Q146786)

A label, which is used on the template page.
komparativ (kongruensböjs inte)
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
pojken är [yngre] än flickan
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
comparative (Q14169499)

A label, which is used on the template page.
superlativ predikativ
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
pojken är [yngst] av alla barnen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
superlative (Q1817208), predicative (Q1931259)

A label, which is used on the template page.
superlativ singular attributiv bestämd maskulinum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
den [yngste] pojken i klassen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
superlative (Q1817208), singular (Q110786), definite (Q53997851), masculine (Q499327), attributive (Q4818723)

A label, which is used on the template page.
superlativ singular attributiv bestämd
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
det [yngsta] barnet i klassen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
superlative (Q1817208), singular (Q110786), definite (Q53997851), attributive (Q4818723)

A label, which is used on the template page.
superlativ plural attributiv
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
de [yngsta] pojkarna i klassen
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
superlative (Q1817208), plural (Q146786), attributive (Q4818723)

svenskt idiom (DRAFT)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.


A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.

svenskt idiom

The item ID of the language.

Swedish (Q9027)

The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.


The item ID of the lexical category.

idiom (Q184511)

A set of statements for the lexeme (optional), provided using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}}.
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words. In languages where sentences begin with uppercase letters, avoid putting the placeholder at the beginning of the sentence, so that users do not enter uppercase for forms that should be lowercase.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs. (Some of them can be marked as optional, so edit mode will still match forms that are missing those features, and add them when saving.)
A set of statements for the form (optional).

Optionally, you can separate sections of forms that belong together with a horizontal line (----).

svenskt ordspråk


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.


A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.

svenskt ordspråk

The item ID of the language.

Swedish (Q9027)

The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.


The item ID of the lexical category.

idiom (Q184511)

A set of statements for the lexeme (optional), provided using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}}.


A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
A label, which is used on the template page.
form av ordspråket
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words. In languages where sentences begin with uppercase letters, avoid putting the placeholder at the beginning of the sentence, so that users do not enter uppercase for forms that should be lowercase.
[bliv vid din läst]

A label, which is used on the template page.
alternativ form 1 av ordspråket
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words. In languages where sentences begin with uppercase letters, avoid putting the placeholder at the beginning of the sentence, so that users do not enter uppercase for forms that should be lowercase.
[skomakare, bliv vid din läst]

A label, which is used on the template page.
alternativ form 2 av ordspråket
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words. In languages where sentences begin with uppercase letters, avoid putting the placeholder at the beginning of the sentence, so that users do not enter uppercase for forms that should be lowercase.
[skomakare, bliv vid ditt torp]