Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Iceland/data/Althing/2013-2016

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P39 wd:Q33083139 . }
Member Party District Start End
Birgir Ármannsson Independence Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Birgitta Jónsdóttir Pirate Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Bjarkey Gunnarsdóttir Left-Green Movement Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Björt Ólafsdóttir Bright Future Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Brynhildur Pétursdóttir Bright Future Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Brynjar Þór Níelsson Independence Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Einar Kristinn Guðfinnsson Independence Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Elsa Lára Arnardóttir Progressive Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Elín Hirst Independence Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Eygló Harðardóttir Progressive Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Frosti Sigurjónsson Progressive Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson Progressive Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Guðbjartur Hannesson Social Democratic Alliance Northwest 2013-04-27 2015-10-23
Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson Independence Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Guðmundur Steingrímsson Bright Future Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir Independence Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Haraldur Benediktsson Independence Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Haraldur Einarsson Progressive Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Helgi Hjörvar Social Democratic Alliance Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson Pirate Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Höskuldur Þórhallsson Progressive Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Illugi Gunnarsson Independence Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Jóhanna María Sigmundsdóttir Progressive Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Jón Gunnarsson Independence Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Jón Þór Ólafsson Pirate Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2015-07
Karl Garðarsson Progressive Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Katrín Jakobsdóttir Left-Green Movement Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Katrín Júlíusdóttir Social Democratic Alliance Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Kristján L. Möller Social Democratic Alliance Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Kristján Þór Júlíusson Independence Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Lilja Rafney Magnúsdóttir Left-Green Movement Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir Progressive Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Oddný Guðbjörg Harðardóttir Social Democratic Alliance South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Páll Jóhann Pálsson Progressive Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Páll Valur Björnsson Bright Future South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Pétur Blöndal Independence Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2015-06-26
Ragnheiður Elín Árnadóttir Independence Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Ragnheiður Ríkharðsdóttir Independence Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Róbert Marshall Bright Future Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson Progressive Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Sigríður Ingibjörg Ingadóttir Social Democratic Alliance Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Sigríður Á. Andersen Independence Party Reykjavík South 2015-06-26 2016-10-29
Sigrún Magnúsdóttir Progressive Party Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson Progressive Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir Progressive Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Steingrímur J. Sigfússon Left-Green Movement Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Steinunn Þóra Árnadóttir Left-Green Movement Reykjavík North 2014-08-18 2016-10-29
Svandís Svavarsdóttir Left-Green Movement Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Unnur Brá Konráðsdóttir Independence Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Valgerður Bjarnadóttir Social Democratic Alliance Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Valgerður Gunnarsdóttir Independence Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Vigdís Hauksdóttir Progressive Party Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Vilhjálmur Bjarnason Independence Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Vilhjálmur Árnason Independence Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Willum Þór Þórsson Progressive Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Árni Páll Árnason Social Democratic Alliance Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Árni Þór Sigurðsson Left-Green Movement Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2014-08-18
Ásmundur Einar Daðason Progressive Party Northwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Ásmundur Friðriksson Independence Party South Constituency 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Ásta Helgadóttir Pirate Party Reykjavík South 2015-07 2016-10-29
Ólína Þorvarðardóttir Social Democratic Alliance Northwest 2015-10-26 2016-10-29
Óttarr Proppé Bright Future Reykjavík South 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Ögmundur Jónasson Left-Green Movement Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Össur Skarphéðinsson Social Democratic Alliance Reykjavík North 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Þorsteinn B. Sæmundsson Progressive Party Southwest 2013-04-27 2016-10-29
Þórunn Egilsdóttir Progressive Party Northeast 2013-04-27 2016-10-29

∑ 66 items.

End of automatically generated list.