Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Hungary/data/Assembly/1906-1910

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?party ?district ?start ?end WHERE { ?item p:P39 ?statement . ?statement ps:P39 wd:Q17590876 ; pq:P2937 wd:Q101444570. OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P580 ?start } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P582 ?end } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P768 ?district } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P4100 ?party } }
Member Group District Start Time End Time
Géza Andrássy National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Albert Apponyi National Independence (Kossuth) Party
Party of Independence and '48
Sándor Babocsay Party of Independence and '48 Eger urban electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Samu Bakonyi Party of Independence and '48 Debrecen 2 urban electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ernő Baloghy Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Béla Barabás Party of Independence and '48 Arad urban electoral district
Nagykőrös urban electoral district
János Baross Party of Independence and '48 Lovrin electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Ödön Barta Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Lajos Batthyány National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Lajos Beck Party of Independence and '48 Körmend electoral district 1906-07-03 1910-03-21
János Bedőházi Party of Independence and '48 1901-02-11 1910-03-21
Methoděj Bella Slovak National Party Liptószentmiklós electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
János Benedek Party of Independence and '48 1901-10-26 1918-11-16
Elemér Beniczky Party of Independence and '48 Pétervásár electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ödön Beniczky Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Rudolf Benyovszky Party of Independence and '48 1903-01-01 1910-01-01
Sándor Benyovszky Party of Independence and '48 1896-01-01 1913-03-12
István Bernát National Constitution Party Rimaszombat electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Béla Bernáth Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ákos Bizony Party of Independence and '48 1901-01-01 1918-01-01
István Bottlik Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1914-01-01
Ernő Bródy Democratic Civic Party Nagyszőllős electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Barna Buday National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Barna Buza Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Dezső Bánffy New Part 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Henrik Béla National Constitution Party 1908-03-11 1910-03-21
János Csernoch Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1901-10-26 1910-03-21
László Czobor National Constitution Party 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Ignác Darányi National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Kálmán Demkó Liberal Party 1906-01-01 1907-01-01
Aurél Dessewffy National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Pál Dániel National Constitution Party 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Tibor Dániel National Constitution Party 1906-07-21 1910-03-21
Zoltán Désy Party of Independence and '48 Gernyeszeg electoral district 1907-06-27 1908-02-01
Zsigmond Eitner Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
József Emődy National Constitution Party Szenice electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gyula Endrey Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Sándor Ernszt Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Móric Esterházy National Constitution Party 1906-07-03 1910-03-21
Károly Eötvös independent politician Budapest 7th urban electoral district 1906-07-30 1910-03-21
József Farkas Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Zsigmond Farkasházy Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Soma Fenyvesi Party of Independence and '48 Marosvásárhely 1 urban electoral district 1906-10-10 1910-03-21
Károly Fábry Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Béla Földes Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gaszton Gaál Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Sándor Giesswein Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Vasile Goldiș Romanian National Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Sándor Gothard Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Gusztáv Gratz independent politician 1906-01-01 1917-01-01
Sándor Gál Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Guido Gündisch Szász Néppárt Nagyszeben 2 nd urban electoral district 1909-12-17 1910-03-21
Antal Günther Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1909-01-01
János Hadik National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Frigyes Hajdu Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Lajos Halász Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
László Hammersberg Party of Independence and '48 Garbóc electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Dániel Havier Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Lajos Hentaller Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Károly Hieronymi National Party of Work 1910-03-21 1910-07-18
Milan Hodža Slovak National Party 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Pál Hoitsy Party of Independence and '48 1905-06-21 1910-03-21
Lajos Holló Party of Independence and '48 1896-01-01 1918-01-01
Béla Horthy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
József Horváth Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
József Horváth Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Lehel Héderváry Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Bálint Illyés Party of Independence and '48 1887-01-01 1910-01-01
József Inkey Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
József Irsay Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Marcell Jankovics Party of Independence and '48 Fülek electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
František Jehlička Slovak People's Party 1906-05-21 1907-02-27
Lajos Jekelfalussy National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Sándor Wekerle Jr. National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gyula Justh Independence and '48 Party (Justh)
Party of Independence and '48
János Justh Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gyula Jánoky-Madocsányi Catholic People's Party (Hungary) Baán electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gergely Kabdebó National Constitution Party Lippa electoral district 1906-05-21 1906-07-03
Ferenc Kecskeméti Party of Independence and '48 1901-01-01 1910-01-01
Béla Kelemen Party of Independence and '48 1902-12-17 1906-10-01
Károly Kmety Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Ferenc Kossuth Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Pál Kovács Catholic People's Party (Hungary) Érsekújvár electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Sándor Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka National Constitution Party Homonna electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Béla Kubik Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
István Kuszka Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Ubul Kállay Party of Independence and '48 Veszprém electoral district 1905-02-17 1906-07-03
István Károlyi Party of Independence and '48 Nagykároly electoral district 1906-05-21 1907-07-31
Hugo Laehne Party of Independence and '48 Kőszeg electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Zoltán Lengyel Party of Independence and '48 Zilah electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Márton Lovászy Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1918-01-01
Gyula Lukáts Party of Independence and '48 1884-01-01 1906-06-02
Mihály László independent politician Gyulafehérvár electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Pál L. Lázár Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
József Madarász Party of Independence and '48 Sárkeresztúr electoral district 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
László Meskó Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1918-01-01
Vilmos Mezőfi Reorganized Social Democratic Party of Hungary 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Béla Mezőssy Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Kálmán Mikszáth Liberal Party 1887-09-28 1910-03-21
Jenő Molnár Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
János Molnár Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1896-11-25 1918-11-16
Ákos Molnár Party of Independence and '48 Székelyhíd electoral district 1901-10-26 1910-03-21
Gyula Muzsa Party of Independence and '48 Dunapataj electoral district 1907-04-10 1910-03-21
Mihály Máriássy Party of Independence and '48 Lőcse electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Dezső Bálint Nagy Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Emil Nagy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Ferenc Nagy National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
György Nagy Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
István Szabó de Nagyatád National Independence Agrarian Party of 48 1908-09-22 1918-11-16
György Nehrebeczky National Constitution Party Nagyberezna electoral district 1906-05-21 1908-04-09
Elek Nopcsa Liberal Party 1887-01-01 1918-01-01
Adalbert Rakovszky von Nagyrákó und Nágyselmecz Catholic People's Party 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Sándor Nákó National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1906-05-26
Lajos Návay National Constitution Party Battonya electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Lajos Olay Party of Independence and '48 1897-04-24 1908-11-16
György Pallavicini National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Dezső Pattantyús-Ábrahám Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1918-01-01
Mór Pisztóry Party of Independence and '48 Kolozsvár 1 urban electoral district 1906-05-21 1906-07-13
Géza Polónyi Party of Independence and '48 1903-01-01 1910-01-01
Gheorghe Popovici Romanian National Party 1907-04-04
Elemér Preszly Party of Independence and '48 Vác electoral district 1909-07-05 1910-03-21
Zsigmond Péchy National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
István Rakovszky Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1896-01-01 1918-01-01
Iván Reök Party of Independence and '48 Tápé electoral district 1906-11-26 1910-03-21
Viktor Rákosi Party of Independence and '48 Hajdúnánás electoral district 1901-10-26 1918-11-16
Simon Révay National Constitution Party Stubnya electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
János Samassa Liberal Party 1901-01-01 1908-01-01
Károly Schmidt National Constitution Party 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
József K. Schriffert Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Dénes Sebess Party of Independence and '48 1901-10-26 1906-07-23
László Semsey National Constitution Party Nagyida electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Miklós Sennyey Party of Independence and '48 Királyhelmec electoral district 1908-10-22 1910-03-21
Sándor Simonyi-Semadam Catholic People's Party (Hungary) Németújvár electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
František Skyčák Slovak National Party Bobró electoral district 1906-05-21 1914-03-17
László Szalay Party of Independence and '48 Szikszó electoral district 1901-10-26 1907-02-14
István Szappanos Party of Independence and '48 Kecskemét lower electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Mór Szatmári Party of Independence and '48 Margitta electoral district 1902-10-10 1910-03-21
Nándor Szederkényi Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1906-07-03
Huba Szemere Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Miklós Szemere National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Zoltán Szilassy National Constitution Party Versec urban electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Imre Szivák National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
György Szmrecsányi Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Tamás Szokoly Party of Independence and '48 Nagyvárad electoral district 1906-07-03 1910-03-21
József Szterényi National Constitution Party Barassó 2 urban electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Mihály Szunyog Party of Independence and '48 Mátészalka electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Zsombor de Szász Party of Independence and '48 Diósad electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Kálmán Széll independent politician 1905-02-17 1906-02-19
Manó Ság Independence Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Gyula Sághy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Pál Sándor independent politician 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Vilmos Sümegi Party of Independence and '48 1904-11-07 1918-11-16
Béla Tallián independent politician 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Arvéd Teleki Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Pál Teleki independent politician Nagysomkút electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-06-23
Kálmán Thaly Party of Independence and '48 1896-11-25 1909-09-26
Viktor Thoroczkay Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Lajos Tolnay Party of Independence and '48 1906-01-01 1910-01-01
Emil Trauschenfels independent politician 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ferenc Udvary Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1902-01-01 1910-01-01
Gábor Ugron Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1911-01-01
Nándor Urmánczy Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1918-01-01
Soma Visontai Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Aurel Vlad Romanian National Party Szászváros electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Imre Várady Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Károly Várady Party of Independence and '48 Görgő electoral district 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Vilmos Vázsonyi Democratic Civic Party 1901-01-01 1918-01-01
Sándor Wekerle National Constitution Party 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ferenc Wesselényi Party of Independence and '48 Kolozsvár 2 urban electoral district 1907-01-10 1910-03-21
Miklós Wesselényi Party of Independence and '48 Cluj-Napoca 1905-02-17 1906-12-06
János Wéber Party of Independence and '48 1905-01-01 1910-01-01
Gyula Andrássy the Younger National Constitution Party 1905-01-01 1918-01-01
Aladár Zichy Catholic People's Party (Hungary) 1896-11-25 1910-03-21
Béla Zichy National Constitution Party Szepsi electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Jenő Zichy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1906-12-26
János Zichy National Constitution Party Szabadbáránd electoral district 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Miklós Zichy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
Vladimir Zichy Party of Independence and '48 1905-02-17 1910-03-21
András L. Áchim Reorganized Social Democratic Party of Hungary Békéscsaba electoral district 1906-05-21 1906-10-10
Antal Éber Party of Independence and '48 1906-05-21 1910-03-21
Ferenc Óvári '48 Independence Party 1906-07-25 1910-03-21

∑ 181 items.

End of automatically generated list.