Wikidata:WikiProject WLM/Mapping tables/be-vlg (fr)

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Step 1. Implicit values

Implicit data
required field name value Wikidata property comment
Y heritage status heritage designation (P1435)
Y country Belgium (Q31) country (P17)
Y wikiproject fr.wikipedia used for getting wikidata items from wikilinks
Y is a(n) Can be either architectural ensemble (Q1497375) or a subclass of architectural structure (Q811979)? Probably can be more specific

Step 2. analyze and map specific data


Step 2.2. country-specific data – be-vlg_(fr)

heritage field example value Wikidata property Conversion comment
id 5 Flemish Heritage Object ID (P1764)
classement Oui
commune Aartselaar located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
section_communale Aartselaar location (P276)
section_communale_id 11001A -
prov-iso -
adresse Kapellestraat 72 P969 (P969)
nom_objet {{nl}} Burgerhuis dubbelhuistype XIX label Wikisyntax needs to be stripped if starts with {{nl}} the label is in Dutch, otherwise likely French, if starts with template that template indicates language of text following
annee_construction GESLOOPT, nu benzinestation inception (P571) But can be filled in not right
architecte architect (P84)
lat 50.69784 coordinate location (P625) Combines the value of bot lat and lon
lon 2.0 see lat
image Burgerhuis 12434.jpg image (P18)
commonscat Commons category (P373)
source //
changed 2016-12-15 11:00:26
monument_article Kasteel_Solhof