Wikidata:WikiProject Media Representation/Ethnic Portrayals

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These tests do not judge the quality or message of any media, and passing any of these tests does not automatically guarantee that the content is not problematic or offensive in its portrayal of the subjects, and vice versa.

The wording of some of the tests have also been modified to be useful in a global context and for most forms of media (Film, TV, Theater, Books, etc...).

No one test can replace a qualitative examination of a creative work. But each test opens up critical discussion, challenges and inspires creators, and provides another tool for measuring hidden biases.

Art and entertainment are always subjective and nuanced. Lets have fun with data!

Riz Test


The Riz Test or the Riz Ahmed Test is a measure of the diversity of how Muslims are portrayed in media.

Disclaimer: The Riz test isn’t a scientific measure of Islamophobia. Like all of the other tests, it’s more to start conversations. Media that does not pass the test may still be good examples of representation.



Initial Criteria:

If the work has at least one character who is identifiably Muslim (by ethnicity, language or clothing) - is the character…

Main Criteria:

1. Talking about, the victim of, or the perpetrator of terrorism?

(Antagonists, Villains or Gangsters do not directly count as terrorism, unless extreme violence (in scale and brutality) is shown, or a connection is shown between faith and crime)

2. Presented as irrationally angry?

3. Presented as superstitious, culturally backwards or anti-modern?

4. Presented as a threat to a Western way of life? (Or the predominant culture in a Non-Muslim majority nation/region)

(Example: negative impact of a Muslim family moving into a predominantly "western" neighborhood, including if the neighborhood is shown as being xenophobic/Islamophobic)

5.a If the character is male, is he presented as misogynistic?


5.b if the character is female, is she presented as oppressed by her male counterparts?

(For 5. a & b, if multiple Muslim characters are present and the majority are not overtly misogynistic or oppressed, or are equivalent to other traditional cultural norms, the answer will be No. Example: Conservative grandparents or traditionalist supporting characters, that do not significantly impact the story, leads or other characters)

If the answer for any of the above is Yes, then the work fails the test.



Please use the following statements


If no Muslim character exists or
Muslim characters are very minor with one way exchange or interaction[R 1]
Normal rank Riz Test
assessment outcome not applicable
0 references
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add value
  1. (Example: a cashier who has some dialogue but only for the purpose of handling the payment)


Normal rank Riz Test
assessment outcome passes
0 references
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Normal rank Riz Test
assessment outcome fails
criterion used Muslim character/s are talking about, the victim of, or the perpetrator of terrorism or extreme violence (Q102182821) ← Reason why this work fails (use at least one of the list below)
0 references
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add value

Qualifiers for works that pass by a small margin

  • If a work marginally satisfies each of the criteria, please use nature of statement (P5102)=rarely (Q28962310) as qualifier. (Example: a supporting character who may not be present for a significant section of the work, or only has some impact on the story)

If a work fails, please use the following qualifiers to specify which criteria/s



All works with a Riz test result

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?resultLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q102180036; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!


  • Example Media Lists

Malayalam films that passed Riz test for breaking Muslim stereotypes

Waithe Test


The Waithe Test or the Lena Waithe Test measure the variety of tropes in which Black Women are generally portrayed.

Disclaimer: The Waithe Test is not a scientific measure of Racism or Sexism. Like all of the other tests, it’s more to start conversations. Media that does not pass the test may still be good examples of representation.



1. There’s a black woman in the work

(Includes Black Identifiying, and people considered Black in their respective individual culture. An ethnic-majority actor/voice-actor, inhabiting/voicing a black female character will not be considered for the test. Exception - If the same actor/voice-actor, plays or voices multiple characters in the Film/TV, then it could be considered.)

2. Who’s in a position of power

(Position of Power: as one in which a person exerted control over others or had at least one subordinate)

3. And she’s in a healthy relationship

(Can include Non-romantic relationships on a case by case basis. Example: Close Friends, Children, or Exes)



Please use the following statements

Normal rank Waithe Test
assessment outcome passes
0 references
add reference

add value


Normal rank Waithe Test
assessment outcome fails
review score 1/3 ← optional additional qualifier for failing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value

If a work fails, please use review score (P444) as follows:

  • review score (P444)0/3 if there are no black female characters in this work
  • review score (P444)1/3 if there are black female characters but they are not in a position of power
  • review score (P444)2/3 if there are black female characters in a position of power but they are not shown to be in a healthy relationship or no relationship is shown at all



All works with a Waithe test result

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?resultLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q104144087; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!


  • Example Media Lists

Next Bechdel: Waithe Test

Reverse Waithe Test


The Reverse Waithe Test is a representation test for how Black Men in power are portrayed.

Disclaimer: The Waithe Test is not a scientific measure of Racism. Like all of the other tests, it’s more to start conversations. Media that does not pass the test may still be good examples of representation.



1. There’s a black man in the work

(Includes Black Identifiying, and people considered Black in their respective individual culture)

2. Who’s in a position of power

(Position of Power: as one in which a person exerted control over others or had at least one subordinate)

3. And he’s in a healthy relationship

(Can include Non-romantic relationships on a case by case basis. Example: Close Friends, Children, or Exes)



Please use the following statements

Normal rank reverse Waithe Test
assessment outcome passes
0 references
add reference

add value


Normal rank reverse Waithe Test
assessment outcome fails
review score 1/3 ← optional additional qualifier for failing works (see below for explanation)
0 references
add reference

add value

If a work fails, please use review score (P444) as follows:

  • review score (P444)0/3 if there are no black male characters in this work
  • review score (P444)1/3 if there are black male characters but they are not in a position of power
  • review score (P444)2/3 if there are black male characters in a position of power but they are not shown to be in a healthy relationship



All works with a Waithe test result

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?resultLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q105918665; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!

Shukla Test


The Shukla Test, Nikesh Shukla Test or the Apu Test is a test for the portrayal of ethnic minorities.



1. Two ethnic minorities (Minorities in the country/region of origin)

(An ethnic-majority actor/voice-actor, inhabiting/voicing an ethnic-minority character will not be considered for the test. Exception - If the same actor/voice-actor, plays or voices multiple characters in the Film/TV, then it could be considered.)

2. talk to each other for more than five minutes (5 minutes over the entire work)

3. about something other than race/ethnicity



Please use the following statements

Normal rank Shukla Test
assessment outcome passes
0 references
add reference

add value


Normal rank Shukla Test
assessment outcome fails
review score 1/3 ← optional additional qualifier for failing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value

If a work fails, please use review score (P444) as follows:

  • review score (P444)0/3 if there are less than two ethnic minority characters
  • review score (P444)1/3 if there are at least two ethnic minority characters, but they don't talk to each other
  • review score (P444)1.5/3 if there are at least two ethnic minority characters who talk to each other, but not for at least 5 minutes
  • review score (P444)2/3 if there are at least two ethnic minority characters who talk to each other for at least 5 minutes, but only about race or ethnicity



All works with a Shukla test result

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?resultLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q104144383; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!


  • Example Media Lists

Shukla Test for race in film

The Shukla Test

AfroBubbleGum Test


Fun, fierce and frivolous representation test of Africa, Africans and people who have been othered.



A work is AfroBubbleGum or AfroBubbleGumist if two or more of the below are true:

1. At least 2 healthy Africans - "Mandatory"

2. who are financially stable (and do not need saving)

  • In a positive manner, not at the expense of others and without being shown as "greedy" or similar negative attributes associated with wealth

3. having fun and enjoying life. (Not hopeless, desperate or lost)

  • In a positive manner, not at the expense of others
  • Fun can be frivolous or an activity that creates joy
  • Should be having fun in key parts or the majority of the times they appear in the work



Please use the following statements

Normal rank BubbleGum Test or AfroBubbleGum Test
assessment outcome passes
review score 2.3/3 ← optional additional qualifier for passing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value


Normal rank BubbleGum Test or AfroBubbleGum Test
assessment outcome fails
review score 1/3 ← optional additional qualifier for failing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value

If a work is AfroBubbleGumist, please use review score (P444) as follows:

If a work is Not AfroBubbleGumist, please use review score (P444) as follows:



All works with a AfroBubbleGum test result

SELECT ?item ?resultLabel ?itemLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q105726358; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!



BubbleGum Test


Based on the AfroBubbleGum test, this is a Fun, fierce and frivolous representation test of people who have been othered.



A work is BubbleGum or BubbleGumist ("passes" the "BubbleGum Test") if two or more of the below are true:

1. At least 2 healthy who have been othered - "Mandatory"

  • Othered or discriminated against in the place and time the work was created. (Examples Include - Ethnic Minority Migrants, LGBTQ+ or Indigenous People)

2. who are financially stable (and do not need saving)

  • In a positive manner, not at the expense of others and without being shown as "greedy" or similar negative attributes associated with wealth

3. having fun and enjoying life. (Not hopeless, desperate or lost)

  • In a positive manner, not at the expense of others
  • Fun can be frivolous or an activity that creates joy
  • Should be having fun in key parts or the majority of the times they appear in the work



Please use the following statements

Normal rank BubbleGum Test
assessment outcome passes
review score 2.3/3 ← optional additional qualifier for passing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value


Normal rank BubbleGum Test
assessment outcome fails
review score 1/3 ← optional additional qualifier for failing works (see explanations below)
0 references
add reference

add value

If a work is BubbleGumist, please use review score (P444) as follows:

If a work is Not BubbleGumist, please use review score (P444) as follows:



All works with a BubbleGum test result

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?resultLabel ?external_identifiers
  #getting all items with a test result
  ?item p:P5021 ?st. ?st ps:P5021 wd:Q105816692; pq:P9259 ?result.
  #excluding television series episodes
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q21191270}
  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?external_identifiers
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?external_identifiers)
Try it!



Queries involving media representation tests
