Wikidata:WikiProject Linked Data for Production/Arthur Freedman Collection Project/Boston Rock City editathaton May 2021

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This editathon has already happened, but you can hear about how it went by watching our presentation to the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group, or learn about how to contribute to the Arthur Freedman Collection Project.



Friday, May 21, 2021


2pm - 2:30pm: Intro to the Arthur Freedman Collection and Wikidata how-to

2:30pm - 4:30pm: Edit-a-thon!

4:30 - 5:00pm: Wrap up and high-five

Saturday, May 22, 2021


11am - 11:30am: Intro to the Arthur Freedman Collection and Wikidata how-to

11:30am - 2:00pm: Edit-a-thon!

2:00-2:30pm: Wrap up and high-five



Organizers & helpers




We will be tracking activity with this dashboard.



Presentations and tutorials will happen in Zoom. You'll get a link for this when you register.

While we're editing Wikidata, we'll keep in touch using chat, on a platform called Discord. Before the edit-a-thon, we'll send an invitation for this to everyone who's registered.

Want to listen instead of chat? We'll supply also supply a soundtrack of Freedman Collection bands and other local music to help you stay focused.

Need to get in touch before the edit-a-thon? Please contact Harvard Library staff member Peter Laurence at

Getting started




In addition to the instructions below, we've created a video tutorial that walks through an example of creating a band and working with editathon materials.

Feel free to ask questions in the #bands-and-musicians discord channel!

First port of call is to double check an item doesn't already exist by searching for the band name and any aliases in Wikidata. If an item does exist, make sure it has property on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) with value Arthur Freedman Collection Project (Q66067752), and property has works in the collection (P6379) with value Arthur Freedman Collection (Q87408776). This ensures that it shows up on our project dashboards and queries!

If any information listed on our Band Description table is missing from the existing band item, go ahead and add as many of the missing properties as you can, with references. (See the Resources table for some possible sources of information and how to cite them.) Not all the information for these properties will be available for every band, though, so it's fine to skip a property and move on!

If you’re creating a new band item, please include the properties listed in the Band Description table where possible. You can also use this Boston Band Cradle form to create a new band item. Once the item has been created you can edit it through the regular Wikidata platform to add references to your statements. Sometimes this cradle form won’t load in Safari; if you’re having trouble loading please try a different web browser.

Bands will often have more than one applicable genre (P136) label so don’t hesitate to add multiple genres. Discogs, All Music, and MusicBrainz can provide reference points for genre tags across a band’s body of work, and can be linked as a reference using the Wikimedia import URL (P4656) property. The same is true for record labels, as bands often release music on a variety of labels. Discogs, All Music, and MusicBrainz are good places to find this information (see the Resources table). If a record label does not already exist in Wikidata, please make a note of the record label and the band and send it to the discord channel #record-labels, we can add the record label as a new item and link it to the band item. You can also note missing record labels on the spreadsheet.

For the has part(s) (P527) property you may have to create an item for a band member you wish to include. As lineups change over time, please use the ‘+ add qualifier’ function for any band member you include in ‘has part’, using the properties ‘start time’ start time (P580), end time (P582), and object of statement has role (P3831) to provide the date range and their role in the lineup if you have that information. If an item for a band member already exists, please make sure it has property on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) with value Arthur Freedman Collection Project (Q66067752), and property has works in the collection (P6379) with value Arthur Freedman Collection (Q87408776).

For creating a new item for a band member, please include the properties listed in the Musician Description table where possible and follow Wikidata Living Person policy. Please be especially mindful of not asserting sex/gender, sexual orientiation, or ethnicity unless you can reference a source. If you’re unsure about including somebody using has part(s) (P527), or creating an item for a band member, please send a message to the #bands-and-musicians discord channel.

Adding identifiers to an item provides links to external databases. You can add these using the ‘+ add statement’ option. For band items, the Discogs artist ID (P1953) and MusicBrainz artist ID (P434) properties are useful.



Questions? Ask in the #venues discord channel.

As with band items, please start by checking whether an item already exists for the music venue. If an item does exist, make sure it has property on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) with value Arthur Freedman Collection Project (Q66067752). Again, if any information listed on our Venue Description table is missing from the existing item, go ahead and add as many of the missing properties as you can.

If you’re creating a new item for a music venue, please include the properties listed in the Venue Description table where possible. If you have any questions or run into any issues please send a message to the discord channel #venues.

Adding identifiers to an item provides links to external databases. You can add these using the ‘+ add statement’ option. For venue items, try MusicBrainz place ID (P1004), and Songkick venue ID (P3977).

More to try




Need help? Try the #shows discord channel.

Once you're comfortable creating and editing Wikidata items for bands and venues, you may want to try creating an item for a show. This is one way to link bands to places, and, when there are recordings that we can share with the public, to link to the digitized audio or video.

See the Show Description table for suggested properties. It's easiest to create these event items once you know that the participants (bands) and location (venue) have already been created as items.

Images and other media


If you have photographs or other materials that you'd like to share, let the event organizers know.