Wikidata:WikiProject Archives Linked Data Interest Group/Describing Repositories

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This recommendation includes required statements for describing repositories in wikidata and a set of properties based the International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings (Q3146525). See also properties for corporate entities.


property ISDIAH element expected / required value description
label n/a textual string. May not exceed 250 characters. As a wikidata entity, repositories should have a label consisting of a word or phrase by which the repository is known or can be identified. This may or may not be the same as its formal name. Must be associated with a language. May repeat for multiple languages. Use alias ("also known as," see below) to include other common forms of the name. Recommend including the field official name (P1448) official name.
also known as 5.1.3 Parallel form(s) of name, 5.1.4 Other form(s) of name textual string. may not exceed 250 characters. may repeat. Also known as/skos:altLabel is a built-in Wikidata property used to designate the other names by which an entity is known. Also known as can be used to record differences in spelling or punctuation, abbreviations, or older forms of a name (when changes to the institution are not significant enough to create a new entity and replaced by/replaces relationship between the two)
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) or SNAC ARK ID (P3430) or other identifiers 5.1.1. Identifier (required) identifier code appropriate to the property At this point, there are multiple repository-type identifiers in wikidata but few of which are specific to repositories. LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) which can be searched on the LC website and SNAC ARK ID (P3430) are the most likely to apply. Not every repository will have a MARC organization code or SNAC Ark ID. Depending on your organization, other repository identifiers may be relevant. You may use additional identifiers such as the Library of Congress Authority ID (P244), VIAF ID (P214), etc. See also the authority-type properties in Wikidata:List_of_properties/Wikidata_property_for_items_about_people_or_organisations
official name (P1448) 5.1.2 Authorised form(s) of name (required) textual string with qualifying language field. Record the legal name of the repository in the language or languages in which it is legally established. If the legal name has changed, you may use qualifiers such as start time (P580) and end time (P582) to specify the period during which the statement applies.
native label (P1705) 5.1.3 Parallel form(s) of name, 5.1.4 Other form(s) of name textual string with qualifying language field Use to specify the name by which a repository is known in the language or languages under which it operates. Prefer official name (P1448) for the authorized form of repository name.
description n/a textual string, beginning with lower-case letter unless the first word is a proper noun To improve its wikidata presence, the repository should have a brief textual description which may identify its nature, mission, affiliations, location, etc. The descriptive field must be associated with a language and may repeat in multiple languages.
instance of (P31) 5.1.5 Type of institution with archival holdings a wikidata item. recommended values specific to repositories include: archive (Q166118), departmental archives (Q2860456), regional archive (Q27032392), municipal archive (Q604177), national archives (Q2122214), public archive (Q27031009), private archive (Q12161242), academic archive (Q27032435), special collection (Q4431094), rare book library (Q44234152), religious archive (Q85545753) instance of (P31) is a fundamental Wikidata property used to declare the type of thing the Wikidata entity describes. When possible, choose the highest applicable level. A single entity may have more than one kind of instance of. Specify multiple types of instance of when useful for describing significantly different aspects of the repository (see National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155)).
part of (P361) and/or parent organization (P749) 5.3.3 Mandates/Sources of authority, 5.3.4 Administrative structur a wikidata entity which is an instance of an organization or instance of a subclass of organization (and is the repository's parent organization) If the repository is administratively part of another organization or entity, specify the relationship using part of (P361) or parent organization (P749). If unsure whether the two entities have a formal parent organization/subsidiary relationship, consider using part of. If using parent organization, you must add a has subsidiary (P355) statement on the parent organization's wikidata item. As part of and parent organization are not exclusive, you may choose to use both.
street address (P6375) 5.2.1 Location and address(es) textual form of full street address where the repository is located. include building number through to post code. associate with a language code Record the repository's street address, if known.
location (P276) 5.3.6 Building(s) wikidata entity representing the building in which the repository is located. While location (P276) can be used for values other than buildings, it is the appropriate choice to fulfill ISDIAH 5.3.6 and most other types of location data such as city, state, and country should be encoded using P (P) or country (P17).

It may be used to fulfill ISDIAH 5.2.1 if the most specific place where a repository is located is something other than an administrative region. For example, a repository might be located on an historic estate which has its own wikidata entity. It might be located on a mountain or other geographic entity which is not an administrative region. Exercise care in use.

located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) 5.2.1 Location and address(es) wikidata entity representing a city, borough, state, or other administrative territory (not country) Record the most specific administrative entity in which the repository can be found. Because located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) is an inherited property, you do not need to apply less specific levels.
coordinate location (P625) 5.2.1 Location and address(es) latitude and longitude coordinates Record the repository's latitude and longitude coordinates to facilitate mapping. Expects degrees, minutes, seconds, e.g. 51°12'30.72"N, 3°14'0.14"E vs. decimal format.
country (P17) 5.2.1 Location and address(es) wikidata entity representing the appropriate country While country can be inferred from located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) consider recording it. This field should always be used if administrative territory is unknown.
OpenCorporates ID (P1320) and/or fax number (P2900) 5.2.2. Telephone, fax, email, 5.2.3 Contact persons the telephone number in the RFC3966 format (see examples) Use references to cite the source of this information along with its date of retrieval. Large entities may have more than one public phone or fax number for separate uses. If so, consider adding the qualifier has use (P366) with the appropriate function for each number.
email address (P968) 5.2.2. Telephone, fax, email, 5.2.3 Contact persons email address as text prefixed with mailto: Use references to cite the source of this information along with its date of retrieval. Large entities may have more than one contact email for separate uses. If so, consider adding the qualifier has use (P366) with the appropriate function for each number.
official website (P856) 5.2.1 Location and address(es) url with http(s):// or other appropriate prefix Specify the repository's primary website using official website (P856). This should include the http(s):// or other appropriate prefix. A repository should only have one official website.

However if the website's URL has changed, rank the most recent as preferred along with reason for preferred rank (P7452) with a value of most recent value (Q71533355). Include qualifier language of work or name language of work or name (P407) to provide information about the language in which the website is written. Do not remove previous official websites. Consider adding start time (P580) and end time (P582) information if known.

inception (P571) and/or dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) 5.3.1 History of the institution with archival holdings most specific date known As a part of providing a history of the repository, add its date of creation if known and dissolution if exists. Values may include uncertain dates such as 1980s or 19th century. See Dates help for details.
replaces (P1365) and/or replaced by (P1366) 5.3.1 History of the institution with archival holdings the wikidata entity representing the institution which replaced or replaces the entity being described If the repository was replaced by another repository or replaces another repository, you may join them with replaced by (P1366) and replaces (P1365) statements. Do not use this for simple name changes, but when the nature of the repository has fundamentally changed. This may include incorporation into a new parent institution, a significant mission shift, etc. The relationship should be reciprocated by an inverse statement the other entity's record.
operator (P137) and/or authority (P797) 5.3.3 Mandates/Sources of authority wikidata entity for the operator or authority Record the name of the authority responsible for operation, oversight, and administration of the repository. Use qualifiers start time (P580) and end time (P582) to record any additional information about when an authority became or ceased to be responsible for the repository. When possible, link to or cite the document, law, directive, or charter as a reference.
open days (P3025) and/or closed on (P3026) 5.4.1 Opening times a wikidata entity representing a day of the week, a date, or a grouping of days (e.g. all days of the week (Q26214163)) If the repository has regular days of operation, consider using open days (P3025) to record its regular hours, along with closed on (P3026) to record dates of special closures (e.g. January 1 (Q2150)). If these days only apply to a particular season, you may qualify with open period from (P3027) and open period to open period to (P3028) recording the period's start and end dates. Before recording these, consider whether your repository's schedule is too complex to record in wikidata and whether the information you provide will serve the end user. An updated calendar on your official website (P856) might be more useful, for example.
member of (P463) n/a the wikidata element for an organization or other entity to which one can belong When a repository is a member of an organization, such as a consortia or coalition, consider adding that relationship using member of (P463). The organization of which it’s a member must have a wikidata entity.
affiliation (P1416) n/a the wikidata entity for an organization or institution When the repository has additional affiliations which provide context about its function but are not parent organization/subsidiaries or memberships, record the relationship as affiliation affiliation (P1416).


subject predicate object
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Q814779) SNAC ARK ID (P3430) w6zx291r
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) organizations/ctybr
VIAF ID (P214) 146865135
GeoNames ID (P1566) 5282166
subject predicate object
National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155) label National Archives and Records Administration
also known as NARA
McGill University Archives (Q6801297) label McGill University Archives
Eberly Family Special Collections Library (Q59536944) label Eberly Family Special Collections Library
also known as Penn State Special Collections Library
also known as Penn State University Archives
Official Name
subject predicate object
Slovak Mining Archives (Q54868758) official name (P1448) Slovenský banský archív (Slovak)
start time (P580) 2015

Štátny ústredný banský archív (Slovak)

end time (P582) 2015
Swiss Foundation for Photography (Q18643284) official name (P1448) Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie (German)

Fondation suisse pour la photographie (French)

Fondazione svizzera per la fotografia (Italian)

Fundaziun Svizra per la Fotografia (Romansh)

Swiss Foundation for Photography (English)

Official Name
subject predicate object
Gnazim Institute archive (Q6886076) native label (P1705) (Hebrew) מכון גנזים
subject predicate object
National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155) description independent agency of the United States government which preserves and provides access to federal records (English)

agencia independiente del gobierno de Estados Unidos (Spanish)

PopMuseum (Q29060327) description museum in Prague (English)

muzeum v Česku (Czech)

McGill University Archives (Q6801297) description repository of private archives and university records of McGill University
Instance Of
subject predicate object
National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155) instance of (P31) national archives (Q2122214)

independent agency of the United States government (Q1752939)

Slovak Mining Archives (Q54868758) instance of (P31) archive (Q166118)
Cotsen Children's Library (Q28133982) instance of (P31) special collection (Q4431094)
Baghdati local represantation (Q81165835) instance of (P31) regional archive (Q27032392)
Parent Organization
subject predicate object
Eberly Family Special Collections Library (Q59536944) part of (P361) Pennsylvania State University Libraries (Q7164203)
National Archives at College Park (Q38945047) parent organization (P749) National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155)
Smithsonian Institution Archives (Q2154134) parent organization (P749) Smithsonian Institution (Q131626)
part of (P361) Smithsonian Institution (Q131626)
Locations and Addresses
subject predicate object
Woodson Research Center (Q8033379) street address (P6375) 6100 Main St, Houston, TX 77005 (English)
Eberly Family Special Collections Library (Q59536944) street address (P6375) 104 Paterno Library, University Park, PA 16802-1808 (English)
Lambeth Archives (Q6481410) location (P276) Minet Library (Q29914103)
Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Q4079856) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Manhattan (Q11299)
Special Collections and Manuscripts of Schaffhausen City Library (Q18002447) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Schaffhausen (Q12697)
Marquette University Special Collections and University Archives (Q6772639) coordinate location (P625) 43°2'18.73"N, 87°55'48.85"W
State Archives in Bruges (Q2740329) coordinate location (P625) 51°12'30.72"N, 3°14'0.14"E
Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (Q3788463) country (P17) Japan (Q17)
Walt Disney Archives (Q3565602) country (P17) United States of America (Q30)
State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast (Q4146784) country (P17) Ukraine (Q212)
Telephone, Fax, and Email
subject predicate object
Eberly Family Special Collections Library (Q59536944) phone number (P1329) +1-814-865-1793
Iron Library (Q1312689) phone number (P1329) +41-52-631-27-44
Rijksmuseum (Q190804) fax number (P2900) +31-20-674-7001
Archivio di Stato di Siena (Q3621660) fax number (P2900) +39-0577-44675
Heritage Quay (Q43549593) email address (P968)
Iron Library (Q1312689) email address (P968)
Official Website
subject predicate object
Zeeland Archives (Q1893840) official website (P856)
language of work or name (P407) Dutch (Q7411)
Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Q4079856) official website (P856)
language of work or name (P407) English (Q1860)
subject predicate object
The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Q4398059) inception (P571) 1925
Harry Ransom Center (Q5671855) inception (P571) 1957
Special Archive Moscow (Q2300917) dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) 1999
Royal Danish Nautical Charts Archive (Q5265479) dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) April 1, 1973
Institution Replace By/Replaces
subject predicate object
Special Archive Moscow (Q2300917) replaced by (P1366) Russian State Military Archive (Q4398062)
Russian State Military Archive (Q4398062) replaces (P1365) Special Archive Moscow (Q2300917)
Mandates and Sources of Authority
subject predicate object
Archive of European Integration (Q635793) operator (P137) University of Pittsburgh (Q235034)
Historic Centre Leeuwarden (Q2754844) operator (P137) Leeuwarden (Q2311189)
Quebec City Archives (Q82594837) authority (P797) Quebec City (Q2145)
Opening Times
subject predicate object
British Museum (Q6373) open days (P3025) all days of the week (Q26214163)
closed on (P3026) December 24 (Q2705)
closed on (P3026) December 25 (Q2745)
closed on (P3026) December 26 (Q2761)
open period from (P3027) January 1 (Q2150)
open period to (P3028) December 31 (Q2912)
Member Of
subject predicate object
Science History Institute (Q5090408) member of (P463) Digital Library Federation (Q5275906)
National Library of Wales (Q666063) member of (P463) Research Libraries UK (Q7315113)

Consortium of European Research Libraries (Q1127581)

Digital Preservation Coalition (Q5275956)

subject predicate object
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives (Q66812485) affiliation (P1416) National Archives and Records Administration (Q518155)