Wikidata:Structured Categories

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Structured Description for Categories in Wikimedia Projects

Wikimedia Categories currently have an important function in contextualizing pages in Wikimedia projects as well as in driving knowledge engineering application such as semantic annotation tools and semantic similarity measures. However, it is not usually evident for users what they stand for. Many methods are used to explain Wikimedia Categories to users:

  • A natural language description of the category
  • Assignment of the categories as subclasses of other categories
  • Creation of a Wikidata item for the Category and Use of an infobox to show Wikidata statements where this Wikidata item is the subject
  • Use of an infobox including the Wikidata statements involving the Wikidata item corresponding to the topic of the category if it exists

Despite the value of these methods, they cannot fully explain the meaning of a given category. Here, we propose a new gadget tool that uses the Wikidata statements commonly used to describe the direct members of a category to provide a fully structured description of the category.

Disclaimer: Please know that this description reflects what exists inside the category and is not a literal structured definition of its significance. It can include odd and useless statements that are only valid for a subset of items and that does not represent the meaning of the category. Please refer to the prob column to know how much every Wikidata statement is used to represent the members of the category. prob is the rate of usage of every Wikidata statement to represent the members of the category and it ranges between 0 (poor representation) and 1 (major representation).


Demo of the tool

The tool uses JavaScript to generate a link to the results of a SPARQL query that generates a description for a Wikimedia category based on the The SPARQL query will return the couples (Predicate, Object) that are mostly used in Wikidata to describe its direct members. The query is developed through federation of the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint and the MediaWiki API of the analyzed wiki. When the number of category members exceeds 200, the query is restricted to 200 entities to prevent timeout limit for Wikidata Query Service. The advantage of this tool among other methods to describe Wikimedia Categories:

  • The tool is multilingual and can deployed in any language edition of Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikiversity, Wikispecies and Wikivoyage.
  • The tool returns the Wikidata items corresponding to the identified predicates and objects and that can be explored by non-native speakers to know the sense of the category in their native languages.
  • The tool can solve the matters related to the lack of the human description of Wikimedia Categories or to the ambiguity of the title of the Wikimedia Categories (e.g. fr:Catégorie:ZNIEFF).
  • The tool can help identify the mostly important Wikidata statements that have not been mostly used to describe category members and can consequently enhance the Wikidata output.
  • The tool is quick to generate structured descriptions that are easily readable by human users.
  • The tool can enhance the efficiency of the use of Wikimedia categories in natural language processing and data mining by adding a semantic layer to them and can explain the reason of the use of Wikimedia categories as a subcategory of a given category beyond hypernymy.
  • The tool teaches how to write statements to define new category members in Wikidata.
  • The tool can reveal the gaps in the coverage of a given category.

To use the tool

 Info: Source code at meta:MediaWiki:Gadget-StructuredCategories.js.

If you are interested in deploying the StructuredCategory tool in a language edition of Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikiversity, Wikispecies and Wikivoyage where you are an interface administrator, please feel free to contact Csisc.

  • You can use a translation of this brief description of the tool: StructuredCategories: provide a structured description of a category based on Wikidata statements involving its direct members.
  • You can use this code in MediaWiki:Gadget-StructuredCategories.js in your Wikimedia project to deploy the StructuredCategories tool: mw.loader.load('//');


  • I thank Valpert for deploying the tool in the Italian Wikipedia.
  • I thank Xaosflux and Martin Urbanec for allowing the hosting of the source code in the MediaWiki namespace of Meta.
  • I thank Artsiom91 for deploying the tool in Belarusian Wikipedia.