Wikidata:Status updates/2012 04 13

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week (+ some days) before 2012-04-13.


  • drafted Data model
  • drafted API
  • Development has useful infos for setting up a dev environment (but you probably want to wait a bit with that still until we've worked out some more quirks)
  • finished first scrum cycle: Scrum cycle archive
    • implemented the data grid view which basically is an overview page for the data of one Wikidata item
    • implemented basic functionality for editing some of the information in data grid dynamically (item label and description) with a JavaScript generated user interface
    • lots of struggling with git
    • created proper base for Wikibase and Wikibase Client extensions, including things such as i18n files, settings files, and a skeleton for the API
    • created skeleton pages for the extensions on mw:Extension:Wikibase and mw:Extension:Wikibase Client
    • WikibaseClient extension has its basic functionality implemented. Whenever a page is rendered, the extension loads the information about interlanguage links from the repository, sorts the links, and displays them.
    • WikibaseClient extension also defines a new magic word/parser function {{NOEXTERNALINTERLANG}}. It can disable fetching the links from the repository completely (when used on its own as {{NOEXTERNALINTERLANG}} or with asterisk as a parameter as {{NOEXTERNALINTERLANG:*}}), or just remove the links for certain languages (for example {{NOEXTERNALINTERLANG:de|fr}} will remove the links to German and French). It remains possible to add new interlanguage links just like it is now and the new links will be sorted together with the external interlanguage links.
  • start of second scrum cycle: Current scrum cycle

You can follow commits at;a=shortlog;h=HEAD and;a=shortlog;h=HEAD (stuff not merged into master yet isn't included there)





other stuff


If you have anything to add please share it.