Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Ukraine

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Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana


View all the Art History Challenge artworks on the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page

Prizes & Events

Please sign your name, country, and keep a tally of your score on the participants page

<description of any locally awarded prizes and how they will be awarded>
<list any events + subpage as needed>

Details / Statistics
Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge
Sign up! / Prizes / Local organisers
Countries / Languages
If you have any questions about this writing challenge, please add them to our talk page
Data / Reporting
See the stats of the participating items.

Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Ukranian