Wikidata:Database reports/items without claims categories/nowiki

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Site nowiki
Report length 152
Minimum number of items 50

Most frequently used categories at nowiki for items without any claims/statements.

See also: Wikidata:Database reports/without claims by site, general discussion at Wikidata talk:Database reports/without claims by site

Category at site (e.g. Wikipedia)ItemsPetScanWikidata category itemcategory combines topics (P971)
Artikler uten kilder 6448 PetScan Category:Articles without sources (Q9884723)
Artikler uten autoritetsdatalenker fra Wikidata 5474 PetScan Q26653366
Artikler med døde eksterne lenker 2723 PetScan Q9879477
Små stubber 2716 PetScan Category:Small stubs (Q23011935)Wikipedia:Stub
Sider som bruker magiske ISBN-lenker 1585 PetScan Category:Pages using ISBN magic links (Q27825420)Project:Maintenance and International Standard Book Number
Veldig små stubber 1218 PetScan Category:Very small stubs (Q23011956)Wikipedia:Stub
Usorterte stubber 1143 PetScan Q23011951
Artikler med koordinater 1021 PetScan Q9879692~ coordinate location (see also)
Artikler som trenger referanser 823 PetScan Category:Articles lacking sources (Q5897849)Wikimedia template and Project:Maintenance
Check if P31 is ok +P31:Q11266439 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Normale stubber 707 PetScan Q23011925
Energistubber 691 PetScan Category:Energy stubs (Q6375313)Wikipedia:Stub
Stubber 2016-03 562 PetScan Category:Stubs from March 2016 (Q26653335)Wikipedia:Stub
Stubber 2015-10 548 PetScan Q26653257Wikipedia:Stub
Stubber 2017-07 523 PetScan Q32472643
Skillingsviser 400 PetScan Q23011934
Stubber 2017-08 391 PetScan Q34262860
Artikler med offisielle lenker fra lokale verdier 343 PetScan Q26653382
Artikler uten referanser 298 PetScan Q9884765
Artikler som trenger språkvask 296 PetScan Q9883721
Stubber 2015-12 272 PetScan Q26653286
Stubber 2017-09 227 PetScan NONE
Informatikkstubber 215 PetScan Category:Computer science stubs (Q8694813)Wikipedia:Stub
Artikler som trenger presiseringer 212 PetScan Q9883690
Musikkstubber 202 PetScan Category:Music stubs (Q2944851)music and Wikipedia:Stub
60°N 200 PetScan Category:60th parallel north (Q9738621)
Artikler som trenger bilde (Akershus) 187 PetScan Q9881693image not on Wikimedia
Norske lover 184 PetScan Q10174905
Geografistubber 183 PetScan Category:Geography stubs (Q7046440)Wikipedia:Stub and geography
5°Ø 182 PetScan Q9758117
Artikler som bør flettes 176 PetScan Category:Articles to be merged (Q9880891)Project:Maintenance
58°N 173 PetScan Q9737363
CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste 168 PetScan Category:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (Q23786443)
Ekstern lenke på siden 165 PetScan Q23011914
Portal:Færøyene/artikler 165 PetScan Q26653056
Jusstubber 163 PetScan Category:Law stubs (Q8585414)Wikipedia:Stub, law and rights
Sportsstubber 155 PetScan Category:Sports stubs (Q7190177)sport and Wikipedia:Stub
Artikler uten offisielle lenker fra Wikidata 153 PetScan Q26653398
Opprydning-statistikk 150 PetScan Q23011930
Stubber 2015-09 142 PetScan Q26653241
Artikler i skøytesportprosjektet 140 PetScan Q26653192
Ufullstendige lister 135 PetScan Category:Incomplete lists (Q23011948)Wikimedia list article and mathematical incompleteness
Check if P31 is ok +P31:Q13406463 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Stubber 2016-01 134 PetScan Category:Stubs from January 2016 (Q26653302)Wikipedia:Stub
Utdanning i Norge 130 PetScan Category:Education in Norway (Q6580308)Norway and education
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Stubber 2017-01 130 PetScan Q28645845Wikipedia:Stub
6°Ø 128 PetScan Category:6th meridian east (Q9764992)
Utdanningsstubber 125 PetScan Category:Education stubs (Q8407627)Wikipedia:Stub and education
Artikler som trenger å wikifiseres 122 PetScan Category:Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify (Q6378334)Project:Maintenance
61°N 120 PetScan Q9710490
Religionsstubber 114 PetScan Category:Religion stubs (Q7110071)religion and Wikipedia:Stub
NM i bandy 112 PetScan Q23011921
Stubber 2017-04 112 PetScan Q32472085
59,9°N 112 PetScan Q9831121
69°N 111 PetScan Q9741993
Artikler uten filmlenker fra Wikidata 111 PetScan Q26653350
Radioprogrammer i NRK 109 PetScan Category:NRK radio programs (Q8685050)
Norske nettsteder 104 PetScan Category:Norwegian websites (Q8686424)
Stubber 2017-02 102 PetScan Q28645834Wikipedia:Stub
7°Ø 102 PetScan Q9786994
11°Ø 101 PetScan Q9703304
Sider med ikkerøde lenker som trenger vedlikehold 101 PetScan Q23011933
Snevre artikler 99 PetScan Category:Articles with limited geographic scope (Q5324203)Project:Maintenance
9°Ø 98 PetScan Q9751818
Historiestubber 98 PetScan Category:History stubs (Q7110058)history and Wikipedia:Stub
Stubber 2016-10 98 PetScan Q32469231
Stubber 2016-04 97 PetScan Category:Stubs from April 2016 (Q23898813)Wikipedia:Stub
Ringerikestubber 95 PetScan Q23011932
Stubber 2017-05 94 PetScan Q32472130
Artikler som mangler utsagn på Wikidata 93 PetScan Q26653156
Ord og uttrykk 92 PetScan Category:Words and phrases (Q5641890)
IW-check 90 PetScan Q10208333
NM i friidrett 89 PetScan Category:Norwegian Athletics Championships (Q23011922)
Artikler hvor bilde mangler på Wikidata 88 PetScan Category:Local image but no image on Wikidata (Q26653176)value not on Wikidata, Wikidata property usage tracking category and Project:Maintenance~ image (see also)
Stubber 2016-05 88 PetScan Category:Stubs from May 2016 (Q24196007)Wikipedia:Stub
63°N 87 PetScan Q9739516
Norsk politikk 86 PetScan Category:Politics of Norway (Q6943123)Norway and politics
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Norske tegneserier 85 PetScan Category:Norwegian comic strips (Q8685415)
62°N 84 PetScan Q9739145
8°Ø 84 PetScan Q9711013
Norske plateselskaper 83 PetScan Category:Norwegian record labels (Q7820643)
Historiske hendelser etter år 83 PetScan Category:Events by year (Q7214926)by year and occurrence
Norges forsvar 82 PetScan Category:Military of Norway (Q6955056)Norway and military
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Stubber 2017-03 80 PetScan Q32471679
Artikler uten artslenker fra Wikidata 80 PetScan Q23983957
Tidligere norske selskaper 80 PetScan Category:Defunct companies of Norway (Q6426923)Norway and defunct organization
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Arkiv oppbevart ved KUBEN 79 PetScan Q32471112
Norske nærradiostasjoner 79 PetScan Q23011927
Store stubber 78 PetScan Q23011938
Økonomistubber 76 PetScan Category:Economics and finance stubs (Q7110656)Wikipedia:Stub
10,7°Ø 75 PetScan Q9701369
Næringsliv i Oslo 73 PetScan Category:Companies based in Oslo (Q8902342)company and Oslo
Norske båttyper 73 PetScan Q9806484
Stubber 2016-08 71 PetScan Q26653444Wikipedia:Stub
Norges historie 70 PetScan Category:History of Norway (Q8048646)Norway and history
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Alle artikler som trenger flere referanser 70 PetScan Q9843124
Pedagogikk 69 PetScan Category:Pedagogy (Q9072698)
Norske musikkorps 69 PetScan Q10175825marching band and Norway
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Zoologistubber 68 PetScan Q14421315
Privatarkiv fra Aust-Agder 68 PetScan Q23011931
Mangler interwiki 67 PetScan Q9797717
Linuxdistribusjoner som bruker KDE 67 PetScan Q32465192
Norske festivaler 66 PetScan Category:Festivals in Norway (Q7572637)Norway and festival
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Artikler i Antarktis-prosjektet 66 PetScan Q9872409
Norske jazzgrupper 66 PetScan Category:Norwegian jazz ensembles (Q7715832)
Bokserien Verdens hellige skrifter 66 PetScan Q9935200
12°Ø 65 PetScan Q9698818
Stubber 2016-11 65 PetScan Q32469726
Stubber 2017-06 65 PetScan Q32472251
Stubber 2012-05 64 PetScan Q26653092Wikipedia:Stub
Barneskoler i Hordaland 63 PetScan Q9827285
Norske slagere 63 PetScan Q23011928
TV-produksjoner på NRK 63 PetScan Category:NRK original programming (Q13275463)television program and Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
Juridisk terminologi 62 PetScan Category:Legal terminology (Q7164784)
Stubber 2016-06 62 PetScan Q26653413Wikipedia:Stub
Båttyper 62 PetScan Category:Ship types (Q5827287)
Stubber 2016-02 61 PetScan Q26653320Wikipedia:Stub
Psykologi 60 PetScan Category:Psychology (Q1983760)
Utdanning 60 PetScan Category:Education (Q4103249)
Robåter 60 PetScan Category:Rowboats (Q9088636)
Tidligere Fedoraderivater 59 PetScan Q32468748
Norske ord og uttrykk 59 PetScan Category:Norwegian words and phrases (Q8686444)
Grunneiendom 59 PetScan Category:Real estate (Q6794727)
Artikler i astronomiprosjektet 59 PetScan Q9875198
Stubber 2016-12 59 PetScan Q32469968
Norske TV-serier fra 2010-årene 59 PetScan Category:2010s Norwegian television series (Q25042090)television series and 2010s
Landbrukshistorie 59 PetScan Category:History of agriculture (Q6484165)history and agriculture
Nedlagte norske tidsskrifter 58 PetScan Q23011920
Norske popgrupper 58 PetScan Category:Norwegian pop music groups (Q6544360)
Hørespill 57 PetScan Category:Radio drama (Q8618993)
Matstubber 57 PetScan Category:Food stubs (Q7477918)Wikipedia:Stub
Tidligere norske busselskaper 57 PetScan Category:Defunct bus companies of Norway (Q26653223)Norway and defunct organization
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Sjøfart 57 PetScan Category:Water transport (Q5664763)
Kulturminnesok 56 PetScan Q26653208
Artikler av tvilsom relevans 56 PetScan Category:All articles with topics of unclear notability (Q8235724)
Kultur i Oslo 56 PetScan Category:Culture in Oslo (Q7814080)Oslo and culture
Stubber 2016-09 56 PetScan Q32469028
Drikkestell 56 PetScan Category:Drinkware (Q7440281)
18°Ø 56 PetScan Q9702416
Stubber 2013-04 55 PetScan Q26653141Wikipedia:Stub
Landbruk 55 PetScan Category:Agriculture (Q5658978)
Danmarks historie 55 PetScan Category:History of Denmark (Q6953940)history and Denmark
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q35 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Tidligere norske statlige myndigheter 55 PetScan Category:Defunct government agencies of Norway (Q8466562)defunct organization
Kultur i Bergen 54 PetScan Category:Culture in Bergen (Q8433791)Bergen and culture
Kvinnenavn 54 PetScan Category:Feminine given names (Q4960829)given name, female and by language
Linuxdistribusjoner som bruker GNOME 54 PetScan Q32465184
Stubber 2017-10 54 PetScan NONE
Varemerker 54 PetScan Category:Trademarks (Q5896763)
Norske kor 53 PetScan Category:Norwegian choirs (Q8685377)choir and Norway
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q20 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Sider med kildemaler som inneholder datofeil 53 PetScan Category:CS1 errors: dates (Q15311170)
Fjell under 1000 meter 53 PetScan Category:Mountains under 1000 metres (Q7651216)mountain and by height
67°N 52 PetScan Q9741450
Norske debutalbum 52 PetScan Q14536291
Kultur i Stavanger 52 PetScan Category:Culture of Stavanger (Q11082665)