User talk:Tyk

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Hello. The reason why some data may appear several times is because different properties are used. That is not a reason to eliminate them. However, I have already deleted the repeated data on a property that was incorrect.

As for the description of an item, it should not be deleted because the data can be repeated in the information box. The description is displayed when an item is searched and used to find out if it is the one you are looking for. --Tximitx (talk) 10:33, 24 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

As I have indicated, the description is a summary of the content of the item. It should not be deleted since it is what is shown when looking for an item, and it is what helps to determine if it is the desired item. --Tximitx (talk) 10:48, 24 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
If some description seems long or wrong, you can modify it, but you should not delete it. Note also that the description serves to know what this item refers to, so it must be a clear description of the item. --Tximitx (talk) 11:00, 24 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Cesar Sanchez Perez (Q11916413)


Sorry for the delay in responding. In English accents are not used, and therefore in that language the names are transcribed by eliminating the accents.

With respect to the descriptions, the current policies of Wikidata establish that, as a rule, the initial capitals will not be used (nor in the descriptions) unless they are names of people or similar that always have an initial capital. --Tximitx (talk) 12:35, 24 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Translation request



Can you create en:List of wars involving Azerbaijan in Spanish Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Sarvathi (talk) 10:50, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you very much! Sarvathi (talk) 18:28, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Can you recreate en:List of wars involving Azerbaijan in Spanish Wikipedia? It was deleted in Spanish Wikipedia, because it was not sourced. Each article in the box needs a source, so the article is not deleted the next time it is created. The sources are listed in the articles: es:Guerra armenio-azerí, en:Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan (Invasión del Ejército Rojo de Azerbaiyán) which doesn't have an article in Spanish, en:1920 Ganja revolt which doesn't have an article in Spanish, es:Guerra del Alto Karabaj and es:Guerra de los Cuatro Días, which can be put in this recreated article.
Here is a source for es:Guerra armenio-azerí.
Here is a source for both en:Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan (Invasión del Ejército Rojo de Azerbaiyán) which doesn't have an article in Spanish and en:1920 Ganja revolt which doesn't have an article in Spanish.
Here is a source for both es:Guerra del Alto Karabaj and Guerra de los Cuatro Días.
Yours sincerely, Sarvathi (talk) 23:47, 8 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Can you recreate the article by adding the sources? When there are sources, the article won't be deleted again.
Sarvathi (talk) 22:42, 13 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. I'm sorry, I don't have the will to deal with the Spanish Wikipedia right now. They are obsessed with deleting things. They could have just put the references that were missing but instead they just deleted it with a complete lack of consideration towards the people that made that work. I hope you can find someone else. Regards, Tyk (talk) 16:43, 14 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. I totally understand your frustration. I also dislike it when administrators hastily and automatically delete worthy articles, just because they are missing sources. They even delete an article without giving even a minute, while adding sources or correcting them. That happened to me more than once. They can put a missing sources tag in the articles, without having to delete them at all. Yours sincerely, Sarvathi (talk) 16:42, 16 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Consulta sobre enlaces a eswiki


Hola: veo que sigues haciendo un excelente trabajo completando las fichas de patrimonio pero tengo una duda. Cuándo añades un enlace a eswiki, ¿es porque esas páginas no tenían asociada entrada en WD o estaban en otro elemento WD que descartas? Lo digo pq en el primer caso es perfecto, pero en el segundo lo más probable es que lo adecuado sea mezclar los dos elementos WD. Ya me cuentas :) Olea (talk) 06:13, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hola Olea. Casi siempre están en otra página que no suele contener casi ningún dato. No sé cómo se mezcla y pedir borrados es un proceso muy complicado. Un saludo, --Tyk (talk) 07:11, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Me lo imaginaba. Efectivamente el borrado es un coñazo y en este caso es innecesario pudiendo mezclar. En preferencias activa el accesorio «Merge». Entonces tendrás una solapa «Fusionarlo con...». Al fusionar ten un poco de cuidado: mezcla el que tenga peor descripción _hacia_ el mejor desactivando el «Always merge...» y yastá. Así mantenemos la trazabilidad de cada elemento. Es posible deshacer una mezcla mal hecha, aunque es un poco coñazo. Mira los pantallazos en
Anímate, que verás que es muy fácil y está a la altura de tu excelente labor :-) Olea (talk) 07:29, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, gracias. --Tyk (talk) 07:30, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Costa Granadina


Ya aparece categorizada como comarca de España, no es necesaria esa redundancia. Un saludo. Lopezsuarez (talk) 20:24, 29 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hola. Lo puso así otro usuario el 15 April 2021‎. Creo que en todo caso sería redundante Comarcas de España, porque normalmente las subcategorías van categorizadas por comunidad autónoma o por provincia. Un saludo, Tyk (talk) 20:31, 29 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Call for participation in a task-based online experiment


Dear Tyk,

I hope you are doing good,

I am Kholoud, a researcher at King's College London, and I work on a project as part of my PhD research, in which I have developed a personalised recommender system that suggests Wikidata items for the editors based on their past edits. I am collaborating on this project with Elena Simperl and Miaojing Shi.

I am inviting you to a task-based study that will ask you to provide your judgments about the relevance of the items suggested by our system based on your previous edits. Participation is completely voluntary, and your cooperation will enable us to evaluate the accuracy of the recommender system in suggesting relevant items to you. We will analyse the results anonymised, and they will be published to a research venue.

The study will start in late January 2022 or early February 2022, and it should take no more than 30 minutes.

If you agree to participate in this study, please either contact me at or use this form I will contact you with the link to start the study.

For more information about the study, please read this post: In case you have further questions or require more information, don't hesitate to contact me through my mentioned email.

Thank you for considering taking part in this research.


Kholoudsaa (talk) 22:44, 3 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Casa Prats



He visto este cambio pero ¿estás completamente seguro que el palacio León Orbaneja es el mismo inmueble que la casa Prats? Nada de lo que he encontrado parece confirmarlo. —Ismael Olea (talk) 10:06, 28 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hola Olea. Sí, lo he mirado en Google Streetview. Es la misma dirección: Calle Lora del Río 8. Lo que no sé es si el nombre que ha puesto el autor de la foto es correcto. Pero el edificio es el mismo. Tyk (talk) 10:17, 28 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Qué cosas. En fin, gracias :-) —Ismael Olea (talk) 10:26, 28 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Añadir referencias



Me ha encantado ver que has añadido el Baco de Chirivel, Sí que me gustaría que, ya que te has tomado el esfuerzo, consideraras añadir las referencias que has usado para mantener la calidad del trabajo. Hay algún accesorio que permite copiar las referencias entre afirmaciones y da la vida.

Ya aparte, acabo de preguntar a la Guía Digital para saber cómo es que el Baco no está incluido en la Guía. Me ha extrañado, pero es que tal vez no incluyan las piezas de las colecciones de museos de la Junta. A saber. —Ismael Olea (talk) 09:42, 14 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hola Olea. Veo que ya la has añadido. Saqué toda la información precisamente de esa página. Está muy bien. Tienen fichas para las "obras singulares" de todos los museos de gestión autonómica. Lamentablemente para los museos de gestión municipal casi no hay nada teniendo en cuenta que tenemos piezas muy buenas en muchas localidades. La verdad que no tengo idea si están en la guía. Cuando he buscado información sobre algun bien mueble casi nunca he encontrado nada. Incluso bienes de los museos de las iglesias faltan muchísimos.
No sabía donde poner la referencia pero ahora que he visto tu edición ya sé que tengo que poner "described at URL". No te pregunté por no darte la lata, pero ya que estás aquí, a ver si tú sabes como poner la fecha bien. En wikidata se ve como 2 CE pero en la ficha de commons sólo se ve un 2 y no se entiende. Tyk (talk) 20:23, 14 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
No, no. Que yo sepa described at URL (P973) no se usa en las referencias. Mira un ejemplo exhaustivo (para el caso del BOJA): —Ismael Olea (talk) 09:27, 15 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, te refieres a las referencias de cada campo, no? Esas más o menos sí entiendo como van. De todos modos voy a echarle un vistazo a ese ejemplo. Gracias. Tyk (talk) 18:22, 15 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]
La respuesta desde la Guía Digital:
«Con respecto a los muebles la casuistica de que estén o no en la Guía es compleja. En general, Los muebles que están en los museos de titularidad estatal no están en la Guía. Se registran en otro sistema de información que se llama DOMUS y en la WEB los puedes ver en CERES
Solo tenemos algunos porque se han intervenido en el IAPH como puede ser el caso del Hypnos de Almedinilla»
—Ismael Olea (talk) 09:29, 15 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Etiquetas de elementos


Hola, Tyk. En Wikidata "las etiquetas comienzan con minúscula excepto en aquellos casos en los que ortográficamente fuera necesaria la mayúscula dentro de un texto (vgr. nombres propios)" (esto en español, otros idiomas pueden tener otras particularidades en relación a cuándo están prescritas las mayúsculas). Lo digo por esto. Un saludo. strakhov (talk) 10:26, 22 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Ah ok. Gracias por la tip. Un saludo, Tyk (talk) 18:05, 22 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Automated report of empty item: Q106542430


Hello, an item that you have edited (and you are the only non-bot editor) is considered empty and will be deleted in 72 hours if it doesn't improve. Your automated cleaner, Dexbot (talk) 12:34, 22 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Añadir referencias a coordenadas



Como siempre te agradezco lo activo que eres en el mantenimiento de fichas. Pero te rogaría, por favor, que cuando añadas coordenadas incluyas las referencias con la fuente y la fecha de acceso, aunque sólo sea en plan «afirmado en Google Maps». De nuevo, gracias de corazón, siempre me alegra verte activo y constructivo. —Ismael Olea (talk) 09:55, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]