User talk:Pmepepnoute

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split releases


Hi there! Just wanted to thank you for the excellent work you've doing adding split releases. And great music too! Are you working from your personal collection? Moebeus (talk) 21:21, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

>Are you working from your personal collection?

Yeah, mostly. When I'm listening to music at the computer, I often find myself looking up pages. Sometimes I'll create entries for releases I don't have. I've been filling-out the release entries for my favorite artists. I hope that eventually we'll be able to automatically create discographies from Wikidata entries. Pmepepnoute (talk) 21:48, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Then we share the same goal, WD is still a mess when it comes to music, but eventually I hope it will become the ultimate go-to source. Lofty goals are free after all ;) It makes me happy to see the stuff you're adding, it's not music easily found elsewhere, great stuff 👍 Moebeus (talk) 14:49, 15 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

fonts, typefaces, typeface families, and superfamilies


I noticed that for typeface families that provide a monospace and a regular variant, you created a separate (meta) item for the family and a separate item for the monospace variant. Now it seems strange to me to single out the monospace variant while we have just one item for the regular and the italic variants together, with the latter standing hierarchically halfway between the monospace item and the family item. Would you suggest having separate items for italics as well? And would you suggest having a whole group of items with every typeface family? or, which ones not? Other databases usually have one item for the whole family and then occasionally separate (sub)items for mono or decorative variants, but never for the italic (let alone for different weights, spacing, ...). So far, we differentiate fonts, typefaces, typeface families and typeface/font superfamilies – nothing in between. Chewzy (talk) 10:09, 1 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Historically, italics were considered separate designs, and many typefaces didn't include them. Nowadays, italics (or obliques) are expected to be part of a usable typeface and are distributed along with the roman. Monospaced typefaces generally aren't just the proportional design adjusted to fit a single width, but a different design even when it's supposed to accompany a proportional typeface. Modern monospaced typefaces also often include matching italics. It also seems that for commercial typefaces, foundries distribute the companion mono separately, but never the italics. Typeface superfamilies are usually divided into a sans+italic and mono+italic (and maybe serif+italic).
As for why I create a page for the typeface (super)family and pages for the sans, mono and serif typefaces, but not italics? It's because that's how the categories are usually laid out on Wikimedia Commons. This allows for one-to-one links between Wikidata and Commons categories. Pmepepnoute (talk) 20:45, 1 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]