User talk:Mr. Ibrahem

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Mr. Ibrahem/Archive 1 on 2017-03-05.

Amire80 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Language statistics for items"
Кайл55 (talkcontribs)

Hi, your bot appears to have created many duplicate wikipedia pages in the Cebuano language. This means the duplicate wikidata items can't be merged. Could you please clean this up or advise how this can be done?

  • Q32115457 duplicate of Q4696418
  • Q736870 duplicate of Q32223625
  • Q32242155 duplicate of Q32242147
  • Q31709708 duplicate of Q31452239
  • Q31654750 duplicate of Q31468947
  • Q31708907 duplicate of Q31472486
  • Q31702529 duplicate of Q31470169
  • Q32287205 duplicate of Q31661036
  • Q31700673 duplicate of Q1252415
  • Q30509077 duplicate of Q31648641
  • Q31692474 duplicate of Q31702842
  • Q30508377 duplicate of Q31475471
  • Q30508450 duplicate of Q31481938
  • Q30507913 duplicate of Q31684027
  • Q31674322 duplicate of Q31677162
  • Q31658776 duplicate of Q31709995
  • Q6919996 duplicate of Q31704981
  • Q187197 duplicate of Q32277806
  • Q30509458 duplicate of Q31664934
  • Q1442219 duplicate of Q32234549
  • Q30508033 duplicate of Q31459613
  • Q31657648 duplicate of Q31458249
  • Q31664808 duplicate of Q31451510
  • Q31693066 duplicate of Q31700580
Кайл55 (talkcontribs)

 Resolved Hi, since I didn't hear back from you I have fixed this myself by removing the links to the Cebuano wikipedia from the duplicate wikidata item

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

Thank you fo do that

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

Hi. items automatically created from cebuano wikipedia have many quality issues as many of them were also created by a bot and there are many pages for geographic entities that are duplicates. Can I ask you to make your bot blacklist the entire cebuano wikipedia (cebwiki) so that no items are automatically created from it?

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)
Muralituy (talkcontribs)

I also had found and been correcting (merging) a lot of items created by this bot. (e.g. All of them were geographic entities, some of them were rivers wich were duplicated 2 or 3 times, adding different coordinates

But the problem is not only with this duplications, is that the item representing the same entity already existed in wikidata several years before.

The duplications make a PITA to add, e.g. tributaries of a river, when you have an entity duplicated.

Please do not run this bot again without solving this issues.

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

The bot are no longer creating this new items

Reply to "Many duplicate items"
Pallor (talkcontribs)

Dear Mr. Ibrahem, please improve the vocabulary of your stick: for the hu language code (Hungarian language), write this:

  • "női utónév" for the female first name (Q11879590)
  • "férfiutónév" for the male first name (Q12308941), and
  • "családnév" for the family name. (Q101352)

The community of Hungarian editors discussed the above several times and reached a consensus.

Thank you in advance, regards

Adam78 (talkcontribs)

Hello Mr. Ibrahem,

please do not use "unisex név" in Hungarian (last time here). I have manually corrected hundreds if not thousands of such forms. The appropriate term is uniszex név. Thank you in advance for updating your bot! Adam78 (vitalap) 09:15, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)


Reply to "hu names"

description duplicating the value of a property

Marc wik (talkcontribs)
Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)
Matthias M. (talkcontribs)

Same for video games. لعبة فيديو is not describing like "2019 video game remaster" you are just duplicating instance of (P31) video game (Q7889) which adds no value for people matching the entries.

Reply to "description duplicating the value of a property"
M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

I will look at it

Reply to "Help:Default values for labels and aliases / Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2024/07#New_"mul"_term_language_code_on_Wikidata"
Wostr (talkcontribs)
Wostr (talkcontribs)

Don't know how, but your bot must check whether an ID has been moved to other item or is present in other item .

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

I will do that. Thank you for letting me know.

Reply to "Q26981430"
Chado07 (talkcontribs)

Bonjour @Mr. Ibrahem. J'ai remarqué que vous avez ajouté : Bot: - Add descriptions:(73 langs) à l'élément Awal que j'ai créé. Je vous en remercie. Je voudrais vous demander de m'indiquer comment on ajoute : Bot: - Add descriptions:(73 langs).

Merci de bien vouloir me répondre.

Bien à vous.

Reply to "Renseignement"
Volvox (talkcontribs)

Hi! It seems that the link to the GitHub repository of User:Mr.Ibrahembot doesn't work:

However, it would be interesting to see the source code of the bot in order to better understand what it does, to learn from it or maybe even to suggest improvements. Thanks!

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)
Reply to "GitHub repository"

إشعار ترجمة: Template:Spam/textTemplate:Spam/text

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

مرحبا Mr. Ibrahem،

أنت تتلقى هذا البريد الإلكتروني لأنك اشتركت كمترجم إلى العربية في Wikidata.

الصفحة Template:Spam/text متاحة للترجمة; يمكنك ترجمتها هنا:

أولوية هذه الصفحة هي عالية.


If you're able, please translate this notification text that can be used when some users are spamming. It would be very important to translate the message into as many languages as possible to ensure that the above mentioned users understand the warning. Regards,


مساعدتك موضع تقدير كبير; يساعدك المترجمون مثلك Wikidata على العمل كمجتمع متعدد اللغات حقا.

يمكنك تغيير تفضيلات الإشعارات.

شكرا لك! إداريو ترجمة Wikidata, 05:11, 11 June 2024 (UTC)

Reply to "إشعار ترجمة: Template:Spam/textTemplate:Spam/text"
وهراني (talkcontribs)

السلام عليكم، أرجو أن تكون بخير.

بسبب خطأ في برمجة قالب ar:قالب:معلومات_خاصية_ويكي_بيانات/تتبع فإن

عبارة "تصنيف:صفحات تستخدم خاصية" في


اللغة الفرنسية في العنصر المقابل

لتصنيفات تتبع استعمال خاصيات ويكي بيانات.

وهذا مثال عن الخطأ : Q125989516

فهل يمكنك تصحيح ذلك هنا؟

شكرا . مع تحياتي

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله صديقي العزيز، لم أفهم ما هو الخطأ

Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)
Mr. Ibrahem (talkcontribs)

أزلت الكود الزائد واكتفيت بالوحدة التي قمت أنت بإنشائها

Mr.Wahrani (talkcontribs)

مرحبا. جمعة مباركة. لاحظ معي التسمية الفرنسية لـ


Reply to "طلب مساعدة"