Topic on User talk:MisterSynergy

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Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

For the last month I see 2880 edits by people who have been banned some time in the last year. These edits are interesting only if there is more than one edit, sooo... user aggregation. I could supply a patch for your excellent and possibly underappreciated tool if you wish. I never announce anything I'm working on. And you still refuse to blow you own trumpet I notice. You make good stuff and should be proud of it.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Yeah the tool…

I still consider it to be vastly unfinished. There are plans to make a much more responsive and interactive UI that uses Javascript to fetch data from an API, but that API by itself is still to be developed. And the tool is supposed to provide in-tool patrolling functionality at some point at as well. Nothing of that is overly complex, but it needs some effort — and as long as it is unfinished like it is now, there is little point to advertise the tool to users. But time is scarce, and I am still have a lot to do with all the bots I am maintaining.

Re. user aggregation: I have never looked into edits by formerly blocked users, so I'd be interested to look into this. No idea what the reasons for their blocks were, and so on, and whether their editing is okay now. If can are willing you can send a wikimail via Special:EmailUser/MisterSynergy with a couple of examples that I could have a look at. I think we do not need to bring anyone to public attention at this point.

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

Those users that returned to vandalize have already been dealt with. But since this will be recurring, having an overview will be useful.

The original script is located in the patrolling folder in my PAWS area.

I downloaded the sources for WDPD to my PAWS area. There was some exact version requirements for libraries and instances of hardcoded paths and directories that needed to be manually created, so it's not exactly made to be portable. I think I should be able to get the backend to complete without crashing so I can start working on having it query the block log and output a tabular data file for unpatrolled edits by previously blocked users.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Yeah it is surely not packaged ideally yet :-D

As you claim, it is probably not too difficult to query all (formerly) blocked users into a dataframe and merge it appropriately with the master dataframe of the backend script.

A potentially even more interesting idea would be to look at IPs and IP ranges that have been blocked formerly and show activity in the recent changes table.

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