Topic on User talk:Pasleim

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Powerek38 (talkcontribs)

Hi! I'd like to ask you about a few things related to Harvest Templates, which I've been happily using for years:

  1. After the move to Toolforge, I haven't been able to do perform sucessfully any HT runs with P131. Is it working correctly?
  2. Would it be possible to set the tool only to scan WD element from a certain range of Q numbers, for example starting with Q80000000 and scanning everything created later? It would save me a lot of time, as I could scan only the latest wiki articles.
  3. Can you see any chance at all for the tool to understand ISO codes of countries when scanning for P17 or P27, such as POL for Poland, GBR for Britain etc.?

Cheers. ~~~~

Pasleim (talkcontribs)

Hi Powerek38,

  1. To perform runs on strongly used propertes, e.g. P31, P17, P131, has always been a challenge. The migration has not changed this. To make it easier to perform such runs, you can deactivate the checkbox "do not load items with property set".
  2. The latest wiki articles are not necessarily connected to a high Q number on Wikidata. That's why the tool sorts the elements according to the last edit on Wikipedia. If you perform the same run twice, you can stop the second run as soon as you see an article which wasn't changed since the first run.
  3. That requires some major changes to the code. I will check what is possible.
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