Topic on User talk:Bodhisattwa

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Infovarius (talkcontribs)
Bodhisattwa (talkcontribs)
Infovarius (talkcontribs)

No. There are multi-continent countries where P17 doesn't imply continent.

Infovarius (talkcontribs)

And there can be even cities (or may be even smaller places) which belong to 2 continents simultaneuosly.

DaxServer (talkcontribs)

It is quite redundant to put the continent P30 at all levels of geographical entities. In cases of multi-continent countries or cities, it makes complete sense to tag P30, but in places where there is confirmed single-value continent, it makes no sense. In these cases, P30 can be retrieved going to higher levels. In this particular case of Delhi -> country (P17) India has continent P30.

Infovarius (talkcontribs)

what if in one time the city was in division A in one continent, and in other time the same city was in division B in the other continent? (My city is the example)