Topic on User talk:Harmonia Amanda

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User research, looking for volunteers

Merle von Wittich (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Hey Harmonia Amanda,

For a current research project we are looking for active community members in Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons who are interested in filling out a survey and participating in an interview. The aim of the research is to identify opportunities for participation and access for new volunteers in the Wikimedia projects. For this purpose we would like to learn from the experiences of the already active community members and find out success factors for participation in the projects. Participation includes filling out a preliminary survey, a self-study and an interview.

'''If you are interested in participating, simply fill out this survey.''' The participants in the interviews will be selected on the basis of the answers in order to be able to consider as many different perspectives as possible.

All selected interview partners will receive a book or photo voucher of 25 euros as a thank you.

Feel free to forward this call to other people you think might share interesting experiences about Commons.

If you have any questions you can of course contact me or check the project page :) On the [ Project Page] you can also find more information.

Regards --~~~~

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

@Merle von Wittich (WMDE): are you searching for Commonists, Wikidatians, or people active to both projects? (so I know who to transfer this message to).

Merle von Wittich (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

We are looking for Commonists, Wikidatatians and Wikipedians :) For Wikipedia we are mostly looking for german speaking people, because of the different project rules in the different Wikipedia language projects...

You were concated because of your Wikidata background :) - If you fill out the survey, you state in which projects you are active and can answer questions to all the projects you are active on. If you are selected for an interview, the interviewers will tell you in regards to which project they want to talk to you. It can also happen, that you cover more than one project in the interview.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the precision!