Topic on User talk:Liridon

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Dominic (talkcontribs)

Hi Liridon! I saw that you have run many QuickStatements batches of 20,000 or more commands. I was wondering if you have any tips for getting it to work with such large batches? Are you actually pasting commands into the browser interface, or is there another way? I have tried with just batches around 10,000, but it seems like most of the time the tool just fails, so I am curious what your method is. Thanks!

Liridon (talkcontribs)

Hello @Dominic,

No, nothing special, I use same form of QuickStatements to add my batches. After import, when you start "Run in background" make sure to wait until all batch is inserted.

Dominic (talkcontribs)

Okay, thanks. I think it turns out it was just the number of commands I was using, after all. Or, more specifically, even though I was only trying 10,000 "commands", they were all CREATE commands with about 10 statements each. So perhaps that's too many statements at once. I was able to succeed with more like 2500-3000 commands, similar to your total amount of statements, so I think that's what's going on.