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Mix'n'Match for the norwegian national archive actors

Pmt (talkcontribs)

Good afternoon! I have an excel file containing all archive-actors (creators) of the National archive of Norway with liks to their Archives. Can you have a look on that file and see if it is possible to make a Mix'n'Match for this?

Pmt (talkcontribs)

PS itss an Excel file and i can send it to you If you want to look at it.

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)
Pmt (talkcontribs)

Thank you, but where should the Excel file be stored then? Can i just take the Excel file or should it be changed to a CSV file and paste it into the fiel below the row;

Text needs to be UTF-8. You can either paste the tab-delmited text into the box (for shorter catalogs), or upload it as as tab-delimited file (max. 20MB).

what does UTF-8 means

Pmt (talkcontribs)

Maybe outside Mixn'Match but I have this error when using the Mix'n'Match importer. Do you have any suggestion?

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

Just point me to the Excel file then...

Pmt (talkcontribs)

After a holiday I would kindly like to ask where I can store the Excel file you are asking me to point at? Breg

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

Oh come on, there are a million places where you can upload an Excel file, and point me to the URL. Or make a Google Spreadsheet instead.

Pmt (talkcontribs)
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