Topic on User talk:ValterVB

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Hrodvarsson (talkcontribs)

The de-wiki and en-wiki articles are both surname articles, with identical content.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

They aren't the same: the page in is a real disambiguation page and you can find it in de:Spezial:Begriffsklärungsseiten, the page in, instead, is a page about the surname, it's fall under "set index articles" and you can't find it in en:Special:DisambiguationPages. In a disambiguation page it's important only the spelling, in a page about surname you can talk only about surname. See the special case of our guideline.

Hrodvarsson (talkcontribs)

De:Bindrich's content is as follows: "Bindrich ist der Familienname folgender Personen:" Emphasis on "Familienname".

It is an error on de-wiki. It should be under Kategorie:Familienname.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

We can wait that fix the problem, otherwise the BOTs continue to make mistakes.